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Lee "the magician" Evans....hes dissapeared

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1327275341[/url]' post='2368581']

Wss that a TD then? He got one foot down and then the 2nd was almost down before the ball was knocked out. It seemed like a TD to me in real time.


The call would have stood under the "did not complete the act of scoring" or whatever similar nonsense they now use to judge TD receptions. Of course if you are running the ball, you can fumble .0001 seconds after the nose of the ball crosses the front edge of the goal line and that's a TD.

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Wss that a TD then? He got one foot down and then the 2nd was almost down before the ball was knocked out. It seemed like a TD to me in real time.

Have to hold it through the end of action. Think of the cj catch for Detroit last year. I'd say no catch based on my understanding.


That said THIS is one of the only rules that's really hazy, and not just a case of fans and announcers not getting it.

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Add me to the list that says it should have at least been reviewed by IR upstairs.


Also, yeah, Cundiff definitely seemed rushed, and Balt was stupid for not using that last TO.


I think the rule is that he has to maintain control and "finish" the catch. Remember that controversial detroit game where megatron losses possesion at the end of the catch in the endzone and the call was reversed and detroit lost?

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And yet if he had held on, Baltimore would've traded a 4th round pick for a trip to the Superbowl.... fickle sport.


HELD ON FOR HOW LONG! If you control the ball and have 2 feet down it's a TD there is no time limit. One instant is enough. It was a TD. The lack of replay was absurd.

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The call would have stood under the "did not complete the act of scoring" or whatever similar nonsense they now use to judge TD receptions. Of course if you are running the ball, you can fumble .0001 seconds after the nose of the ball crosses the front edge of the goal line and that's a TD.


Not only that, it doesn't seem right when a player dives with his arm extended to go over the plane for a TD or a first down, and then pulls it back in and is nowhere near the line, but they call it a TD or a first.

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The call would have stood under the "did not complete the act of scoring" or whatever similar nonsense they now use to judge TD receptions. Of course if you are running the ball, you can fumble .0001 seconds after the nose of the ball crosses the front edge of the goal line and that's a TD.


The difference is that you've proven you have control of the ball when you run it in from outside of the endzone and cross the goalline. No established control until you catch the ball. That Evans play would've been incomplete whether it was in the endzone or not, unfortunately.

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I guess maybe it was missing a football move, but that sure the hell looked like a TD before it got knocked out.



Yup, ten years ago that's probably a TD. He clearly had possession in the end zone.

I would be so much more psyched for the Giants game if he holds on to that pass.



There's no football moves in the endzone. Rule is different on scores.



Wss that a TD then? He got one foot down and then the 2nd was almost down before the ball was knocked out. It seemed like a TD to me in real time.


He needs to complete the process, which he clearly didn't.


Isn't that the ridiculous call they made on Calvin Johnson early last season?


Ding ding ding!

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He needs to complete the process, which he clearly didn't.




Ding ding ding!


The problem is...what is "completing the process?" That question isn't just for the vans non-catch. Its for a lot of endzone plays. When does the process stop, especially if a player stays on his feet?


I personally find it ridiculous that if i catch a pass in the endzone, have maintained possession, get 2 feet in, and step out of bounds, its a TD, but if i do the same, yet lose the ball when i hit the ground, its incomplete.

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1327276640[/url]' post='2368608']

The problem is...what is "completing the process?" That question isn't just for the vans non-catch. Its for a lot of endzone plays. When does the process stop, especially if a player stays on his feet?


I personally find it ridiculous that if i catch a pass in the endzone, have maintained possession, get 2 feet in, and step out of bounds, its a TD, but if i do the same, yet lose the ball when i hit the ground, its incomplete.


Exactly. It adds a totally unnecessary layer of judgement into the equation. And one that isn't consistent with other scoring rules.



There's no question the call was correct under the current rule, this just highlights that the rule is dumb.

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Exactly. It adds a totally unnecessary layer of judgement into the equation. And one that isn't consistent with other scoring rules.



There's no question the call was correct under the current rule, this just highlights that the rule is dumb.


Whats even worse is that if i do (what i mentioned above) on the 30 yard line, it is considered a catch and i'm ruled down by contact because the ground can't cause a fumble. Only the NFL would have different rules as to what constitutes a catch for the field of play and in the endzone.

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1327277282[/url]' post='2368622']

I had a "Bills" moment watching that play.


That sense of dread, despair and fear all in the shape and speed of a freight train.


For a moment there it made glad the Bills never make the playoffs. That game ruined my day and I don't even like the Ravens. I might have hurt myself if that was Buffalo.

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Whats even worse is that if i do (what i mentioned above) on the 30 yard line, it is considered a catch and i'm ruled down by contact because the ground can't cause a fumble.


"Making a football move" is the midfield equivalent of completing the process of the catch in the endzone.


For a moment there it made glad the Bills never make the playoffs. That game ruined my day and I don't even like the Ravens. I might have hurt myself if that was Buffalo.


If you haven't had broken a hand or bruised a footbone by now, I'm having a hard time thinking of a scenario that would hurt you.

And look on the bright side, at least you didn't have to endure a game played under the new OT rule you hate. Imagine how pissed you be if NE completed 3 virtually mandatory 4th down conversion attempts during the second possession of overtime on the way to a "come from behind" OT win? :lol:

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HELD ON FOR HOW LONG! If you control the ball and have 2 feet down it's a TD there is no time limit. One instant is enough. It was a TD. The lack of replay was absurd.


A reciever with Evans' experience knows better than to leave it up to the refs. -What a total schlub! -You're ONE GAME away from the big dance. GRAB THE BALL LIKE YOU MEAN IT!!!!


LEE EVANS & BILLY CUNDIFF=Cut tomorrow morning!!!

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