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Impossibly Hard Bills Trivia (Can you score a perfect 21 points?)

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I'm pretty sure that Bucky Brooks was drafted as a speed wr then later converted to db since he couldn't catch.


Bill Brooks' two 3rd down drops in XXVIII scuttled two Buffalo drives in Dallas territory. I can never forgive him for that. I do give him props for those huge twisted fingers.


Yeah, you are right...Buckey went from WR to DB...he wasn't particularly good at either...


One of the reasons I always liked Brooks, he kind of got screwed around by the Bills, but always came to play. He was a huge, underrated, reason they even made it to the Super Bowl that last time. As I recall, the Bills cut him to avoid paying him a bonus...and then re-signed him either right before the season started, or in the first few weeks, when there was an injury...he played for the vet minimum...and I just remember he came up with some really key catches throughout that season...he wasn't the fastest, but was reliable as hell...except maybe SB 28!

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That was Super Hard.


1.) I knew it was that other RB dude but I couldn't remember his name - I am awarding myself a 1/2 point -

4.) Steve Tasker - I knew he received a Pro Bowl MVP so I figured it was him since this was so hard and that is kind of unexpected

7.) 77 seconds - I was at that game - It was Pandemonium !

11.) Mark Clayton - Knew it had to be division and the Pats and Jests sucked so hard I went with a Mark Brother because I figured Duper was done by then.

13.) Dean Cain - That was easy

14.) I guessed Don Beebe. I knew it was a special teamer But I thought it was going to be Dallas and another team. Lodish was in one of my posters as a teenager I would have never guessed that though.


So 6 legit.


6.5 if you count my Don Smith Rational.

That was super hard.


I was struggling for 8.


That is crazy hard.

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Considering the double error on #15 (It should be Super Bowl XXVIII and Bill Brooks) I think it only fair that everyone get that question right - so add +1 to your score. :)


Bah, I didn't even know enough to know it was an error, so I'll keep my 5.

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