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Which Team Do You Hate Most In The AFC East

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  1. 1. Which Team Do You Hate Most?

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The dolphins are IMO at the bottom of this division again, and...I know I'll get slammed for this...I hate the patriots but you'd be stupid not to respect them, theyre a he'll of a team with one of the greatest QB's of all time...that leaves the premadonna jets who I just can't stand, and it's a pity to see tebow, I guy who I love in this league be degraded to gang green, that's my rant

Super Bowl or Bust


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The older you are, usually the more you hate the Fish, and it's very deep rooted. I didn't think I could hate a team more than the Dolphins. I hate everything about them. I hate their beer vendors. But then once The Pats started winning, and Belicheat came around, and Brady became intolerable, and Spygate (even though i don't think it helped them much), and Bruschi and Harrison, my hatred for the Patriots finally, remarkably, usurped my hatred for the Fish.


Now Rex Ryan is around, along with a bunch of loud mouthed idiot Jets, and now I hate them all equally. I didn't think it was possible. Although it's fun to laugh at the jets and the fish.

Totally agree, it really seems like we have a divided group. I'm 46, big-time Fin hater. Seems like that hatred is not shared amongst our younger fans.

Quite a tragedy, really.

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Totally agree, it really seems like we have a divided group. I'm 46, big-time Fin hater. Seems like that hatred is not shared amongst our younger fans.

Quite a tragedy, really.


My generation was just old enough to see Marino get injured so we didn't see Miami when they were a decent rival. Then we had to live down giving Bledsoe a kings ransom to take sacks and watching the Pats build a dynasty through spygate. New Jersey just got interesting with their jerk coach and QB who looks like Kelly Ripa's husband.

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I truly hate all three teams...


As of now, however, it would have to be New England* for the "most" hatred. I could go back and forth between all three teams, but only New England has my least favorite player... their boy... Marsha.

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Many moon ago, I had my beautiful customized van stolen in Boston. They found it three days later stripped & burnt to a crisp in Medford. Engulfed in the flames were many personal items which were irreplaceable. I hate anything New England. I'm old enough to remember the Bills/Fins rivalry, but nothing during that period was as painful as those 13 consecutive losses to Marcia. The victory last Sept that ended that streak was VERY satisfying! And needless to say, I am a huge Eli fan!

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i hate the jets. i hate their players. i hate their QB. i hate their coach. but i don't really have anything against the organization.


i hate brady and belicheck passionately. but i also respect them because they're the best.


the dolphins? nothing. !@#$ them. !@#$ their fanbase, city, and champagne popping cocky entitled history. the ONLY thing i'm okay with is marino being such a good guy for kelly when hunter was sick.

Gosh. This says it all.


I think its genetic, if you were born before 1980 (1968), to really hate the Fish.


But its really sad that Bills/Fish is not a real rivalry anymore. During the 90s and 80s it was one of the top rivalries in the NFL, along with Cowboys/Redskins and Raiders/Broncos and Bears/Packers. Everytime Miami and Buffalo played it got national attention. Many of you dont remember those days.


Since both have been pretty irrelevant lately, its easy for the younger fans to hate the teams that beat us the most. But forever, for the rest of my life, I will hate the dolphins. Even if they were playing Satan, I would root against them.

Edited by maddenboy
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Gosh. This says it all.


I think its genetic, if you were born before 1980 (1968), to really hate the Fish.


But its really sad that Bills/Fish is not a real rivalry anymore. During the 90s and 80s it was one of the top rivalries in the NFL, along with Cowboys/Redskins and Raiders/Broncos and Bears/Packers. Everytime Miami and Buffalo played it got national attention. Many of you dont remember those days.


Since both have been pretty irrelevant lately, its easy for the younger fans to hate the teams that beat us the most. But forever, for the rest of my life, I will hate the dolphins. Even if they were playing Satan, I would root against them.

For those of us in the older generation, we could watch Satan, Hitler, Bin Laden, Hussain and tax line up against Miami, and still not be able to cheer for Miami.

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I respect the pats. There I said it.


The Dolphins were always the team I hated growing up. But times have changed.


There is nothing to like or respect about the Jets. They don't win, but they're cocky. Rex is the most obnoxious person in sports. And their fan base is delusional.

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Can't select one of these three -- hate them all equally. If the Pats*, Fish, or Jets had to win on the last weekend of the season so the Bills would get into the playoffs, I'd truthfully have to just turn off the TV and look at the score later. I don't think I would be able to actually "root" for any of them, ever.

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Show some respect Kidd, We haven't always agreed with Ralph and it has taken awhile for him to understand how the modern NFL works (resigning players in their last year) but I really think he has always tried to win and he didn't pick the players or let them walk. Firing Wade had to be done though it backfired, Donahoe was a great idea that didn't work same with Marv and Brandon who he thought could take his marketing genius and apply it as a GM, which would have been a brilliant move if it worked. Now he has the right GM and coaching staff to get the job done, I just hope he lives long enough to see a superbowl win.



