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Fitz Has Possibly Had A Broken Rib Since Toronto?

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Are there any concrete reports out there even suggesting Fitz is hurt? Just wondering since it seems like a very popular theory around here.


I think the opposition simply cracked the code on Gailey's offense once the Bengals showed the rest of the league how to do it. Makes me think there's some truth to the phrase "copycat league" the talking heads use all the time. Combined with the offensive line injuries, that sounds like a more realistic reason for his downward spiral than a phantom injury (or a lack of bicep curls).

Edited by Zulu Cthulhu
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I'm not sure why there's so much confusion about the state of the Bills Offense.


1) We are injured.

2) We have no depth.

3) We are asking low skilled backups to step in and perform the same roles as our currently injured starters.

4) Several of our starters were average at best, and were being helped by the more skilled guys who are now injured.

5) This limits the gameplan's ability to change and adapt.

6) This limits the amount of adjustments a qb can make on the field.

7) Our OL was already being helped by quick developing plays and reads. With backup OL, backup WR's, TE's, and RB's, those quick developing plays just aren't what they need to be.

8) Our QB got hit hard, and is likely dinged up.

9) Our QB probably has little faith in the current offense to protect him and allow him to get the ball out quickly, hence his bad mechanics.


No one player has gotten worse. Guys just don't forget how to play football. Fitz isn't wasting away due to lack of strength training.

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I respect you JW. I appreciate what you bring to this board. But: I remember it. He's made a bunch of passes that WRs dropped. The problem is, for every Wr drop, there's 1-2 passes that are in the dirt or high. Stevie drops the ball vs the jets, then a few plays later, is WIDE OPEN in the end zone and fitz trows the ball as hard as he can and throws the ball in back of him. Consistantly. That's what we need out of a qb. If like to KNOW what I'm getting. Wth fitZ, I have no idea. His completion percentage is not a reflection of his accuracy. It's a reflection of the playcalling. Fitz is not a BAD qb, he simply is not going to lead this team to anything special, unless we put together the best defense in football. Good luck with that.

that's a fair opinion and there's no problem expressing it. i think Fitz is an average quarterback with above-average leadership abilities, which actually counts for something.


the trouble with the offense right now is it's not working up to it's design. it's attempting to put far too much on Fitzpatrick, especially in the first half, when the Bills would rather play a ball-control style. compound that with a defense that's allowed something like 107 points in the first half in the past six games and incapable of generating turnovers to provide the offense short fields (as happened earlier this season) and it's doomed for failure.


but to put it all on Fitz is wrong in my opinion.


these points, to me, is why i think Fitzpatrick is regressing. ... and i'll repeat what i've said all week: Sunday's performance by the qb was dreadful.



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that's a fair opinion and there's no problem expressing it. i think Fitz is an average quarterback with above-average leadership abilities, which actually counts for something.


the trouble with the offense right now is it's not working up to it's design. it's attempting to put far too much on Fitzpatrick, especially in the first half, when the Bills would rather play a ball-control style. compound that with a defense that's allowed something like 107 points in the first half in the past six games and incapable of generating turnovers to provide the offense short fields (as happened earlier this season) and it's doomed for failure.


but to put it all on Fitz is wrong in my opinion.


these points, to me, is why i think Fitzpatrick is regressing. ... and i'll repeat what i've said all week: Sunday's performance by the qb was dreadful.




Agreed. But I dislike the term regressing here if I can be a bit nitpicky. I think if Fitz was put in this same situation at the beginning of the season, you would have seen the same results. Most QB's would fail in this offense.


To me, it's more like you've found Fitz's point of failure. If he were a load bearing structure, we're just found out what kind of load he can bear. He's currently being asked to bear too much, and that's why he's failing. The structure hasn't gotten worse or regressed, it's just been overburdened to the point of failure.

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I was just thinking the same thing SJBF. It's clearly obvious that Azoucho is right. It's Fitz' facial hair, wallet, and wedding ring that he wears on his non throwing hand. It's clearly obvious that these are the reasons why Fitz is regressing. I think he's also been very flustered because Chrismas time is coming up and he's worried that his wife won't like the necklace he bought her. I also heard his car was over on an oil change and that has really bothered him as well.




Clear enough for you now? Fitz sucks period - face the facts and get over it. This team will go NOWHERE with him at QB.


If he can't throw a long ball in SD weather, How do you think he will fare thowing in a Buffalo blizzard? The guy's accuracy has alway been TERRIBLE - he is a second string QB at best.

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Clear enough for you now? Fitz sucks period - face the facts and get over it. This team will go NOWHERE with him at QB.


If he can't throw a long ball in SD weather, How do you think he will fare thowing in a Buffalo blizzard? The guy's accuracy has alway been TERRIBLE - he is a second string QB at best.

