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oh please Chef. this was discussed. Since I'm such an idiot.....


Please direct this query to the 2 other posters that said the same thing.

Why is center mass the preferred target?

but to comply ..... the answer you will get is .... that is what was taught to me when I first got a guns back in the mid 70's.


and no, not from anyone who drank or smoked dope. Manager at work, and my cousin, a gun dealer, that sold me one of my handguns. oh and even the scout leader (law officer) I had when I took my gun safety course.

Edited by BillsFan-4-Ever
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oh please Chef. this was discussed. Since I'm such an idiot.....


Please direct this query to the 2 other posters that said the same thing.


but to comply ..... the answer you will get is .... that is what was taught to me when I first got a guns back in the mid 70's.


and no, not from anyone who drank or smoked dope. Manager at work, and my cousin, a gun dealer, that sold me one of my handguns. oh and even the scout leader (law officer) I had when I took my gun safety course.


So you don't know why you aim center mass. You just do it because that's what you were taught. Well you were taught correctly. However if you're aiming center mass because that's where the heart is you'd be wrong.

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Chef, don't be ignorant. I have said why. continuing this is useless.. but then maybe that's what you want?


I'll shoot the criminal dead square in the chest aiming for the heart and lungs. You can try for the arm or leg or head.


We'll see who stands a better chance of survival.

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Chef, don't be ignorant. I have said why. continuing this is useless.. but then maybe that's what you want?


I'll shoot the criminal dead square in the chest aiming for the heart and lungs. You can try for the arm or leg or head.


We'll see who stands a better chance of survival.


So you aim center mass because that's where the heart and lungs are and you're shooting to kill? No you aim center mass because it gives you the best chance of actually hitting, and STOPPING, the target.

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So you aim center mass because that's where the heart and lungs are and you're shooting to kill? No you aim center mass because it gives you the best chance of actually hitting, and STOPPING, the target.

WTF is wrong with you? Why do you want to argue when we both agree on where to aim?

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Yes it is. That gun is good for a lot of things.


I bought my first 870 just a couple years ago, wish I had done so a long time ago.


Fill that sucker with buckshot and you could really cause some harm.

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lol nah as I understand it here in Cali it has to be in a safe or something like this.


We keep our handgun in a safe when we're not home but it's out when we're there. I just hope no one follows us in because I know I'll never get the safe open in time.

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OMG !!!!! did you really post that in all seriousness? yet you expect EVERY Joe or Josephine Blow to be better trained than Police officers?


WOW whatever you guys are smoking / snorting. PLEASE share it with me!!!

Yes, I posted it in all seriousness because it's reality. There is a vast difference between being "qualified by a police department to legally carry a gun so the department won't be held legally responsible for your actions" and being trained to deal with real world shooting scenarios when an assailant or multiple assailants are also armed. There are so many published studies on the subject that even a !@#$ing ignoramus like you could find one via Google. Not that you'll do the work.

There was a FBI study released in the mid-2000s or so that showed the average police assailant trained on their weapon TEN TIMES more often than officers did.


The best thing about you continuing to post here is how little you've evolved over time. You're still the same blindly retarded dolt you were when you first started coming around. Bravo on that record, mouth breather.

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Because you are right but for the wrong reason whereas Jim is just right

oh please. you will shoot a person in self defense and hope they don't die. Like I said might as well use a knife.


You use the tools you have and you use them as designed. If your life is threatened you should shoot for one reason and one reason alone. ANY other thought and you will most likely be the victim.

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oh please. you will shoot a person in self defense and hope they don't die. Like I said might as well use a knife.


You use the tools you have and you use them as designed. If your life is threatened you should shoot for one reason and one reason alone. ANY other thought and you will most likely be the victim.


Who said anything about hoping they don't die? You shoot in self defense to stop the threat first and foremost. You aim for the heart I aim center mass and stop the threat. If one of the 10 shots I unload on the threat happens to kill them so be it.

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Who said anything about hoping they don't die? You shoot in self defense to stop the threat first and foremost. You aim for the heart I aim center mass and stop the threat. If one of the 10 shots I unload on the threat happens to kill them so be it.

obviously you and your buddies.


what was it that was said.. I'm wrong for one shot one kill. shoot to kill versus shoot to knock down. If we both aim at the same area we are both expecting the same results. So please enough of the silly games.


If it comes down to it then its kill or be killed. thanks for playing. nothing more needs to be said.


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Killing the attacker is totally irrelevant to the situation. You are stopping a threat, whether that means killing or injuring or scaring away. If I ever need to shoot at an attacker I don't care at all if he dies or not. My life was in danger and I did what I needed to do to survive. Aiming at center mass is the most effective way to stop a threat. Your preoccupation with the shoot to kill/not kill stuff would be music to a lawyer's ears and you would most likely end up as a defendant at trial after a self defense shooting. If you want to further understand what we are talking about, I highly recommend reading some of the Massad Ayoob books. In The Gravest Extreme should be required reading for anyone that owns a gun and thinks there could be any possibility of using it against an attacker at some point. Lawyers and prosecutors will eat you alive if you don't know what to say and how to act after a shooting.



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