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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. Mags is obviously just more of a free market adherent than you and the rest of the xenophobic right wing. He understands that in the free market the free low of labor is as sacred as the free flow of capital. Anti immigration is simply anti-capitalist. When the government starts telling small business owners who they can and cannot hire we are going against the very free market principles this country was built upon.
  2. Oh, was the Fourteenth Amendment repealed while I was asleep or something? Ok, I get it. So Romney is wrong, right?
  3. No, you are simply a partisan dumb ass, and you prove it with every post you make. So, Romney is so great economically yet he was wrong about the Detoit bailout. Not one penny for DEtroit! But hundreds of millions for SAlt Lake games! You are such a tool!
  4. Rotflmao!!!! You surrender monkey! Were the lobbying group Williard created facts or fiction???
  5. The Kennedy's are Democrats. If they were Republicans this post never would have been created
  6. Omg, you can't be this stupid Mr. Objective. I suppose Romney's quote was political as well?? Or the fact that he set up many lobbying committees to suck money out of the federal treasury for this, his landmark achievement, is all non-relevant? Is the lobbying a fact? And you do realize--well this is Romney we are talking about, so you will be blinded by your partisan love of him--that the so-called "accelerated funding" is simply political cover for the fact it was all pork spending. Why else the five lobbying committees? You are a total idiot
  7. Wow, you don't think Maggox isn't another partisan hack? Really? He's a Romneyoid Well, at least he has the guts of his convictions to actually support and defend someone and something, unlike you who just wants to b-itch and moan So you wish to shill for Paul and no one cares. Ok, now go play in traffic
  8. Well, John McCain sure knew: Did you even read this stuff before you posted it you twit? Ya, Romney sure did this saving of the Olympics through his own rugged individualist determination to save the day! Funny, he cried all the way home over bailing out our manufacturing sector in Detriot, but no amount was too big to drag out to Utah.
  9. No way. There is no way Obama's budgets will be worse than the Republicans. If you wack tax revenue coming into the government the budgets will simply increase. Reagan and Bush already proved that. I'll simply let history be my guide on that point. You acn appreaciate that, can't you Professor Military Historian?
  10. Really? I'd like to see what he could have done without the Evil Federal Government bailing his Olympics out. His greatest success is that he competently doled out federal pork. Wonderful! http://abcnews.go.com/US/story?id=95650&page=1
  11. Let's see, the republicans want to cut taxes again, including for the wealthy, and won't point out how they are going to pay for it. Just like they always do Obama will cut nothing, maybe the military, but will raise taxes Ok, who will have bigger deficits? Even a moron like you could figure that out....I guess
  12. but even you must admit that raising taxes is the right thing to do sometimes, correct?
  13. USA Today? Gosh, I may not be a military historian, but don't abuse me that badly! So basically, you are a USA Today sort of person and really doesent know anything at all beyond basic political clap trap rhetoric?
  14. I didn't even look at the f'n article at all. But the fact we have a strong central government, with a federal reserve, national supremacy and all, is the real reason we are so much better economically than Europe Conservatives want states right, that's actually more like the Europe they scream about. I know, I know...your brain has never gone there, therefore that's dumb, blah blah Ignorance is bliss, even for a " military historian"
  15. That I try pointing out the truth to a brainwashed twit like you? Maybe
  16. Answer your questions mean trying to confront your ignorance, what's the point?
  17. You mean how a strong centralized government works better than a weak confederation? You have to see that's right, right?
  18. Obama would have a lot less debt, no doubt. Heck, if Romney gets his 20% insanity passed, it would explode the debt.
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