Just like SJBF, I agree with you. It's clearly obvious his facial hair, wedding ring on his non throwing hand and fat wallet affects his play on the field. Especially his facial hair, it's gotta be weighing him down in the wet winter months. And let's not forget his oil change and Christmas shopping. It clearly obvious. It's a stressful time of year.

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Fitz IS regressing. Why?


IMO it's not one thing but here are some reasons in no particular order:


1) Injuries:


You don't lose 2 of your top 3 offensive tackles for 3 weeks and your starting center without if adversely affecting the offense line.


You don't lose 4 of the top 6 presumed wide receivers (no matter how much you think these guys are unproven or suck) without it adversely affecting the offense. These are wideouts you develop a chemistry and timing with. When injuries happen to this degree, it will have a significant negative effect. Other guys step up who are unfamiliar with the offense and the quarterback. Timing and precision are lost. This is a huge handicap.


You don't lose a player like Fred Jackson, an MVP Candidate and a player who was on pace to challenge NFL records for yards from scrimmage without it having a significant negative effect.


2) Coaching: It seems like there is an over-reliance on the passing game. Fitz is not a big, strapping guy. Last year they sat him out the last two weeks in part because he was so beat up. He presently appears beaten up and worn down to me. I believe he's playing with injuries.


With all the injuries to the O-line and the wide receivers, and with Fitz not being the type of quarterback to put a team on his shoulders, why is Gailey throwing the ball so much? If you look at the situation, to me it calls for doing just the opposite: placing greater emphasis on the running game. Even when a team is down a few scores, I believe you have to stay patient. The offense has been run with a greater sense of desperation which is manifested in an over-reliance on the passing game.



Makes a lot of sense.


I am very disappointed in the recent play calling. Lets not forget that since the first Jets game, EVERY team jams our WRs at the line and we do not have an answer for it. We don't use motion, we don't use a fullback, we no longer have a TE. We go deep on short yardage situations and come off the field too soon. We abandoned the screens. No reverses, no draws, no options, not even a wild cat here and there anymore.



I think we will find out Fitz is playing with a rib injury.

Edited by Bob in STL
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Makes a lot of sense.


I am very disappointed in the recent play calling. Lets not forget that since the first Jets game, EVERY team jams our WRs at the line and we do not have an answer for it. We don't use motion, we don't use a fullback, we no longer have a TE. We go deep on short yardage situations and come off the field too soon. We abandoned the screens. No reverses, no draws, no options, not even a wild cat here and there anymore.



I think we will find out Fitz is playing with a rib injury.

You would see some evidence if it was a rib injury with how he reacts when he gets up after getting hit.

I have seen none so far.

Now will there be a story "leaked" that he has some sort of injury, rib or otherwise? I would if I were Brandon or Nix.

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Clear enough for you now? Fitz sucks period - face the facts and get over it. This team will go NOWHERE with him at QB.


If he can't throw a long ball in SD weather, How do you think he will fare thowing in a Buffalo blizzard? The guy's accuracy has alway been TERRIBLE - he is a second string QB at best.


You might be close while joking. I think he has regressed since signing the contract because now he is putting mental pressure on himself to play better to live up to this new contract. Which is only going to screw up everything. He needs to relax and play without mental pressure. Just enjoy playing the position again.

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Fitz is not a strong armed QB which means his mechanics has to be good which means he has to feel comfortable in the protection his Oline is giving him and in rhythm with his receivers.


you don't overcome losing two LTs, your starting probowl Center, your probowl RB, your #2 WR, and your starting TE- especially when your depth is pretty poor and your defense can't help you.


but by all means if there is a franchise QB available then take him in fact that would my advice even if we had a franchise QB- always take a franchise QB if available they are worth a mint even if they are kinda crappy, ie Carson Palmer.

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There have been rumors circulating that Fitz has been playing hurt ever since the Redskins game. I don't know how much truth there is to this, but rafter he took that shot from London Fletcher, I wouldn't be surprised at all. If we do in fact find out this is true, this could be a big reason as to why his game has regressed.

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That's possible but we also have so many key injuries. Plus Stevie Johnson and David Nelson are walking wounded. I watched a TiVo of the Bills-Eagles NFL Replay. Hard to believe it's the same Bills team two months ago. It also reminded me what a loss Fred Jackson is. You can only absorb so many injuries before things unravel.



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There have been rumors circulating that Fitz has been playing hurt ever since the Redskins game. I don't know how much truth there is to this, but rafter he took that shot from London Fletcher, I wouldn't be surprised at all. If we do in fact find out this is true, this could be a big reason as to why his game has regressed.

If that's true. Why Would Fitz or the team want to risk any further injury? Considering where this season has gone.

No heroics necessary anymore this year. Then again nothing to see watching Tygpen fail either.

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