The era of the Bills owning these other teams is about to begin. None of the QB's in our division can survive the pass rush that is about to happen to them. That's why I want Irving or LB at 10. We need to have great depth at the front 7. Our starters on the D-line are all pro-bowl caliber (or close in Anderson's case), and Brady can't win: (1) without cheating (spygate); and (2) when he's getting rushed (Giant's Super Bowl losses).


I respect the pats. There I said it.


The Dolphins were always the team I hated growing up. But times have changed.


There is nothing to like or respect about the Jets. They don't win, but they're cocky. Rex is the most obnoxious person in sports. And their fan base is delusional.


BB of the Pats is pretty obnoxious as well. And the "i'm so cool" sweatshirt he wears during the game is obnoxious, also, he cheated to win games. Not sure Rex has ever done that. I'll also say that as annoying as Jets fans are, they are as loyal to their team as Bills fans. Pats fans are not. If they have a few loosing seasons everyone will abandon them for the Red Sooooox.

Edited by RyanC883
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i hate the jets. i hate their players. i hate their QB. i hate their coach. but i don't really have anything against the organization.


i hate brady and belicheck passionately. but i also respect them because they're the best.


the dolphins? nothing. !@#$ them. !@#$ their fanbase, city, and champagne popping cocky entitled history. the ONLY thing i'm okay with is marino being such a good guy for kelly when hunter was sick.


Yep, that sum sit up perfectly. Although I dont respect Brady and Belichick that much. My current "hatred" is probably greater for the Pats, but my overall disdain for the Miami Dolphins as a franchise runs too deep.


On another Marino note, back in 1984 or 1985, my family was out to dinner on a Saturday night for my sisters 3rd or 4th Bday. Dan Marino was in the restaurant for dinner as well. When he saw us singing Happy Birthday to the little kid, he got up from his dinner, came over and sang to her and hung out at the table chatting with my family. Signed all of our placemats or whatever we had. Was just an all-around nice guy and class act. I was only 5 or 6, but remember it vividly.


That being said, the next day my dad and I went to the game and boo'ed the crap out of him and cheered for Bruce to kill him. HAHAHA. Such is football. :thumbsup:

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New England.


New England.


And then for a change of pace, New England.


Here's my reasoning. I'm 28 years old and obviously was not around for the horrendous 70s era games against the Dolphins. My only memories of the Dolphins are of Kelly and Company dismantling them and Marino giving his sad face on the sidelines. So I dislike them when they beat us, but no real hatred there.


The Jets and their fans are arrogant, but at the very least the admit to it. Everyone knows their loud and obnoxious, but that's their thing. Its their gimmick. Plus, the Bills and Jets have very rarely ever been good at the same time so there was never that rivalry that developed with other squads. We were good in the 90s, they were Kotite-esque. They were good in the 2000s, we were Jauron-esque.


Now the Patriots...oh yes, how I hate them. Unlike the Jets who admit to being arrogant, the Patriots are even more obnoxious but still pretend to be the good guys. They are just as bad with the trash talking and the condescension, but they do it under this veil of "Its okay, we're the Patriots! You all owe us so much for gracing you with our presence". God I hate that. Also I have yet to meet a single Patriots "fan" who has any real knowledge of the team prior to 2001. I bring up Tony Eason and just get an awkward stare. Thats another thing I hate, their fans were so apathetic towards this team before Brady (anyone else remember how they almost moved to Hartford?) but now every Pats fan has been a fan since birth.


Hate them.


Hate them so much.

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I hate the Jets because of...because of...because of...oh yeah, I believe his name is Mister Ryan.

My thoughts exactly. I hate Rex. I hate guys who run their mouth but have never won anything. I hate the Pats* too but at least they have won some titles so they have a right to be arrogant pricks.

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This is a tough one.


I hate all of them- to a point. It was really neck-and-neck for me, between the Dolphins and the Cheatriots.


I hate the Jets fan for being so incredibly mentally inept...but I give them credit because if they are falling behind, they become huge critics of their team and pipe right down.


I hate the Dolphins for that darn arrogant, classless, ego of Miami teams. Even if they have their butts handed to them on a regular basis, they continually are quoted as blaming something else rather than giving proper credit to the team that kicked the snot out of them. Marino's Dolphins were classic at this. Despite 4 consecutive Bowls, they never gave the Bills their proper respect.


But I hate the Patriots the most because of the dynasty that they have had up until recently. A decade of being dominated and exposed sours quickly.

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I dunno. The Bills have been causing me more pain than any of the 3. Can I vote for the Bills?


Lol. I knew there would be a couple people who actually would have voted for the Bills which is why I didn't put them in the poll... This poll is about displeasure for the other teams in the AFC east for a change...

Edited by DefenseWinzChampionshipz
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While my loathing of the Pats is momentarily intense, it's largely due to The Brady being a whiny little cheating princess. My hatred of the Fins, however...while subdued at the moment, it's built on a much stronger foundation. If both teams had equal 3-13 records, I wouldn't give the Pats a second thought, but I'd still hate Miami.

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