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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. Please, you stay with Tom, the day you ever defend me is the day I know I have gone senile. You two are a cute couple The Dem race was between two cadidates that could win, the GOP race is between one that could win and a whole bunch of kooks with no chance. There is a big difference
  2. This argument has no substance That makes it a retard fight. Welcome to the fight.
  3. Listen chit head, tell me one Republican that has won the white house without winning Ohio
  4. Hey, Romney got over 60% in Massachusetts! That shows his strength in a good Conservative state! Romney does well in those Liberal states. He loses Ohio he is toast, he's dead in the water, even if he goes on to win the nomination
  5. I consider you basically worthless, that's all
  6. Too close to call in Oh High Oh! Oh please God!
  7. Wow, Santorum won Tennessee. Foment didn't spend much there? Ok, too. Newt in Georgia And Ron Paul even got 41% in Virginia
  8. Romney got 22% in Georgia Gees, I wonder if Obama will have some southern states in play in November?
  9. Spot on about how he is going to increase spending on the military? That's about the only thing the moron said
  10. http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/mitt-romney-how-i-would-check-irans-nuclear-ambition/2012/03/05/gIQAneYItR_story.html Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  11. Yes, its just us left wingers that don't want yet another war. Would you pay for it with another tax cut and then blame medicare for the debt? Ron Paulers, where are you?
  12. Wow, and where is Romney on this? Why isn't he more forecfully campaining to get us into another war? If this is anywhere near close to as important as this op-ed suggests, shouldn't Mitt-o be stepping up to the plate and offering us war, war debt and higher gas prices? AIPAC seems to think it's worth fighting to the last American, why doesn't Mitt?
  13. AIPAC is meeting this week and demanding we act against their enemy, Netanyahu is in Washington to pressure our government to attack his enemy and it looks like Congress has been beaten into submission on the issue. I hope Obama stands firm against this insiders game to manuver us into a war that is not in our interests at all. We can't afford it, we don't need the blow back and if Israel wants to do, more power to them, but leave us out of it. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/04/world/middleeast/israels-backers-in-aipac-press-obama-to-harden-iran-policy.html?hp
  14. Scared? What am I afraid of, the Liberal Republican who will probably be a lot like Obama. Romney is a Conservative now, but in the general election he will be Mr Moderate and if he wins who the he'll knows? Probably be a Schwartzagger republican that the right will hate
  15. So you are a partisan Republican, ya, I already knew that
  16. Lol http://www.redstate.com/erick/2012/03/02/breaking-mitt-romney-urged-obama-to-embrace-the-individual-mandate/
  17. Whatever, the gender gap is getting wider I hope Obama and my Democratic people get every last drop of political capital out of the anti- women party they can.
  18. Your angry Obama is taking an opportunity to score political points? Is that it?
  19. Gotta love coward Romney's lame comment on this. This sissy is afraid of Fat Rush Limbo and his viagra induced rants. Really Mitt, this disgusting hate speech was simply a poor choice of words? Boo, go hide under a rock, if you can't stand up to that pig, you don't deserve to be our president
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