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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. Don't need to, you are the one claiming there is only one definition of fascism, which I a pretty stupid thing to say, but you also think Obama is an extremists, so ya, stupid
  2. Obama is an extremist? Tom the birther, who knew?
  3. So Franco's fascism was the same as Hitler's? Please..... Read some history chum Hell, Hitler's fascism wasn't even the same in 1930 as it was in 1940. but you wouldn't know about that
  4. Oh that's bull, that's like saying Grant didn't lead because he stayed behind and directed the attack. Crushing the Confederacy. Obama also is leading on the pressuring of Iran into negotiating.
  5. Stupid! So stupid. But what do you expect from someone who is so ignorant of history SMH Gosh, historical ignorance is so sad,
  6. He led the Dems to victory in '08 and you sh.. Eaters have been crying ever since, I even think your hero Tom thinks he is an extremists somehow Whatever
  7. Oh you are so full of it, the Dems are far and away moderate, you calling Obama an extremist? WTF? Smoking **** again? You are the strangest person on this board, and that is saying something. You are just plain old weird. I can't help but thinking while reading your demented, long and pointless posts that you have really bad body oder. Don't know why, just the impression I get
  8. Ha ha, insult Ron Paul and the hard core ignoramuses come out at you. It's like being insulted by a bag of trash, oh well...
  9. Stop that now, me influencing you might make Tom jealous. Your Tommy's girl now leave me be, I want nothing to do with a total retard like you.
  10. This post should be removed, wah Where did I celebrate? I didn't, you are a moron. As you said, a six term senator, this is news, you and Doc can cry together about this thread, but too bad for you two losers
  11. Take this thread down!!! Doc the fool doesn't like it.
  12. Saudi oil production increases, lower demand from Europe and Obama being great
  13. Oh no, another Tom sucker to deal with! If it's such a good point, tell us why!
  14. The media dreams about an all powerful government? Wacked! That's paranoia wrapped inside conspiracy theory written inside a bathroom stall...yup, it's Alaska Darin!
  15. Hey, alright, we be running a surplus http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/may/7/deficit-streak-ends-obama-first-monthly-surplus/
  16. Yes, let's thank the moron who had no say whatever in what happened http://news.yahoo.com/romney-taking-credit-auto-industry-success-031025566.html Castles in the sky
  17. This pos is really aging delegates for some reason, what the heck will this wacko do at the convention with his mob of moronic followers? http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/05/06/ron-paul-still-in-the-race-and-plotting-a-path-to-the-convention/
  18. Omg, you even have Tom in you signature statement Wow, you are a little tool and you even advertise it! Anyway, using torture, trying to use torture induced confessions in court and other information obtained by torture in legal proceedings is so asinine that only Conservatives coil be yammering for it
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