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Everything posted by Dave_In_Norfolk

  1. You are just ignorant. Were you really young in 2000? Bush said his plans wouldn't bust the budget with his tax cuts either. It's also funny that you are counting on the Dem congress to stop your Republican madness
  2. http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/report-debt-will-swell-under-top-gop-hopefuls-tax-plans/2012/02/22/gIQAzAJvUR_story.html?tid=pm_pop And this doesn't even include Romneys giant 20% across the board tax cuts. Yes, these people are real serious, ha ha ha
  3. Yes! Thanks, I was wrong and thanks for posting that But if Regan can increase capital gains taxes Obama can raise taxes on dividends. The world will not end
  4. WTF is pro growth tax reform? Isn't Obama's payroll tax just that?
  5. I admit I might be wrong, but my experience with dividends has been that they are almost totally irrelevant. Any non-far right wing web site to educate me on this?
  6. Interesting that Obama is acting more like Ronald Reagan than any Republican http://www.npr.org/2011/10/17/141407285/times-have-changed-since-reagans-1986-tax-reform
  7. Ask and you shall receive: Appl NOV HD KMP I'm going to by Visa stock soon, I think
  8. Interesting, so to pay several thousand more in taxes just off the dividends, he must have a he'll of a lot invested. So I'm thinking it won't change his life style one bit. Besides, taxing him to pay for my moms health car sounds alright to me
  9. I wish we could have won the Cup for Ramsey, probably my all time favorite Buffalo Sabre. So glad he got the Gold, though. I was in 8th grade and watched the game on a tv set I won from my Buffalo News paper route Awesome, just awesome!
  10. I think Obama stareted this birth control fight just to get Santorum and the GOP to chase his tail. Good job Mr. President!
  11. F*** dividends! 100 million people may get them, but the vast, vast majority of it goes to the very, very top sliver of the 1%. Seriously, how much stock in a company do you need to own to actually get enough from dividends to even matter?
  12. Sounds like an interesting book. Here is a review by someone that can be taken seriously: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/19/books/review/book-review-the-storm-of-war-a-new-history-of-the-second-world-war-by-andrew-roberts.html?pagewanted=all
  13. The retard is calling me stupid..... Seriously, you have already forgotten the balanced budget amendment? Seriously, has it really been to long for your short attention span to remember the debt ceiling fight? God you are a stupid cuss!
  14. He tries to shine the light of truth under their rock once in awhile. Totally unacceptable! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/02/21/romney-spending-cuts_n_1292261.html Kind of undermines the entire phony Conservative argument on government and economics
  15. Ha ha, you were wrong AND you are a wuss to admit it!
  16. Well pal, I'll tell you what, if you think AD's question was actually something of an intelligent point, then I know who that putz is. Good point, I have read enough of your post to consider that an expeience Go Sabres! I'm out!
  17. How many baby boomers leave the workforce each month?
  18. Not in the same way, a politician pandes to the filthy masses, a diplomate panders to depraved heads of state. Politician needs to play a leader on tv, a diplomate needs to actually do it in person.
  19. No, he/she needs diplomatic skills, which are very different
  20. He'd be pretty good at it. The guy is smart, but not a great politician, sort of like that Romney
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