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Tavaris Jackson deal completed


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1] I don't understand for the life of me how anyone could say the Wildcat was not effective last year. It was. Inarguably. Even if we didn't use it a ton. I can go back and provide the stats if you want to look at them, and regardless of the third and short argument that has raged here. Smith averaged 4.4 per carry, which is phenomenal considering pretty much every carry is in a short yardage play. he averages 7.2 per carry for his career, when everyone knows he is going to run (even if we are going to try to change that).


2] It's a bull **** stat that the Jets got better when he left. He averaged 29 yards a return and the year before that 31 yards. As a team they averaged 26 yards a return, which is skewed by a couple onsides they recovered which got few yards (and there were a couple fumbles where returners screwed up). McKnight is very good too.


3] It's ridiculous to say "If were really paying a guy $4m a year because he's good on coverage teams, this team and FO is more clueless than I thought." because that is not at all what he does or what they signed him for. He plays 6 positions for them (#1 Wildcat QB, #3 Emergency QB, KR, KO, P, WR and maybe even RB). They think he is effective at all 6. Last year I thought he was a lousy KR and very mediocre WR, but am surely not giving up on him as a KR and the lousy WR is like complaining David Nelson was a lousy outside WR, he was, but he's not supposed to be playing there. Smith is not supposed to be playing full time WR. CJ wasn't good either, that doesnt mean he isnt dynamite out of the backfield on the cameo roles he is supposed to be used on.


It's not like I think he is the team's most valuable player, but he is a very good player, and well worth the money.

I had a nice reply to your message a while ago but it was deleted. By who, or for what reason, I have no idea. I'm not going to get into it much more than this:


I commended you on making sense of your argument and respect your opinion as well as your classy way of trying to prove your point. Unlike some others here.


I personally don't think the wildcat is effective but even if it is, base off the stats you provided, who is to say that Freddy, CJ, or anybody else for that matter couldn't produce similar or better numbers? Are we tobbelieve that Brad Smith is a better RB than FJ or CJ? Probably not so what's the point of having him run it vs any of our RBs. If your argument is that he can pass the ball, my argument is that nobody believes he is going to pass it. He did once last year out of the WC and it was extremely ugly. I could make an argument that FJ is a better passer than BS is a RB. I'm not going to get into it anymore on this topic. It's my final argument. I feel I've said all I need to say. If you disagree, I respect that and will no longer try and change your mind, please do me the favor and do the same.


I do not think the numbers are skewed that bad about the Jets returns. Besides, were not the Jets. Were the Bills. And last year the returns for BS were absolutely horrible, yet when Rogers (A rookie) was given a shot, he didn't hesitate like BS, nobody asked him to kneel it into the endzone, and if there was concern for a returner with the new rules, you would think that Rogers would have been the one hadcuffed, not BS, the veteran at the position. The facts are that BS was bad last year on returns and a rookie came in and did better. It's not up for debate. It's a fact. Until BS proves that he's a better returner on THIS TEAM!!! It won't be an argument.


I do think BS is overpaid. He is making more money a year than we are paying for our 2nd best WR, QB, any KR specialist, or cover guy. He is not listed as a top 5 at any one of those positions with the exception of the kicking teams which is overpaid for that position. He is decent, and I stress decent at all of those positions with the exception of being good at the kick teams and that seems like a lot of money for someone that isn't a top rated 5 for anything. At the elf of the day, it's not my money and I don't care if they pay him or not. I'm not concerned that we won't be able to sign Levitre or Byrd....YET!!! But if the case comes up that we can't keep under the cap by a few million dollars and BS is still on this roster, then we have some serious issues.


At the end of the day, I personally don't think he's worth his money. I personally don't think the WC is a worthy offense. If I am wrong about all this, then we better be really worried about Rex and the Jets because Tebow is much better than Brad Smith could ever think to be at just about every WC aspect, passing, rushing, being a threat to do either, probabaly playing TE better than BS does WR. And i personally don't think what TT and the Broncos did last year against us was scary.


These are my opinions. None of them can be proven wrong at this point. Time will tell. I agree that I may be wrong and truly hope I am. When that time comes, and BS tears the NFL apart and we all bow to his performances I will get in my knees and kiss the ground he walks on, until then, I will be extremely pessemistic of his worth. Agree with me or don't, that's your choice and anyone elses here. Some people still think Frank Reich should have started over Jim Kelly, not all of us can be winners, either I'm right or I'll be proved wrong. The time will come sooner or later when we all find out.


