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Raise The Debt Limit Already!

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It's certainly a combination of the two.


CNN's reporting that S&P is confirming the story...but is delaying their downgrade because the feds identified "mistakes" in their economic model, which was apparently off by "trillions" of dollars.


Given this administration's demonstrated abilities in the realm of economics and basic mathematics, I can't discount the chance that the "mistake" the government expressed was along the lines of "We regulate you, not the other way around. Downgrade our debt, and we'll !@#$ you in the ass, bitches."




Can I have Clinton's domestic policy and Bush's second-term foreign policy, please?

Not that is matters, but I would really like to know what President Bush would have been like if 9-11 didn't happen. It is amazing how circumstances shape things.

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Tweet from Reuters


FLASH: S&P reconsiders U.S. downgrade after government challenge, CNBC reports


Translation: After careful consideration and considering our recent history of being wrong, we have reconsidered our opinion. We would much rather not be reduced to nuclear rubble.

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Translation: After careful consideration and considering our recent history of being wrong, we have reconsidered our opinion. We would much rather not be reduced to nuclear rubble.


I thought it was probably more like "Our flight to Sweden has been delayed..."

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NEW YORK (Reuters) - The United States lost its top-notch AAA credit rating from Standard & Poor's on Friday, in a dramatic reversal of fortune for the world's largest economy.


S&P cut the long-term U.S. credit rating by one notch to AA-plus on concerns about growing budget deficits.


In other news:


"Reuters: BREAKING Terrorists have launched a nuclear missile at S&P headquarters"

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In other news:


"Reuters: BREAKING Terrorists have launched a nuclear missile at S&P headquarters"


Yeah...no one can get their story straight.



Seriously, for a moment...I've never heard of a corporation challenging a credit downgrade before now. Anyone know if that sort of thing happens often, or is that just a government perk?

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The credit rating agency says that it is cutting the country's top AAA rating by one notch to AA-plus. The credit agency said late Friday that it is making the move because the deficit reduction plan passed by Congress on Tuesday did not go far enough to stabilize the country's debt situation.


Stories are flying.

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Tea Partiers, their ratings are in the toilet.


But not before claiming this is an issue that transcends partisan politics. "We - The White House, Congress, and the American People - must work together to address this issue. We're in this together, including the Republicans and their fat-cat Wall Street jet-owning backers who caused this problem with their refusal to pay their fair share..."


I should note, I do not blame them.


I actually kinda do...but no more or less so than everyone else in the House. Buncha !@#$ing kindergarteners.

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Perhaps blame them less would be better.


Nah, the fundamental issue at work was everyone's unwillingness to work together, and instead play partisan politics. Virtually any halfwit knows that spending is unsustainable at current levels and revenue has to be increased to address the debt, not just the spending. Sadly, the congresscritters don't even rise to the level of "halfwit".


Think about what that means. They're not even halfwits. They don't even rise to pBills' or Bishop Hedd's level, they're basically stuck at Dave_in_Norfolk or conner. That's who's running our country.





Part of the statement from S&P I felt was interesting:


"More broadly, the downgrade reflects our view that the effectiveness, stability, and predictability of American policymaking and political institutions have weakened at a time of ongoing fiscal and economic challenges."



It's the Tea Partier's fault! [/Democrats]

It's Obama's fault! [/Republicans]

Is it Obama's fault? You betcha! [/sarah Palin]

It's Bush's fault! [/pBills]

The Book of Revelations predicted this! [/Dwight Drane]

Damn blacks! [/DaveInElma]

I like cheese! [/ieatcrayonz]


And Dave_in_Norfolk will just babble incomprehensibly and then dump a plate of spaghetti over his head.


That is more human nature than it is US culture.


But only our "Victims are heroes, God bless them!" culture raises it to a goddamned art form.

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And Dave_in_Norfolk will just babble incomprehensibly and then dump a plate of spaghetti over his head.

You give Dave more credit than I would. I would have thought that Dave's response involved an unchanged diaper, a 6 pack of Ramen Noodles, and a Miley Cyrus blowup doll

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You give Dave more credit than I would. I would have thought that Dave's response involved an unchanged diaper, a 6 pack of Ramen Noodles, and a Miley Cyrus blowup doll


Why do you think he's not posting here? Just another Friday night in Norfolk...

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