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UFO Found on Ocean Floor?


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A lot of folks in the media, and the government itself, are treating this most recent document dump as no big deal, some in the press are even framing it as a weird viral marketing campaign for the X-Files reboot. But if you actually look at the files, beyond the ones the press highlights, you quickly see these documents contain bigger revelations than the press is reporting on. Some of the documents, most of them, have been released before. Those are the ones the press is reporting on the most. But there were some newer files included in this batch, including several documented reports of UFO sightings over top secret (at the time) nuclear missile silos -- reports that up until recently the government has denied despite eye witness testimony from officers and enlisted men and women on the ground.


These documents are a tacit admission that the government has been not only lying about these events (shocking) for close to fifty years, but actively suppressing witness testimony and going out of their way to attack these witnesses' character in order to keep a lid on these sorts of sightings. That should be eye opening for some of the skeptics who believe that there's no way for the government to keep something like this quiet, or are unaware of any sort of phenomenon. Clearly the government can keep these things quiet and works actively to do so. And, as other files in this batch make clear, the US Airforce, Navy and CIA not only have investigated this phenomenon for 70 plus years, they believe it's a real.


Drip... drip... drip.


More of this disclosure type stuff is coming down the pipe from everything I'm hearing. Expect 2016 to be a year filled with odd bits of official disclosure from a bunch of different sources, including private contractors. CIA might be trying to get out ahead of this thing so later on they can just point and say, "see? we told you everything you just didn't pay attention".



All that seems so compelling. If it weren't for sitcom math proving this all impossible, I might even think...........nah.

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I've always been skeptical of this UFO nonsense. But Super Bowl 50 commercials with "Puppy Monkey Baby" have me rethinking it


Puppy Monkey Baby is not of this Earth



Strange ad. They were selling a drink that took three popular ingredients and put them together. Monkeys, puppies and babies are all cute. Together they made an ugly, gross and distasteful creature. Were they trying to make the point that their drink is gross and distasteful?


By the way, it is hard to say with certainty but I am confident that the monkey baby puppy was not an actual creature but is was created using computer graphics. You know more about that stuff than I do but I think that can be done.

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Strange ad. They were selling a drink that took three popular ingredients and put them together. Monkeys, puppies and babies are all cute. Together they made an ugly, gross and distasteful creature. Were they trying to make the point that their drink is gross and distasteful?


By the way, it is hard to say with certainty but I am confident that the monkey baby puppy was not an actual creature but is was created using computer graphics. You know more about that stuff than I do but I think that can be done.

I gave you 4 links upthread and you ignored every one of them. :angry:

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Good movie about moon structures. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0BsHrrVU3c

Interesting video and fun topic to speculate on, but these people totally ruin their credibility when they go overboard with some claims, like stating that a multi-spectral image is the natural color of the moon.


I guess discussing just the facts wouldn't be as entertaining.

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Strange ad. They were selling a drink that took three popular ingredients and put them together. Monkeys, puppies and babies are all cute. Together they made an ugly, gross and distasteful creature. Were they trying to make the point that their drink is gross and distasteful?


It's Mountain Dew. I think that's point's taken for granite.

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