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Mayor Bloomberg: Anthony Weiner's sexting is ''unimportant

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I think we all know when crayonz is posting.

Hmm. What does crayonz have to do with 3.5?


It's just that this number has an amazing ability to coincidentally pop up when you least expect it. Especially when means are involved.

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Hmm. What does crayonz have to do with 3.5?


It's just that this number has an amazing ability to coincidentally pop up when you least expect it. Especially when means are involved.


Just let it go. He'll never understand the statistical importance of 3.5.

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Personally, I don't much care about the exploits of Sanford or Weiner. The only troubling aspect of any of this to me is if Weiner actually was sending rooster shots to girls he doesn't know (I thought he knew them; maybe I'm wrong). As far as anyone cheating on his wife - if I don't know their relationship I'm not going to pass judgment. For all I know his wife froze up and he needed some hot action. You can't fault a man for that.

Edited by Rob's House
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Will Weiner Finally Go Away Now?


When allegations about his “sexting” first surfaced, Anthony Weiner’s reaction was to lie, deny, claim he’d been hacked, and orchestrate a character assassination campaign against Andrew Breitbart. It was not authentic contrition that caused him to fess up; he was backed into a corner by his own conduct and conflicting explanations. That is why he admitted guilt and resigned his seat in Congress.


With the help of a sympathetic media, he has attempted a political comeback that would have been impossible in a different time and place. His mayoral campaign got some traction (though lately he has sagged in the polls), but even in contemporary New York City, that can only be because most people believe the revelations of his conduct caused him to seek redemption, change his ways, etc. Now, as Greg Pollowitz notes at the Feed, it turns out he continued sexting long after his resignation from Congress (and no doubt well into his comeback plans), under at least one pseudonym, “Carlos Danger.”


Weiner appears to have tried to reduce the shock and revulsion this new revelation will cause by straining to portray it as old news – under the cover of having previously admitted that “these things that I did” caused “challenges” in his marriage “that extended past my resignation from Congress.” That formulation is ambiguous regarding whether what continued after the original scandal was the “things I did” or the “challenges” they caused. He is banking on that ambiguity, along with the fact that the screenshots of his newly revealed “chats” are not date-stamped.


As Sterling Beard observes here on the Corner, in confessing to the newly revealed sexting episode, Weiner was careful not to comment on the timing of it. Clearly, Weiner is hoping voters can be hoodwinked into believing the newly revealed sexting is just part of the original scandal they’ve already forgiven him for. Maybe his media friends will even help him maintain the illusion that there is nothing new worth noticing. And indeed, some news accounts reporting the newly revealed sexting take pains to say, “The chats are not dated” (as Business Insider puts it).


Reportedly, the 22-year-old woman who had the online sexting relationship with Weiner says she was involved with him from July to November 2012 – over a year after his June 2011 resignation.



I think that it is safe to say his "judgement", or lack of, should be questioned

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I consider this to be affirmative proof that I am right when I have been saying all along Spitzer's thing is more forgivable...despite all the obvious arguments that say otherwise.

Edited by SameOldBills
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Carlos Danger? This dude needs to crawl under the carpet for a few years.

But in a way I hope continues his mayoral run. The late night comedians wait years for such easy material. This crap writes itself.


We really need to get him and Ron Mexico together...

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The American political class knows no shame and the electorate refuses to actually shame them.


Weiner and Spitzer need to put their energy into something where trust isn't an operative word. I don't even really care what he's done. Go live his life and have a blast. But don't run for office.

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The American political class knows no shame and the electorate refuses to actually shame them.


Weiner and Spitzer need to put their energy into something where trust isn't an operative word. I don't even really care what he's done. Go live his life and have a blast. But don't run for office.

couldn't have said it better myself.

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The American political class knows no shame and the electorate refuses to actually shame them.


Weiner and Spitzer need to put their energy into something where trust isn't an operative word. I don't even really care what he's done. Go live his life and have a blast. But don't run for office.


Unfortunately, the two can't be separated. The narcissistic ego is the same driver of their need to be in a position of power as the need to act out the sexual fantasy. So, I don't blame them as much as the idiotic electorate who thinks these two guys are good men to hold an elected office to represent their best interests, instead of feeding the ego beast.

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Unfortunately, the two can't be separated. The narcissistic ego is the same driver of their need to be in a position of power as the need to act out the sexual fantasy. So, I don't blame them as much as the idiotic electorate who thinks these two guys are good men to hold an elected office to represent their best interests, instead of feeding the ego beast.


Right. These guys have a problem, and the problem is us.

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