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Raise The Debt Limit Already!

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We should follow the Social Democrat's dream - send the government all of our money, then apply for handouts for everything we need.

From each according to their ability, to each according to their need.

It's a simple solution for simpletons.

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We should follow the Social Democrat's dream - send the government all of our money, then apply for handouts for everything we need.

From each according to their ability, to each according to their need.

It's a simple solution for simpletons.

Actually, the tax cuts are a small part of the deal Obama is offering. It's mostly cuts in spending, but the Birther Congress will not go for it. Wonder why?

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Ya, cause it actually didn't matter then. The Tea Partiers like Paul Ryan and Ron Paul morons actually think it's just fine to default "for a few days"

Yet the one you love voted against raising the debt limit when he was senator. I guess that was different, I mean, if most of the senators would of voted against it then, we wouldnt of defaulted right? Right?


I guess in your book that makes Obama a moron as well.

Edited by Magox
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Ha ha, I'm crazy cause I believe this too....







So obviously true. Hey, where's his birth certificate?


Yet the one you love voted against raising the debt limit when he was senator. I guess that was different, I mean, if most of the senators would of voted against it then, we wouldnt of defaulted right? Right?


I guess in your book that makes Obama a moron as well.

A meaningless protest vote makes no one a moron. Perhaps the moron is the one saying these two situations are the same?

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Ha ha, I'm crazy cause I believe this too....







So obviously true. Hey, where's his birth certificate?



A meaningless protest vote makes no one a moron. Perhaps the moron is the one saying these two situations are the same?

Oh I get it, when Obama does it, its a protest vote, but when others do....



Idiot :lol:

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We should follow the Social Democrat's dream - send the government all of our money, then apply for handouts for everything we need.

From each according to their ability, to each according to their need.

It's a simple solution for simpletons.

It is oversimplification. That is what the liberals want, just like the neocons want to eradicate all entitlements and social services.

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Ha ha, I'm crazy cause I believe this too....







So obviously true. Hey, where's his birth certificate?



A meaningless protest vote makes no one a moron. Perhaps the moron is the one saying these two situations are the same?

This is WAY worse then Conner. Poll? Hard call.

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It's amazing how this argument follows party lines. A few years ago the loudest voices advocating spending cuts and deficit reduction (both in Washington and on this board) were yelling "Reagan Proved that deficits don't matter!" and the people on the other side were screaming about the level of spending going on with the opposite party in power.


Now the former Deficit Doves have become RABID Deficit Hawks. While many (but not all) of the former Deficit Hawks are largely silent.


Personally I wanted deficit reduction when Bush was in office and I want it even more now. But I can see reality, 2 dollars in tax increases for every 4 dollars in Meaningful Spending cuts would be a good start, equal amounts would be even better but won't even be considered due to political reality.

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