Have a great night.

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Just as a f/u to the John Murphy interview, Tavaris disclosed that one of his college coaches was currrent Bills QB coach David Lee.

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We were down 14-7 when the starters went out of the game against the steelers.......the steelers are in the playoffs every year and multiple recent super bowls.


This team is competitive once again...Nix is doing his job.

What I wrote about Fitz isn't just something I started saying this past week. Fitz does not have the same level of throwing accuracy you'd expect a franchise QB to have. Or anywhere close. This means that the Bills will be at a disadvantage when facing a team with a franchise QB.


Sure, if that team is one-dimensional--if they have a franchise QB and not much else--then the team Nix has built has a very solid chance of winning that game. But if the team has a franchise QB + a reasonably complete team around him--such as the Giants--then odds are heavily in favor of that other team winning. Especially in the postseason, when better teams seem less likely to suffer fluke losses to inferior teams.

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I thinkj that you do not seem to calculate that the true value of the Wildcat to the Bills and the great value that Brad Smith in particular provides for the Bills.


My GUESS is that one of the primary things Gailey must love about the Wildcat is that it forces the opponent to spend time in practice the week before installing and practicing to deal with the Wildcat. For Gailey the calculation is that if the opponent spends some chunk of time having their DC prepare tp defend against the Wildcat (I suspect this involves a decision by the DC whether their base D works well against it, and if it does not deciding whether to nickel against it just in case ex-QB decides to throw).


I think that the impressive thing about the Wildcat last year was that in 100% of limited # of cases it produced a 1st down running last year. I have not gone back and looked at the film, but my guess is that the opponent used a nickel against the Wildcat each time to minimize the risk that BS might hit a long pass and against the extra DB and the D falling back into pass protection mode it was a simple read and run for a 1st for BS.


It makes little sense for you to have a problem with this or to conclude this is cased closed evidence that Smith sucks.


This year Gailey has publicly committed to BS as the #3 (a point which those who want to predict that Smith will be cut seems to simply assume that Gailey is quite content to lie to the Bills customers ane the media about- maybe he is but if so he should also expect to never be trusted again if his continual claims of BS being the #3 and his use of him all pre-season and his position on the publicly avaialble depth chart was all a lie and not be trusted in the future) and seems set to use BS's past collegiate abilities as a QB in more passing out of the Wildcat.


Even if opposing DCs judge the Bills always run out of the Wildcat, I am curious as BS always ran last year because opponents always nickeled up and it was always an easy read and run for BS to a first down on 3rd and moderate distance.


At any rate he big advantage to the Bills for keeping the Wildcat capability (and in particular to commit to BS running it with his 100% success rate running it last year for 1st downs on 3rd and moderate distances and his "potential" but as yet unrealized passing threat his mere presence takes away time and reps for the opponent prepping for the Wildcat.


Smith's mere usage in the Wildcat not only produces the actual l good game results which others have described in detail (and fortunately you at lest acknowledge) the other impossible to quantify advantage is that it forces other teams to do less preparation for our base offense.


I love the fact that we run the Wildcat because it likely makes our base offense operate better (to the extent that opponents take time away from prepping for it as they use more time to prep for the Wildcat) but Smith himself is likely one of the prime reasos we can spend a roster spot on a kickoff specialist as BS provides plan Bs at WR, back-up KR, disaster QB, and all around depth on ST.


Smith flat out strikes me as a worthwhile keeper!




I had a nice reply to your message a while ago but it was deleted. By who, or for what reason, I have no idea. I'm not going to get into it much more than this:


I commended you on making sense of your argument and respect your opinion as well as your classy way of trying to prove your point. Unlike some others here.


I personally don't think the wildcat is effective but even if it is, base off the stats you provided, who is to say that Freddy, CJ, or anybody else for that matter couldn't produce similar or better numbers? Are we tobbelieve that Brad Smith is a better RB than FJ or CJ? Probably not so what's the point of having him run it vs any of our RBs. If your argument is that he can pass the ball, my argument is that nobody believes he is going to pass it. He did once last year out of the WC and it was extremely ugly. I could make an argument that FJ is a better passer than BS is a RB. I'm not going to get into it anymore on this topic. It's my final argument. I feel I've said all I need to say. If you disagree, I respect that and will no longer try and change your mind, please do me the favor and do the same.


