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David Nelson speaks about team divisiveness in 2010

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Some of you guys have me shaking my head. Nelson didn't "out" anyone (wasn't the comment about Fitz's ribs after the end of the season?). Every locker room has a "go to" guy for the press, and Nelson hasn't made any controversial comments or said anything that would impact his current team and teammates. He's not a smack talker, and genuinely seems to be a good guy.

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From the same article, "Gone are headaches, quitters, contrarians and usurpers."


The following names immediately came to mind: Lynch, Schobel, Evans and Whitner." Feel free to suggest better replacements.

Good article TG.

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Nelson made the comments and then immediately ran to the nearest female and hugged her. She smiled, acted like she wasnt suprised but couldnt hide the sheer terror of being assualted by this huge man whom she did not know. Nelson whispered "that one was for you" then went on to completely butcher the rest of the interview.


also, i dont think he was referring to Lee Evans who never was anything but classy. All of a sudden hes the devisive guy? Id say it was probably lil donte or lynchy poo before Lee. or maybe gailey said," you need to act and play like men!" and trent said, "oh dont listen to him" as he flicked a limp wrist in Gaileys' direction and then fixed his hair.

Edited by loserlovers
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Some of you guys have me shaking my head. Nelson didn't "out" anyone (wasn't the comment about Fitz's ribs after the end of the season?). Every locker room has a "go to" guy for the press, and Nelson hasn't made any controversial comments or said anything that would impact his current team and teammates. He's not a smack talker, and genuinely seems to be a good guy.




Why are people dumping on Nelson here and not Wilson? Why is what Nelson said bad and Wilson okay? Wilson's comments are only somewhat less specific, but amount to the same thing.




Not only Wilson, but Nix and Gailey as well. They talk about the old office staff and coaches. I dont see any problem, or anything the least bit controversial in what was said.


The FACT is there HAS BEEN an enormous culture change. And now that we are 3 years removed from the previous administration, it is ok to talk about it.


It's good to see this talk from our current players because it means there has been a change, and that they recognize it.

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Nelson made the comments and then immediately ran to the nearest female and hugged her. She smiled, acted like she wasnt suprised but couldnt hide the sheer terror of being assualted by this huge man whom she did not know. Nelson whispered "that one was for you" then went on to completely butcher the rest of the interview.


also, i dont think he was referring to Lee Evans who never was anything but classy. All of a sudden hes the devisive guy? Id say it was probably lil donte or lynchy poo before Lee. or maybe gailey said," you need to act and play like men!" and trent said, "oh dont listen to him" as he flicked a limp wrist in Gaileys' direction and then fixed his hair.

In front of the media. Were you in the locker room or player meetings? Do you recall Gailey's comments when asked about getting Evans more involved in the offense?


Again, Nelson didn't say [Evans] was a bad guy. He said it was obvious some people weren't buying in.

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I found this quote interesting..


Respectability has been emphasized under Nix, who reckoned the Bills take prospects with character concerns off their draft board as quickly as any NFL club.


Not that it was unknown but it speaks to passing on Floyd this last year. I'll have to remember this come draft time.

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Some of you guys have me shaking my head. Nelson didn't "out" anyone (wasn't the comment about Fitz's ribs after the end of the season?). Every locker room has a "go to" guy for the press, and Nelson hasn't made any controversial comments or said anything that would impact his current team and teammates. He's not a smack talker, and genuinely seems to be a good guy.


Agree. I would rather have Nelson let the cat out of the bag about Fitz's ribs than Fitz use it as an excuse. Obviously Fitz wasn't going to do that but certainly the injury affected Fitz's performance and I feel it's unfair to him to keep it a complete secret.


Most of the NFL today is about marketing. Living in Cleveland, the players say the same exact thing about the town and quality of fans, best fans in the NFL, as they do in Buffalo. Locker room's great, etc. For me, it's completely refreshing when players/coaches will address the past honestly even if generically so us long term fans gain an understanding of what was going on with those bad teams.


So far I think Nelson's been pretty savvy about when and what he'll say. Hopefully he stays that way so it doesn't create a problem on the current team.


Though Evans always seemed a classy guy, his efforts on the field, his injection into the Losman/Edwards debate, and Chan's comments before letting him go make me think he was much less classy behind closed doors.

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My first thought after reading the OP was that Donte was the guy being referred to. If I recall he was a team captain at one point, and obviously felt the NFL needed him more than he needed the NFL. The Player's ego is size of the Pacific. Which is funny because his talent is about the size of Honeyoe Lake. He and others I am sure led to these quotes.

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Some of you guys have me shaking my head. Nelson didn't "out" anyone (wasn't the comment about Fitz's ribs after the end of the season?). Every locker room has a "go to" guy for the press, and Nelson hasn't made any controversial comments or said anything that would impact his current team and teammates. He's not a smack talker, and genuinely seems to be a good guy.

Well, we're always talking about players needing to play multiple positions. I think we just found Nelson's second role.


I too think he's been very diplomatic. The 'leak' of RF's ribs was a great PR move, enough so that I wonder if anyone suggested letting this out.

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Well, we're always talking about players needing to play multiple positions. I think we just found Nelson's second role.


I too think he's been very diplomatic. The 'leak' of RF's ribs was a great PR move, enough so that I wonder if anyone suggested letting this out.

Chan would be number one on that list--on motive alone.

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We have no idea if Nelson was talking about Evans. He could have been standing next to (at some point) the position group leader of the offensive line, the running backs, or just about anyone else and heard a comment whispered like that.

The circumstantial evidence points very strongly at Evans. Saying "we have no idea" is not accurate.

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The circumstantial evidence points very strongly at Evans. Saying "we have no idea" is not accurate.


yeah. And it matches up with the Coach's/GM's indirect words (and actions) as they shipped out Evans. As listed in a post above, there really wasn't any other receiver who could have been the head of the receiving corps.

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Why are people dumping on Nelson here and not Wilson?


Dumping? Speaking for myself, while I've stated that I'm not a fan of the stuff Nelson offers up to the media, I don't see it as a huge issue. On a "concern" scale of 1-10, it would maybe register a 2.


Clearly, both Nelson and Wilson are good, well-intentioned, classy kids - I just wish they'd offer up less to the media!

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Nelson isnt all that great and I feel that he himself could be riding pine. he certainly is good at convincinf everyone that he and fitz are tight and on the same page but competition is def on his heals and i believe don jones takes the slot w the rookie or easly as second speed threat. Nelson needs to improve his game tremendously in order to start.

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I agree with the last statement, but getting a 4th for 'ole 1trick' is on Nix, who dumped a malcontent in his contract year and got something in return.


Yes, I believe Nelson is referring to Evans.

That's a tad harsh man. But yea let's dump on a ex-Bill who to me was a model team mate, other than rumor and innuendo that people like to throw in after his departure and call him a "malcontent". Laughable.

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