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TEBOW!!! is a Jet! (finally)

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It depends on what the Bills would have to give up to get Tebow. He needs time to develop and improve his accuracy on short passes. It is a completely different situation between Fitz and Tebow than be RJ and Flutie. If anything the Bills will feel obligated to play Fitz since he is being paid more.


The coaches have already said that the team is in a terrific situation to develop a young quarterback. There isn't a quarterback in the draft that would be better at this point. Plus, he has already proven he can win.


I also feel that he fits into the personality of the team. At least on offense, the team is made up of players that other teams have not believed in, i.e. Stevie, Fitz, Fred Jackson, Nelson, Chandler, etc.


I think Tebow is controversal because he is religious, but I do not see the issue. He has a good character, and he hasn't killed anyone, beat up his girlfriend, killed dogs for sport, fathered 8 children with five different women. It is weird that people have a stronger negative reaction to someone who is trying to live life based on higher morals.

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NFL.com says Bills on top of the list for Tebowmania....






Don't see it happening but could you imagine the spotlight on this team if it happened...don't think I want this but at the same time...I'd kind of like it...


Regardless...GO BILLS!

I hear ya! Mixed emotions...kinda like seeing my mother-in-law drive off a cliff in my new Porsche

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I would imagine Nix & Gailey are at the least window shopping.




But would you not agree Tebow would be an upgrade in the slash role? If we can get him cheap, I am not against it.


Would love to have Tebow in that role absent of the relentless mania that surrounds him....Since there's no way to separate Tebow from the craziness of his worshipers....No Thanks!!!

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It depends on what the Bills would have to give up to get Tebow. He needs time to develop and improve his accuracy on short passes. It is a completely different situation between Fitz and Tebow than be RJ and Flutie. If anything the Bills will feel obligated to play Fitz since he is being paid more.


The coaches have already said that the team is in a terrific situation to develop a young quarterback. There isn't a quarterback in the draft that would be better at this point. Plus, he has already proven he can win.


I also feel that he fits into the personality of the team. At least on offense, the team is made up of players that other teams have not believed in, i.e. Stevie, Fitz, Fred Jackson, Nelson, Chandler, etc.


I think Tebow is controversal because he is religious, but I do not see the issue. He has a good character, and he hasn't killed anyone, beat up his girlfriend, killed dogs for sport, fathered 8 children with five different women. It is weird that people have a stronger negative reaction to someone who is trying to live life based on higher morals.

You got a link to that? Ive heard them say we are ready to contend, not develop someone.

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I think the completion percentage argument is overstated. It reminds me of money ball. The league and the fans are so stuck on a number that they do not see the other aspects that helps the team win. Teams can't stack the box on him so it opens up the long ball.


I do believe he needs time to develop. Manning and Elway both were lousy when the first entered the league. He is a terrific prospect.


To clarify, it depends on what they would have to give up. Why not take the chance? The Bills need a quarterback to develop behind Fitz, who I like but he needs to get better too. Tebow is at least as good of a prospect as JP Losman or Rob Johnson. Plus, I think Chan is a terrific offensive mind, who can make good use of his talents. The big issue will be finding the appropriate quarterbacks coach to improve his throwing motion.

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It depends on what the Bills would have to give up to get Tebow. He needs time to develop and improve his accuracy on short passes. It is a completely different situation between Fitz and Tebow than be RJ and Flutie. If anything the Bills will feel obligated to play Fitz since he is being paid more.


The coaches have already said that the team is in a terrific situation to develop a young quarterback. There isn't a quarterback in the draft that would be better at this point. Plus, he has already proven he can win.


I also feel that he fits into the personality of the team. At least on offense, the team is made up of players that other teams have not believed in, i.e. Stevie, Fitz, Fred Jackson, Nelson, Chandler, etc.


I think Tebow is controversal because he is religious, but I do not see the issue. He has a good character, and he hasn't killed anyone, beat up his girlfriend, killed dogs for sport, fathered 8 children with five different women. It is weird that people have a stronger negative reaction to someone who is trying to live life based on higher morals.


More like there isn't a QB that the bills can get that could be better. Even then I still don't agree. Who knows what will happen with the QBs in the draft. Certainly Luck and RGIII have more potential than Tebow.

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Oh boy, we'd get the SPOTLIGHT!!!! Wow!!!!!


Who cares that it would create an instant QB controversy with the potential to create a divided locker room, at least ESPN would talk about the Bills!!! Woo-hoo!!!!!








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I think the completion percentage argument is overstated. It reminds me of money ball. The league and the fans are so stuck on a number that they do not see the other aspects that helps the team win. Teams can't stack the box on him so it opens up the long ball.


I do believe he needs time to develop. Manning and Elway both were lousy when the first entered the league. He is a terrific prospect.


To clarify, it depends on what they would have to give up. Why not take the chance? The Bills need a quarterback to develop behind Fitz, who I like but he needs to get better too. Tebow is at least as good of a prospect as JP Losman or Rob Johnson. Plus, I think Chan is a terrific offensive mind, who can make good use of his talents. The big issue will be finding the appropriate quarterbacks coach to improve his throwing motion.