I do not think the numbers are skewed that bad about the Jets returns. Besides, were not the Jets. Were the Bills. And last year the returns for BS were absolutely horrible, yet when Rogers (A rookie) was given a shot, he didn't hesitate like BS, nobody asked him to kneel it into the endzone, and if there was concern for a returner with the new rules, you would think that Rogers would have been the one hadcuffed, not BS, the veteran at the position. The facts are that BS was bad last year on returns and a rookie came in and did better. It's not up for debate. It's a fact. Until BS proves that he's a better returner on THIS TEAM!!! It won't be an argument.


I do think BS is overpaid. He is making more money a year than we are paying for our 2nd best WR, QB, any KR specialist, or cover guy. He is not listed as a top 5 at any one of those positions with the exception of the kicking teams which is overpaid for that position. He is decent, and I stress decent at all of those positions with the exception of being good at the kick teams and that seems like a lot of money for someone that isn't a top rated 5 for anything. At the elf of the day, it's not my money and I don't care if they pay him or not. I'm not concerned that we won't be able to sign Levitre or Byrd....YET!!! But if the case comes up that we can't keep under the cap by a few million dollars and BS is still on this roster, then we have some serious issues.


At the end of the day, I personally don't think he's worth his money. I personally don't think the WC is a worthy offense. If I am wrong about all this, then we better be really worried about Rex and the Jets because Tebow is much better than Brad Smith could ever think to be at just about every WC aspect, passing, rushing, being a threat to do either, probabaly playing TE better than BS does WR. And i personally don't think what TT and the Broncos did last year against us was scary.


These are my opinions. None of them can be proven wrong at this point. Time will tell. I agree that I may be wrong and truly hope I am. When that time comes, and BS tears the NFL apart and we all bow to his performances I will get in my knees and kiss the ground he walks on, until then, I will be extremely pessemistic of his worth. Agree with me or don't, that's your choice and anyone elses here. Some people still think Frank Reich should have started over Jim Kelly, not all of us can be winners, either I'm right or I'll be proved wrong. The time will come sooner or later when we all find out.


Have a great night.

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IMHO TJ is an upgrade over Vince but also not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet. The Bills play the NFC West this year. Yes, TJ only played 1 season there but he knows the teams and has played them previously. Is it conceivable that Nix thought, not only is he an upgrade but he has some insight into 4 teams we will be playing this year. Having already prepaired for three of the teams twice last year and has intimate knowledge of the seahawks.

Edited by Hammertown
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I thinkj that you do not seem to calculate that the true value of the Wildcat to the Bills and the great value that Brad Smith in particular provides for the Bills.


My GUESS is that one of the primary things Gailey must love about the Wildcat is that it forces the opponent to spend time in practice the week before installing and practicing to deal with the Wildcat. For Gailey the calculation is that if the opponent spends some chunk of time having their DC prepare tp defend against the Wildcat (I suspect this involves a decision by the DC whether their base D works well against it, and if it does not deciding whether to nickel against it just in case ex-QB decides to throw).


I think that the impressive thing about the Wildcat last year was that in 100% of limited # of cases it produced a 1st down running last year. I have not gone back and looked at the film, but my guess is that the opponent used a nickel against the Wildcat each time to minimize the risk that BS might hit a long pass and against the extra DB and the D falling back into pass protection mode it was a simple read and run for a 1st for BS.


It makes little sense for you to have a problem with this or to conclude this is cased closed evidence that Smith sucks.


This year Gailey has publicly committed to BS as the #3 (a point which those who want to predict that Smith will be cut seems to simply assume that Gailey is quite content to lie to the Bills customers ane the media about- maybe he is but if so he should also expect to never be trusted again if his continual claims of BS being the #3 and his use of him all pre-season and his position on the publicly avaialble depth chart was all a lie and not be trusted in the future) and seems set to use BS's past collegiate abilities as a QB in more passing out of the Wildcat.


Even if opposing DCs judge the Bills always run out of the Wildcat, I am curious as BS always ran last year because opponents always nickeled up and it was always an easy read and run for BS to a first down on 3rd and moderate distance.


At any rate he big advantage to the Bills for keeping the Wildcat capability (and in particular to commit to BS running it with his 100% success rate running it last year for 1st downs on 3rd and moderate distances and his "potential" but as yet unrealized passing threat his mere presence takes away time and reps for the opponent prepping for the Wildcat.


Smith's mere usage in the Wildcat not only produces the actual l good game results which others have described in detail (and fortunately you at lest acknowledge) the other impossible to quantify advantage is that it forces other teams to do less preparation for our base offense.


