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Raise The Debt Limit Already!

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You mean people who actually work for a living, take care of their children, and don't grovel to the government for handouts?


No, I mean buck-tooth unwashed fat-assed white-supremacist whiners.


You know the type, I'm sure.

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No, I mean buck-tooth unwashed fat-assed white-supremacist whiners.


You know the type, I'm sure.


Thanks for illustrating why the Libs got their asses handed to them in 2010 and will again in 2012. Demeaning the people who actually pay taxes is a surefire way to win elections.

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You mean people who actually work for a living, take care of their children, and don't grovel to the government for handouts?



So not one Tea Party person accepts ANY government handout? Isn't a deadbeat dad? HAHAHA!!

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I can't believe you, of all people, got sucked into the propaganda.


You remember that albino buck toothed teabagger carrying a rifle at a rally in Arizona, don't you? The one that NBC claimed was an example of the angry white tea partier? The one that they didn't show his face? The one that was actually black? That's who DC is talking about.

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I can't believe you, of all people, got sucked into the propaganda.




Let me spell it out for you: I was calling Dave a buck-toothed unwashed fat-assed white-supremacist whiner.



Although truthfully...every Tea Partier I personally know is a white-supremacist whiner who bitches about entitlement programs while drawing on them. Unfortunately, they're family and I sometimes can't avoid them.

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Passed 74-26




And Obama, while signing, makes a statement to the effect of thanking Congress for putting the country's needs ahead of politics...




Do politicians actually believe the **** that comes out of their mouths?

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I can't believe you, of all people, got sucked into the propaganda.



It's difficult not to.


And Obama, while signing, makes a statement to the effect of thanking Congress for putting the country's needs ahead of politics...




Do politicians actually believe the **** that comes out of their mouths?




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Somebody wants to get investigated by the Secret Service :o



Well...just in case they are reading...I have been as supportive of him as anyone could be, these days...the events of the last few days were a pretty bad blow to my faith in him...he will very likely still have my vote in 2012, unless somebody comes along that really gets me enthusiastic. Republican-Tea Party isn't likely to offer up anything...

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He's dead to me...




Well...just in case they are reading...I have been as supportive of him as anyone could be, these days...the events of the last few days were a pretty bad blow to my faith in him...he will very likely still have my vote in 2012, unless somebody comes along that really gets me enthusiastic. Republican-Tea Party isn't likely to offer up anything...


Compromising is something only other people should do. Okay.


"Racist?" I meant !@#$.

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Well...just in case they are reading...I have been as supportive of him as anyone could be, these days...the events of the last few days were a pretty bad blow to my faith in him...he will very likely still have my vote in 2012, unless somebody comes along that really gets me enthusiastic. Republican-Tea Party isn't likely to offer up anything...


So you are probably going to vote for a dead guy, eh? A little different than most democrats, it's the dead guys usually doing the voting.

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So you are probably going to vote for a dead guy, eh? A little different than most democrats, it's the dead guys usually doing the voting.

Both sides do underhanded things. That is why our government is such a joke. The only thing worse is the American people, themselves.

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Compromising is something only other people should do. Okay.


"Racist?" I meant !@#$.


I am all for compromise. But, this is hilarious. Just a week or so ago here, people were ripping on Obama for being a partisan shill... but, Obama doesn't compromise, he rolls over, in the end, to Republicans at every turn. And yet, the people who hate him, say that he is divisive. It's like he got elected, and then just forgot the reasons that the people who voted him in, did so in the first place. He spends his energies trying to win over a crowd of people who are never going to like him, no matter what he does...so, we come up with a debt plan that really doesn't accomplish anything, or make anyone happy. Republicans got pretty much everything they wanted, but it isn't enough...


So you are probably going to vote for a dead guy, eh? A little different than most democrats, it's the dead guys usually doing the voting.


Man, twerp, you are on fire! Or is that man-twerp? :rolleyes:

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If we really want to get rid of the deficit, we need to eliminate social security, Medicaid and Medicare. We also need to raise taxes. A couple generations will struggle in poverty during retirement, but the problem will be solved.


All the people who think this can be a one sided, partisan thing are wrong. All the people who think you can pick and choose what to cut and not to tax are delusional

Edited by Adam
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