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Has anyone seen this team worse off than right now?

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I agree.....but you can't really count Hasselbeck in that class as he never started for GB, backing up Favre for 2 years there before being traded.


Correction noted. I think the point stands that trading for or picking up a high-priced FA QB as "the Answer" tends to not work, more often than it does.

Brees...Schaub...Cutler maybe? ...Hasselbeck.... who else?

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I stay a fan but as to projecting ? I am a wait and see type of guy at this point. with a splash of optimism , of course

This is my take as well. On the last 4 coaches or so I've gotten on the bandwagon until there was reason to get off. This time I'm staying off the bandwagon until there is reason to get on.

Seattle had the same pattern (Hasselbeck,

Seahawks did go 13-3, had home field throughout, and went to the Super Bowl n 2005 with Hasselbeck. That's not chopped liver. I'd say it worked for them with Hasselbeck.

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Instead of strength just think velocity. How much do you think Arnold schwarzenager added to his fastball becoming Mr universe? Very little if anything (may have even lost something with the added weight, dimensions, and joint wear and tear). Also its not just velocity goes into NFL arm. Also need accuracy and ability to vary trajectory (which speaks to "touch"). Problem with fitz he lacks all 3. IMO eli manning has best combination in NFL.

Edited by Joe_the_6_pack
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Correction noted. I think the point stands that trading for or picking up a high-priced FA QB as "the Answer" tends to not work, more often than it does.

Brees...Schaub...Cutler maybe? ...Hasselbeck.... who else?


Oh, I definitely agree.

I personally see no point in trading for a QB that has virtually no chance to become an Elite QB.


Cutler is your more common trade when it comes to decent QBs......but that sort of situation has never resulted in the QB developing their abilities further and becoming Elite.


The only Elite QBs ever traded(or to hit FA) are.....

Old farts like Manning, Favre etc.

Brees......who's situation was quite unique and not likely to happen again any time soon.


And potentially Schaub.....who was backing up #1 picks(Elite or potential elite) on a team.

This is why I wouldn't count Hasselbeck in the same category as the other QBs. He too was backing up to an Elite QB.


The distinction I make is that any team who has an Elite QB(potential) on their roster always recognizes them......and never lets them leave. It is only teams that already have an Elite QB as their starter that would be willing to let their backup potential Elite QB leave.

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But its truth makes it impossible not to laugh.


I personally hope we have the #1 pick next year and use this one to just shore up several holes. Grab the top QB and then start the playoff runs.

Well, this coaching staff has no imperative to win now, so hey why not make this one long preseason, start about 5 QBs, dump the season. By the way, losing a lot of games and committing to "rebuilding" guarantees that Byrd does not sign and leaves at end of year. I was not a huge Gailey/Fitz fan, but rebuilding means you don't keep your better players as well, who have no interest in "rebuilding". Just saying.

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Relax people, it's March. We honestly have no idea what the roster will look like in September or how this team will perform under the new coaching staff. I know it's fun to speculate and that's what this forum is all about, but to try and predict results at this point just doesn't make sense. Be patient for at least a few months and then when the games start, we'll see what kind of team we have.

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This is nothing. Go back to 1993. Unwad the panties.



MIght just be my opinion, but I would rather make the playoffs, go to the Superbowl and lose (1993), over not having a QB, the longest non-playoff streak in the NFL, one NFL quality WR on the roster, more holes then Swiss Cheese, an a senile GM who gets catfished (2013).


Miami spent a ton of cash. Still I don't see a left tackle of a cornerback on the roster. Just saying

Every team in the NFL has holes, so Miami has two-how does that compare to the 10-14 holes the Bills have, of which they aren't working very hard to fill. In fact this off season they have filled one hole (with another team's backup) and created about a half dozen more.
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I have never in my history of being a fan (that goes back to the 80's) seen a more pitiful sorry rear end defense than what was put on the field last year. Now add on to that we don't have a quarterback or anyone for one to throw to so I quess time will tell if we have any miricle workers at OBD.

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I agree with the OP. I mean, it's mid-March, and we haven't solidified our 53-man roster yet. WHO DOES THAT?!?!?!


Opening day is six short months away. At this rate, the Bills should probably think about forfeiting the season altogether.


Forget ever seeing the Bills in worse shape ... I can't recall ever seeing any professional sports team in such disarray ... in ANY sport!!!


This is insane. It's ridiculous. I knew Doug Marrone was the wrong head coach. The !@#$ing bum hasn't even gotten his first win yet and as far as that Pettine clown, I haven't seen much of an improvement on the defense.


This sucks.. It just sucks.

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Miami spent a ton of cash. Still I don't see a left tackle of a cornerback on the roster. Just saying


I think the Dolphins moves bring some large question marks...Especially when you consider the players they lost, or cut...There is the potential for limited returns based on the money they spent and who they signed...I guess we'll see soon enough... B-)

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I definitely agree with this Bro...It may take a year to really show up on the field...But at least The Bills seem to be showing they are no longer going to reward complete mediocrity...It seems like the freshest of the recent fresh starts at least... :lol:

Didn't they just re sign a completely former #1 pick medicore DB? And buddy had already commented during negotiations that he was going to start. Does anyone believe the light will go on for him this year? I don't.
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Didn't they just re sign a completely former #1 pick medicore DB? And buddy had already commented during negotiations that he was going to start. Does anyone believe the light will go on for him this year? I don't.

Buddy didn't say that. He said "we consider him to be a starter.". That means he is capable of being a starter and they will give him the chance to be the starter but it is no guarantee at all. Not to mention that pretty much all teams consider three CBs to be "starters".

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Buddy didn't say that. He said "we consider him to be a starter.". That means he is capable of being a starter and they will give him the chance to be the starter but it is no guarantee at all. Not to mention that pretty much all teams consider three CBs to be "starters".

Well you're probably right. I guess i was just recalling the hysteria here and I remembered it differently.

The fact is though he is benched constantly, and mediocre. Like a bobble head on ESPN said. "They just paid a lot of money for a punt returner." Would we all like the guy to succeed? Absolutely, but he's played football his whole life, yet some believe no one ever told him to turn his head.

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This team is historically BAD.... but the last time it was this bad.... it evolved into one of the great teams all time. 1-15 or 0-16 is the only way to fix this team....


All thing being equal; small market, cold weather teams like Buffalo and Green Bay must grow through the draft... Other cities have weather and tax income advantages to attract FA.


By the way, most of the time, FA's are fools gold (see TO) or someone elses leftovers (see Nick Barnet).

Edited by Iraq Vet
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Sure it's been plenty worse. They have been in much worse shape at least 4 or 5 times. That may be why it seems so painful. The league is clearly set up to give the most rebuilding support to the worst of the worst, but if your just the average crappy team it's much harder to find a way to get the true superstars needed to turn the franchise around.

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what scares me the most is WR depth.... Johnson goes down for more than a week and the season is over..... and dont give me the line that I am not accounting for the draft!! :censored: I am it takes 2-3 years for most WR's to fully develop (there are exceptions). At best, we will see a better TJ but not ready to be a true #2.

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Just before Kelly we had Bruce Mathison as our QB and he looked pretty good by comparision. Our star running back was Curtis Brown. The Dan Darrah era wasn't so hot either. Although this team might challenge them if the new coach isn't good enough.

Edited by dogman
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It is interesting that KC seems to have this repeating pattern of trying to win the QB lottery by picking up other team's discarded one-time starters -

Montana past his prime was the best, Cassel, now Smith.

You forgot Steve DeBerg, Steve Bono, & Elvis Grbac.

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