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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. http://www.freep.com/article/20120216/COL06/120216046/Tom-Walsh-Mitt-Romney-column-auto-rescue?odyssey=nav%7Chead Boy, Romney is really looking bad in Michigan. Who would have thunk it that his position on not bailing out Detroit might very well lead to his Waterloo.
  2. What did GDP average under the Republican, tax cutting Bush? Do you know? At least he isn't saying all recessions will end in 2 years unless a Democrat is in office, you twit
  3. Santorum's campaign song: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=every+sperm+is+sacred&oq=every+sperm+&aq=0&aqi=g10&aql=&gs_sm=1&gs_upl=8281l10750l0l13953l7l6l0l0l0l0l594l1000l4-1.1l2l0
  4. So, Obama should be doing much better than the Bush years? Bush didn't have the housing crisis to deal with, yet Obama is suppose to do way better? Come on Mr Objective!
  5. You sure are wasting time with your total ignorance. Tell us, jack ass, what actions Obama could have taken that would have created more employment. You say he "perhaps" lengthened the situation, I'd love to hear how that is so. Come on, let's hear. You do realize--ya right--that the government's built in institutions--new deal era--and deficits kept this recession as a recession, instead of a depression? Or should the government have fought deficits with more budget cuts? I'll just leave it there, you made some stupid assertions, I'm calling you on it, let's
  6. Hoover was president for over 3 years of the Depression, that goes way over the limit of what B says these things should last. And the depression of the 1890s saw well over six years of unemployment at higher than 8% http://eh.net/encyclopedia/article/whitten.panic.1893 Also, are you suggesting e should go on a WW2 level of stimulus spending spree?
  7. Exactly, you have no idea what you are talking about
  8. Ignorance! The Bush financial crash was much deeper and more severe than any "recession" we have experienced since the 1930's. Housing prices would not have recovered any faster if we went free market wild after 2008, no way. This is taking longer because it was so much more severe
  9. Oh but she died, I was totally a planned creation...I was wanted, that's why I'm such a happy person. The accidents are the people running around calling everyone idiots ha ha
  10. Yes, and if Romney was President it would be 2% Whatever
  11. Wouldn't this be a serious kick to the groin if Mitt ended up losing Maine? http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0212/72989.html
  12. Ha ha! You forgot the government has fixed the numbers It should also be noted that Government, I mean General Motors, had a record profitable year and their stock shot up eight percent today. All lies, of course, but there it is
  13. And birth control! You know she used birth control. Rick Santorum is right!!!
  14. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/right-turn/post/santorum-birth-control-harms-women/2012/02/15/gIQASRukFR_blog.html?tid=pm_pop No wonder this clown lost in such a landslide. Too bad this didn't resurface after Michigan instead of before. He has never used birth control before? Really???
  15. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/jobless-claims-drop-near-4-133321128.html Oh ya!
  16. Hello there Mr. Objective! Did I blame Bush for the oil prices? No, my gripe with him was the war, which did affect oil prices, though. I enjoyed Bush being bashed by the independents for the oil prices, and I sure as hell didn't go out of my way to defend him, but I don't think his oil buddies were delibertly profiting from it. I just saw it for what it was, a world economy thirsty for oil demanding more. I did think Bush wasn't doing anything on the alternative front, like Obama is, but that's another story. As to the health costs thing, they would be going up regardless, Obama or no Obama. I'm not surprised that after this severve of a financial crisis the small business owners are a little afraid to stick their toes back in the water. Confidence still needs to build up. But there are many good signs. How long before Apple hits $600?
  17. Wow, imagine that, gas prices rising as the economy gets better. Who'd of thunk that would happen?
  18. http://www.buffalonews.com/city/communities/niagara-falls/article731796.ece Talk about corruption! Can't believe anything this guys says, why hasn't he even gone to the police yet if his wife was beaten up?
  19. http://www.detroitnews.com/article/20120214/OPINION01/202140336 Wow, can't wait to see how this plays out in Michigan
  20. I've heard this criticism before, about our lack of progress in transportation and energy. I thought necessity was the mother of innovation? They HAVE made progress on energy, look at fracking and the deep sea drilling etc. Haven't the oil companies and such did all they could to stop alternative energy? Look at the difference Reagan brought to White House in this regard than Carter did. And why isn't solar cost effect yet? The other stuff is still cheaper. Progress in every single field isn't written in stone--or in the clouds, ha! Transportation has run into it's own wall, and it will have to wait for fundamental breakthroughs in many fields to find a safe, costly and mass producable way to go forward. Look at how many innovations it took to get the automobile. If the Bessemer steel process wasn't invented, no internal combustion engine, electricity to bring fire to the piston chamber, etc. Blaming regulations for the lack of progress in these fields seems sort of petty. It seems to me some people are pointing at innovation in computers and information technology to bash our society for not making more progress, or the same progress, in other areas. That's kind of silly This is where I read those similar ideas, I see Thiel is quoted in it: http://www.usatoday.com/news/opinion/forum/story/2011-12-20/narcissism-self-esteem-innovation/52121940/1
  21. Nice timing there 3rd http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Valentine's_Day_massacre Chicago does indeed have a long history of these. Dave's theory is that corruption is no where near as bad as it use to be because of sound recordings being invented and being able to record these people doing bad things.
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