I wouldn't exactly call Manning, who threw for 3,800 yards and 26 TDs in his first season, lousy.

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I cant see this happening. Its not even about his football abilities, its the circus he brings with him. Elway is trying his hardest to wash his hands of Tebow. He wasn't going to be able to sign another QB because no one wants to be the one to challenge the chosen one. Its a no win situation for the team that brings him in, they will have a revolt from the fans to start Tebow even with his 47% completion percentage. Jacksonville is the most likely IMO only because the owner wants him and wants to see those tarps go away.


And before someone says it will sell tickets, Mario Williams has already done that




I like Tebow, and I root for him, but I really don't want this circus to pitch its' tent in Buffalo. I do believe the Bills are getting better, and should stay the course...adding Tebow would just add more instability.


Elway pursuing Manning, IMO, was as much as wantig to get rid of the Tebow albatross around the franchise's prverbial neck, as it was about wanting Peyton Manning. It was lucky for Elway that Manning became available at the perfect time.


I am not one of those who thinks Tebow can never be an effective QB, but he really was helped quite a bit by Denvers defense in 2011. I am not sure that the Bills defense, even with Super Mario, is quite ready to carry a team. I would rather hedge my bets that Fitzpatrick can sustain his good play for an entire season, than Tebow transforming into a legit NFL QB. As a back-up, or gadget player, he might be great, but we know how fans are...the minute Fitz had a bad game, Tebow mania would kick in... to the detriment of the teams' progress.


Oh boy, we'd get the SPOTLIGHT!!!! Wow!!!!!


Who cares that it would create an instant QB controversy with the potential to create a divided locker room, at least ESPN would talk about the Bills!!! Woo-hoo!!!!!










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Not just NO! but HELL NO!!! Tebow sucks and we dont need him on this team, things are jelling with this group we have and they dont need to throw a wrench in it by bringing him in!! Tebow is NOT an NFL caliber QB!!

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I cant see this happening. Its not even about his football abilities, its the circus he brings with him. Elway is trying his hardest to wash his hands of Tebow. He wasn't going to be able to sign another QB because no one wants to be the one to challenge the chosen one. Its a no win situation for the team that brings him in, they will have a revolt from the fans to start Tebow even with his 47% completion percentage. Jacksonville is the most likely IMO only because the owner wants him and wants to see those tarps go away.


And before someone says it will sell tickets, Mario Williams has already done that

Gotta love a team where the fans start making all the decisions.

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The more I think about him going to the Pats* and playing in some crazy cool capacity there, I think we should get him. I think the Bleacher report thing (OMG did I just type that?) and the fact that he would be worth like a 5th rounder, have me convinced. He could also play TE. I just think he is what he is as a QB, so in that way Fitz and us are safe from seeing him start. But he is a hell of a player and has proven to be a playmaker. I think we need those, even if it means running some crazy stuff which we were going to do with Brad Smith anyway.


Think of it this way Fitz behind center, Fred next to him Stevie and who ever is the new #2 out wide CJ in the slot and Tebow playing back off the line a bit at TE. Then he goes in motion......... What and who do a defense key on? It could just be Tebow takes the snap and goes off tackle (a typical slash play btw of course, Stewart was in Fitz's spot on those though), it could be a gadget, it could be FJ in a screen..... it could be good. I don't want him as our starting QB though. Things get easy to figure out as evidenced by our game against the Broncos last year shows. I kind of thin Tebow is a better #2 than BS or TP kind of, he is kind of a combo of those 2.

Just some thoughts :)

One last thought when the fan base calls for him as Fitz is playing a bad game... well, maybe it will light a fire under his butt. He is a competitive guy. I wouldn't argue with the FO if they made this move. The coach and the team will stand behind Fitz and God boy is one hell of an athlete.


Chance is always powerful. Let your hook be always cast; in the pool where you least expect it, there will be a fish.


- Ovid


The author of Metamorphoses was born on this day in 43 B.C.E.

Edited by bowery4
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This actually makes perfect sense; however, I do not think the FO is interested. We do need a good backup. And I know I'm not the best F$tz supporter. So all you F$tz supporters take note here. I want F$tz to succeed. I want him to be one of the top 5-10 QBs in the league. His history says other wise, but I want him to come out and prove me completely wrong. If he does, I'll be the first to say I was wrong. Tebow would create all sorts of problems. Every time F$tz throws a pick, the fans will be calling for Tebow. F$tz and the Bills do not need that. Plus he is a lefty and the wind in Buffalo would kill his already poor passes.

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I'm not a big fan of Tebow coming here, just because of the circus that will follow him. But, he could be someone Chan can work with. I read that other teams were very impressed with his ability to read NFL defenses even coming out of college. If it wouldn't cost much to bring him here, maybe a 4th or 5th, I might be for it. The problem is the Buffalo fans, even before Flutie vs Johnson, there was Reich vs Kelly, there were a ton of morons that actually thought Reich was a better QB than Kelly. So the second Fitz has a bad game, and he will, out come the crazies.

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