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Have I Mentioned Recently How Much I Hate Bicyclists?

Chef Jim

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That truck is burning fuel and paying for that pavement... The truck should get "priority."


Not too many spandex Nancies by me... But I yelled @ one a couple of days ago... He didn't stop @ the red light... Coasted and weaved on through! Two major roads too! I said: "You want to share the roads that I am paying more for, then follow the rules!"


Yep... Let everybody start riding bikes and hybrids... We will have some dandy roads and bridges!

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In this area, most cyclists are of the type you say most cyclists hate. There's certain roads I don't take anymore (Beach Drive, for example), because maybe 9 out of 10 cyclists are self-righteous pricks who don't realize "share the road" works both ways. And downtown during morning rush hour can be downright hazardous if you're a pedestrian, for just the behavior that Chef described above (I once fed a cyclist an elbow who ran a red light and nearly wiped me and two other people out in the crosswalk. In front of a traffic cop. Cop cited the cyclist, not me.) Another time, I saw and idiot pass a left-turning car on the left, then run a red light, then swerve into oncoming traffic, in about a 50 yard stretch of road (Beach Drive, of course).


The other one out of ten, though...usually a pleasure to share the road with.

you're insensitive

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Hate to say it but I just bought a bike. Tons of trails in Chicago to take advantage of. 18 miles of lake front path out the door so it does not make sense to take advantage of it.

I have a bike too that I ride on trails. The first one is a mile down the road from the house, but, I won't ride the bike there. It's a two lane twisting road so I take the bike to the trail and begin riding there.
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I have a bike too that I ride on trails. The first one is a mile down the road from the house, but, I won't ride the bike there. It's a two lane twisting road so I take the bike to the trail and begin riding there.




I cycle in downtown Chicago. Though not during the week. That is nuts.

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I was in downtown SF yesterday. In a span is five minutes I had a guy almost run me over while riding on the walkway of the Embarcadaro and another fly through a red light without even slowing down.


The first guy had earbuds in and was looking the other way at the bay. Taxpayers have shelled our millions to redo the bike lanes AGAIN but people still feel the need to ride on the walkway. The second guy didn't even slow down as he ran the light and he was going pretty fast. I stopped in the crosswalk and gave him a dirty look. It was very obvious seeing he rode behind me and I had to do a 180 to give him a nasty look. He looked back at me over his should with an expression of "WTF is YOUR problem?". MFing a-holes.

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I was in downtown SF yesterday. In a span is five minutes I had a guy almost run me over while riding on the walkway of the Embarcadaro and another fly through a red light without even slowing down.


The first guy had earbuds in and was looking the other way at the bay. Taxpayers have shelled our millions to redo the bike lanes AGAIN but people still feel the need to ride on the walkway. The second guy didn't even slow down as he ran the light and he was going pretty fast. I stopped in the crosswalk and gave him a dirty look. It was very obvious seeing he rode behind me and I had to do a 180 to give him a nasty look. He looked back at me over his should with an expression of "WTF is YOUR problem?". MFing a-holes.


I am just getting ready to go on a 50 mile ride :nana:


However, for the great majority will be onextremely rural roads and I will see more dead squirels than cars or people

Edited by plenzmd1
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On my last motorcycle ride two bicycle riders nearly got me killed on a two lane mountain road. They refused to go "single file" so I had no room to pass them. The road was windy, so I couldn't chance going into the other lane. They finally "got it" and made room for me to pass.


I'm not a fan of the spandex mafia, by any means. But if they at least make a solid effort to make room for motorized vehicles, then I can tolerate them.


When they become stubborn and ignorant, that's when it's dangerous and that's when I get pissed. When I'm in my car, I ride by those bastards as closely as I can. I refuse to cross the yellow line. If I'm on my motorcycle, I use more caution. If I hit them with my car, I just get a little scratch on the car. If I hit them with the motorcycle, I'll go down, too. No thanks.

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I cycle in downtown Chicago. Though not during the week. That is nuts.


LoL... I took my wife for a bike ride many moons ago... Probably going on 15-20 years ago. Along the bike path on the lake... Museums on up. NEVER again... I didn't mind it but man was she stressed out... Worse than driving a car in The City. It was a zoo with cyclists, joggers, rollerbladers... Worse than when Saigon fell!


Again... I had no problem... Wife was ready to divorce me for suggesting it! LoL




Only if it can be used by cops in court to prove the cyclist ran a red light, turned left on red, ran over Nicole Kidman, etc...




Oh, this tape will self-destruct in 10 seconds for cyclist douchebaggery.

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