I love the fact that we run the Wildcat because it likely makes our base offense operate better (to the extent that opponents take time away from prepping for it as they use more time to prep for the Wildcat) but Smith himself is likely one of the prime reasos we can spend a roster spot on a kickoff specialist as BS provides plan Bs at WR, back-up KR, disaster QB, and all around depth on ST.


Smith flat out strikes me as a worthwhile keeper!

I never said my OPINIONS were solid and unable to provide any factual evidence that either BS sucks or the wildcat itself sucks. It's my opinion. Sometime in the near (within a few years) we will all find out who is right anyway.


However, your main argument is that opposing teams MUST gameplan for the WC and that may not be the case. At this point, all teams are aware that the formation exists. It hasn't fooled anyone in years. Chances are (and this is also just my opinion) that every team already has a base defense for defending the WC in thier arsenal and all teams probably spend a few downs every practice against it. One thing you mist also realize is that of it takes the opposing team some time to work on defending it, it also wastes our time on offense with real formations using it. And to be perfectly honest, the way our offense has produced in the last....10 years or so, we could use all the time we can get out of actual offensive plays that we will run on a regular basis. Not some gimmick play for a 4 yard gain.

I've also stated that even if the wildcat is productive, that we could probably produce the same results with one of our RBs out of the formation which makes BS and his extra roster spot and $4m a year wasted.


I just don't think it fools anyone. We as Bills fans laugh histarically when we hear Rex Ryan talk about the Jets WC and trick formations and Tim Tebow could wipe the floor with Brad Smith anyday of the week. So why does anyone think that our Brad Smith run WC and trick plays is anything to worry about?

I also don't believe in Brad Smith at all for any position. As I've said before, I've looked up his stats and last year he had his 2nd best year statistically at running the ball and recieving and he was almost non existant. If some other RB, or WR were to produce as little as he did last year we would want to throw them out a window.


I just don't agree with your opinions. That's fine. To each his own. Like I said before, I can't change your mind and you can't change mine. In the end, somebody will be right and somebody will be wrong. Time will sort it all out.

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I never said my OPINIONS were solid and unable to provide any factual evidence that either BS sucks or the wildcat itself sucks. It's my opinion. Sometime in the near (within a few years) we will all find out who is right anyway.


However, your main argument is that opposing teams MUST gameplan for the WC and that may not be the case. At this point, all teams are aware that the formation exists. It hasn't fooled anyone in years. Chances are (and this is also just my opinion) that every team already has a base defense for defending the WC in thier arsenal and all teams probably spend a few downs every practice against it. One thing you mist also realize is that of it takes the opposing team some time to work on defending it, it also wastes our time on offense with real formations using it. And to be perfectly honest, the way our offense has produced in the last....10 years or so, we could use all the time we can get out of actual offensive plays that we will run on a regular basis. Not some gimmick play for a 4 yard gain.

I've also stated that even if the wildcat is productive, that we could probably produce the same results with one of our RBs out of the formation which makes BS and his extra roster spot and $4m a year wasted.


I just don't think it fools anyone. We as Bills fans laugh histarically when we hear Rex Ryan talk about the Jets WC and trick formations and Tim Tebow could wipe the floor with Brad Smith anyday of the week. So why does anyone think that our Brad Smith run WC and trick plays is anything to worry about?

I also don't believe in Brad Smith at all for any position. As I've said before, I've looked up his stats and last year he had his 2nd best year statistically at running the ball and recieving and he was almost non existant. If some other RB, or WR were to produce as little as he did last year we would want to throw them out a window.


I just don't agree with your opinions. That's fine. To each his own. Like I said before, I can't change your mind and you can't change mine. In the end, somebody will be right and somebody will be wrong. Time will sort it all out.


The problem arises when your opinions aren't matched by fact.


In the first 7 games, Buffalo was 5-2. In those games, Brad Smith ran the Wildcat 15 times.

In the last 9 games, Buffalo was 1-8. In those games, Brad Smith ran the Wildcat 5 times.


