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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. Oh hurrah! Gonna go throw a party? Maybe we will have a natural disaster hit, then you can really celebrate
  2. You have no idea what you are talking about half the time, so I forgive you. It's not your fault you are so stupid
  3. Oh come on, admit Romney was wrong, he even said the industry would die if we didn't follow his vulture capitalist creative destruction formula
  4. You think Truman should have let the North conquer South Korea?? Wow, what a POS you are! Our soldiers fought for freedom there, and they saved the South, I spit on you for denigrating our Korean war vets. Koolaid boy is more pro military Y than you, obviously!
  5. See! Should all vets get free health care for life? If you feel "dumber," then society is a better place now, because you need to feel how you are. Dumb people, like you, need to understand they are inferior.
  6. When they say they are MORE pro military than me or anyone, let alone 95%of everyone, can't I ask WTF they are talking about? Are you more pro military than me? Can you explain why?
  7. It was in reaction to a real dumb statement, what he said was so stupid it's all I could come up with Chef, sorry
  8. Oh, Romney seems a little naive, heck he's even still defending his position on the bailout
  9. How about the severe right? Mitt says he was "severely conservative" as governor
  10. Homicide in the nation fell off of the top 15 reasons that killed people for first time since statices have been kept
  11. http://news.yahoo.com/high-court-examines-lying-military-exploits-193627547.html People claiming war hero status shouldn't be a crime no matter how disgusting it is
  12. Yes, you total idiot, this Is worse than Dems in '08, are you really too stupid to see that? Answer: yes he is Last I checked Obama went into the election against McCain with a united party behind him, more united than McCain had. Good luck getting anywhere near that with whatever loser the GOP nominates this year
  13. How many assumptions can you make to twist and turn a single argument? So corporations are not earning that much? A fraction of what they should? Prove that please. And what are "normal circumstances"? European and Republican congressional debt shocks? Blaming Obama for corporations having too much money is just stupid
  14. As are several other losers. Palin is so obviously hoping that the convention of screaming Tea Party nuts will pull down the house if she isn't nominated. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0212/73070.html#ixzz1mvlnnISH
  15. Yes, good is bad and bad is good. Couldn't corporations with large amounts of cash on hand be seen as a good thing? Everyone loves more money! For example, if a Republican was President, then it would be a good thing, right? also been seen Dow @ 13,000---Obama bad! You wouldn't understand, you are too dumb
  16. It's Obama's "fault" that corporate balance sheets are at all time highs! Obama bad!
  17. Santorum doubling down on his uber-Christian nonsense. http://news.yahoo.com/santorum-says-obama-agenda-not-based-bible-011457960.html He also points out Romney's great accomplishment, the Olympics, was all bought and paid for by pork from our great Federal government
  18. Sure, eliminating regulations would making businesses happy, for awhile. Happy? might even increase employment for awhile, but it would balance itself out eventually. But your GDP argument is out there, your two year measurement is off mark and blatantly self serving and the idea that if Romney was President the economy would be soaring at 6.8% GDP or whatever is laughable. What was Bush's average GDP anyway?
  19. 2 year thing again, really? You and B-idiot seem to think we should all just go along with your arbitrary measures. No thanks, this isn't 1982 and Reagans recession was already being fixed by Carters fed policy and lower oil prices and he didn't have to worry about low housing prices. But you actually think that Obama with this housing situation should be killing Bush's GDP simply because Bush's economy was so bad? That's your argument? You speak of pent up demand, but the whole point is that the housing market is wildly over saturated, so demand is going to take years to catch up, no matter what Obama does.
  20. If Maggox is going to complain about GDP under Obama, I will show how overall Bush, EVEN WITH THE GOOD YEARS, wasn't anything to write home about That's all
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