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Aaron Rodgers = Best QB in NFL?


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Was just looking at the year end stats and I'm just amazed how great Rodgers was this year. You hear more about Manning, Brady and Brees it seems like but I think its pretty clear cut that Rodgers is the best QB right now. Not sure if this has ever happened before but Rodgers led the league in QB rating (108.0) and also led the league in sacks (51!). This means that behind one of the worst pass blocking lines, Rodgers still managed to be the league's most efficient QB. He had a better completion % than Brees and Brady, threw fewer INTs than Brees and Manning and threw for more TDs than Brady and Manning despite having fewer attempts. Looking at where he was drafted gives me hope about the Bills possibly getting a legit QB in this years draft. Obviously its ridiculous to think they'll get someone as good as Rodgers but hey 23 teams passed him up so even though scouts are saying this is a very weak QB class, ya never know.

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Well if you want to argue credentials than right now you still have to say Peyton and Brady are 1/2. However if you where to start a draft of every NFL player and redo teams. Aaron Rodgers would probably go 1st on most teams draft boards.

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If I'm building a team right now (to win now or the future) I take Rodgers over Manning, Brees, Brady, RG3, Luck, etc. IMO Rodgers would succeed in any offensive system and you wouldn't have to build a system around his strengths. Tough, great arm, smart, and true leader...I think the most complete QB in the league (with Brees being second). Manning and Brady may have better numbers (as of now) but are pure pocket passers and, personally, I would want a more mobile QB.

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I think a very strong case could be made that Rodgers is the best QB in the NFL. Back when he led the Packers to a Super Bowl victory, I recall him having made one bad throw all game. One. To the best of my recollection, everything else he did was perfect. No one has the right to play at such an insanely high level.


Not only that, but he's better at mitigating an offensive line's problems than just about any other elite QB I know. He gets rid of the ball in a hurry, moves around well, buys himself more time. It would be much harder for a defense to use a good pass rush to neutralize him than it would be for them to neutralize Manning, or even Brady. (Assuming that all three QBs played behind equally good offensive lines.)

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Peyton #1. Rodgers,Brady,Brees overall not much difference there.they are sliightly behind.

Luck is knocking on the door.Loudly. he is right there and should take over the reigns in 1-2 yrs.

Edited by Tcali
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