Brad Smith Wildcat plays:


1st and 10 - No gain

3rd and 1 - 2 yards - 1st down

3rd and 1 - 4 yards - 1st down

2nd and 3 - 9 yards - 1st down

2nd and 1 - 11 yards - 1st down

1st and 10 - 5 yards

2nd and 5 - 1 yard

2nd and 6 - -3 yards

1st and goal - 5 yard TD

2nd and 11 - 8 yards

3rd and 3 - 2 yards

2nd and 5 - 18 yards - 1st down

1st and 10 - 4 yards

3rd and 2 - 3 yards - 1st down

3rd and 3 - 5 yards - 1st down

1st and 20 - 7 yards

1st and 10 - 6 yards

2nd and 9 - 3 yards

3rd and 1 - No Gain - Penalty on Dallas for 1st down

1st and 10 - 3 yards




8 out of 20 Wildcat plays went for a 1st down or TD. That is a 40% conversion rate. You would be hard pressed to find another play, scheme, or style with that high of a success rate. 11 out of the 20 Wildcat plays went for 4 or more yards, a first down, or a TD. That is 55%.

Edited by LiterateStylish
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What I wrote about Fitz isn't just something I started saying this past week. Fitz does not have the same level of throwing accuracy you'd expect a franchise QB to have. Or anywhere close. This means that the Bills will be at a disadvantage when facing a team with a franchise QB.


Sure, if that team is one-dimensional--if they have a franchise QB and not much else--then the team Nix has built has a very solid chance of winning that game. But if the team has a franchise QB + a reasonably complete team around him--such as the Giants--then odds are heavily in favor of that other team winning. Especially in the postseason, when better teams seem less likely to suffer fluke losses to inferior teams.

Fitz has as much heart as any starting QB in the league, but you are correct he doesn't have the arm strength or accuracy to be in the top half of the leagues #1 QBs. Actually he either doesn't have the height or makes bad decisions also, since he has 2-4 balls batted down every single game.
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Fitz has as much heart as any starting QB in the league, but you are correct he doesn't have the arm strength or accuracy to be in the top half of the leagues #1 QBs. Actually he either doesn't have the height or makes bad decisions also, since he has 2-4 balls batted down every single game.


Accuracy, yes. But how do you quantify "arm strength?"


Balls batted down have little to do with height.



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Fitz has as much heart as any starting QB in the league, but you are correct he doesn't have the arm strength or accuracy to be in the top half of the leagues #1 QBs.

Actually, he is in the top 1/3 of NFL QBs in yards, completion percentage, passes over 20 yards, fewest sacks, and TDs, and yes, picks.



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Actually, he is in the top 1/3 of NFL QBs in yards, completion percentage, passes over 20 yards, fewest sacks, and TDs, and yes, picks.



But he's ranked 22nd in the stat that matters most: yards per attempt.


The reason yards per attempt is the one stat which matters most is because it's the hardest to inflate. Want a higher completion percentage? Dump the ball off to your running back. Dumping the ball off will also inflate your QB rating. Want more yards per game? Get an offensive coordinator who calls a lot more passing plays than running plays. Chan Gailey, for example.


But it's very difficult to cheese your way into a better yards per attempt stat. Normally, defenses are focused on minimizing your yardage per play. The only real way to increase your yards per attempt stat is to do something defenses are designed to resist. When you succeed in that, it's not cheese. It's good, solid QB play.

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The problem arises when your opinions aren't matched by fact.


In the first 7 games, Buffalo was 5-2. In those games, Brad Smith ran the Wildcat 15 times.

In the last 9 games, Buffalo was 1-8. In those games, Brad Smith ran the Wildcat 5 times.


Brad Smith Wildcat plays:


1st and 10 - No gain

3rd and 1 - 2 yards - 1st down

3rd and 1 - 4 yards - 1st down

2nd and 3 - 9 yards - 1st down

2nd and 1 - 11 yards - 1st down

1st and 10 - 5 yards

2nd and 5 - 1 yard

2nd and 6 - -3 yards

1st and goal - 5 yard TD

2nd and 11 - 8 yards

3rd and 3 - 2 yards

2nd and 5 - 18 yards - 1st down

1st and 10 - 4 yards

3rd and 2 - 3 yards - 1st down

3rd and 3 - 5 yards - 1st down

1st and 20 - 7 yards

1st and 10 - 6 yards

2nd and 9 - 3 yards

3rd and 1 - No Gain - Penalty on Dallas for 1st down

1st and 10 - 3 yards




8 out of 20 Wildcat plays went for a 1st down or TD. That is a 40% conversion rate. You would be hard pressed to find another play, scheme, or style with that high of a success rate. 11 out of the 20 Wildcat plays went for 4 or more yards, a first down, or a TD. That is 55%.

Thanks for that. I truly cannot believe that Bills fans watched the Wildcat last year and didnt think it was a success, even if it wasn't used so much. It boggled my mind, even if you hated Brad Smith (for no reason) and hated the Wildcat.

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That Graph is rediculous.


It's rediculous that you even mentioned that when Brad Smith was in at WC we were 5-2 and then 1-7 without him. That is the biggest joke I've ever seen, read, heard anywhere. If you really think he was the reason for the wins and then the collapse then I really don't know how to help you. It really makes a joke of your entire argument to be honest. I would have put some tiny bit of understanding into it but that comment about the wins just ruined you.


So freaking what!!! He got a few first downs. That has absolutely nothing to do with how Fred Jackson or CJ Spiller would have done running the ball. Or Fitz throwing it to Stevie Johnson on a 5yatf slant instead. FJ, CJ both had over a 5.0 average last year. Stevie was, is and will be money in the bank on his quick slants. Just as much as the gimmick WC works, the regular offense does too. Add up all those carries and all those yards. It's not much. It's late, I just finished a 16 hour workday. I'm not doing it but it's a joke. Even IF!!! The WC works well, which I don't agree with, it still doesn't justify using a roster spot on someone that plays 20 times a season. Not to mention the $4m salary he carries. Not to mention that even after all that, it was his 2nd best season ever!!! And it was not good at all. It's a waste of a roster spot. It's a waste of money. It's a joke in this league. We will find out how important the WC is come week 1 when the Jets and TT use it more than ever before and we stop it everytime because we know that TT is going to run and never pass because his arm sucks. And his arm is light years ahead of where Brad Smiths will ever be.


Just as you WC and Brad Smith lovers can't fathom how us "haters" don't get it, we can't understand why anyone (coaches, players, or fans) could be so stupid to fall for such a crappy gimmick offense. It's a joke. It doesn't work. If it was so great you would see entire offenses built around it. Denver tried it last year and were embarrassed by a real team. They loved it so much there that they got rid of the "Golden Boy" of the entire league just to get away from the worthless offense.


As I said before. Time will tell. I'm not going anywhere. When your right and I'm wrong, I'll get on my knees and kiss your @$$.

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mrags, both Gailey and Nix this off season publicly lamented that after Smith could no longer run the Wildcat, the team's 3rd down percentage went down, and it was a factor in the decline of the offensive production. I suppose they are 'rediculus' too.


All the graph did is show clearly the success rate when the Bills use it. And we're going to use it more this year. If you think that Gailey and Nix are morons, that is your prerogative.


Saying if it were so great whole offenses would be built around it, and that the Broncos were using it last year and failed (which they didn't), just shows your lack of knowledge of its formations, intentions and concept.

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That Graph is rediculous.


It's rediculous that you even mentioned that when Brad Smith was in at WC we were 5-2 and then 1-7 without him. That is the biggest joke I've ever seen, read, heard anywhere. If you really think he was the reason for the wins and then the collapse then I really don't know how to help you. It really makes a joke of your entire argument to be honest. I would have put some tiny bit of understanding into it but that comment about the wins just ruined you.


So freaking what!!! He got a few first downs. That has absolutely nothing to do with how Fred Jackson or CJ Spiller would have done running the ball. Or Fitz throwing it to Stevie Johnson on a 5yatf slant instead. FJ, CJ both had over a 5.0 average last year. Stevie was, is and will be money in the bank on his quick slants. Just as much as the gimmick WC works, the regular offense does too. Add up all those carries and all those yards. It's not much. It's late, I just finished a 16 hour workday. I'm not doing it but it's a joke. Even IF!!! The WC works well, which I don't agree with, it still doesn't justify using a roster spot on someone that plays 20 times a season. Not to mention the $4m salary he carries. Not to mention that even after all that, it was his 2nd best season ever!!! And it was not good at all. It's a waste of a roster spot. It's a waste of money. It's a joke in this league. We will find out how important the WC is come week 1 when the Jets and TT use it more than ever before and we stop it everytime because we know that TT is going to run and never pass because his arm sucks. And his arm is light years ahead of where Brad Smiths will ever be.


Just as you WC and Brad Smith lovers can't fathom how us "haters" don't get it, we can't understand why anyone (coaches, players, or fans) could be so stupid to fall for such a crappy gimmick offense. It's a joke. It doesn't work. If it was so great you would see entire offenses built around it. Denver tried it last year and were embarrassed by a real team. They loved it so much there that they got rid of the "Golden Boy" of the entire league just to get away from the worthless offense.


As I said before. Time will tell. I'm not going anywhere. When your right and I'm wrong, I'll get on my knees and kiss your @$$.



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