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I just started and finished watching Breaking Bad

The Poojer

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I think that Walt's speech on the phone to Skyler was also a metacommentary on the irrational hatred of her among the show's fans. Much of Walt says about her is exactly the sort of stuff that message board haters say about her. Gilligan has mentioned this issue before.


Ha..ha..was just gonna post this, in response to Past Joe...but you beat me to it...great article from the New Yorker:



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High drama indeed. That was a Kafkaesque metamorphosis in real time.

Hank crushed him back to being WW. Then in a twinkling of Gilligan magic he transformed into the devil - Heisenberg.


It was absolutely brilliant...I went back and re-watched it again and the only thing that could possibly match the brilliance of the way Gilligan wrote that scene was the way Cranston used his facial expressions and mannerisms to carry out that transformation. You can literally see his face being overtaken by the Heisenberg persona.


This is the sort of thing Iv'e grown accustomed to on this show, which makes it really hard to enjoy OTHER shows anymore lol.

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It was absolutely brilliant...I went back and re-watched it again and the only thing that could possibly match the brilliance of the way Gilligan wrote that scene was the way Cranston used his facial expressions and mannerisms to carry out that transformation. You can literally see his face being overtaken by the Heisenberg persona.


This is the sort of thing Iv'e grown accustomed to on this show, which makes it really hard to enjoy OTHER shows anymore lol.


Brilliant work by Cranston.


And I know exactly what you mean about watching other shows, now. I've tried several new ones, but they just don't click in the same way.

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Brilliant work by Cranston.


And I know exactly what you mean about watching other shows, now. I've tried several new ones, but they just don't click in the same way.


Yep, it's like Gilligan and his damn high standards have ruined us for all other television!


The example I used a little earlier in this thread still holds true...this is the last season of Dexter - a show that I've typically really been into - but I find myself looking at my watch and having to remind myself to pay attention. Whereas Gilligan gives us a LOT to chew on each and every week, it feels like the writers on Dexter are just biding their time with filler, waiting for when they can do something interesting in the very last episode of the season/series. I had such high expectations for this season being different, but it's been one massive fail, IMO. I'm glad that Sons of Anarchy is back again, but I would be surprised if the show still has me engaged after a few more weeks.


The Saul spinoff can't get here fast enough!

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Yep, it's like Gilligan and his damn high standards have ruined us for all other television!


The example I used a little earlier in this thread still holds true...this is the last season of Dexter - a show that I've typically really been into - but I find myself looking at my watch and having to remind myself to pay attention. Whereas Gilligan gives us a LOT to chew on each and every week, it feels like the writers on Dexter are just biding their time with filler, waiting for when they can do something interesting in the very last episode of the season/series. I had such high expectations for this season being different, but it's been one massive fail, IMO. I'm glad that Sons of Anarchy is back again, but I would be surprised if the show still has me engaged after a few more weeks.


The Saul spinoff can't get here fast enough!


That's what I was saying about Sons of Anarchy :lol:

Edited by meazza
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That's what I was saying about Sons of Anarchy :lol:


Yep, we're both in the same boat for sure...lol I seem to compare so many aspects of other shows to BB now...one of the first thoughts I had when Sons went with the school shooting angle was, "there's just no way Gilligan would do this..."


I've typically always been more of a movies and sports guy than a tv guy, but that's sort of shifted a bit toward the TV side over the last few years. I never really put any one writer or any one show on a pedestal, though, until BB and Gilligan. The more we all talk about the show(s) and the more comparisons that are made, the more it's clear that this guy is just on another level.


Who knows, maybe you and I will both end up being really into sons this season, but right now it's hard for me to imagine. I'm going to savor every last morsel of Heisenberg goodness for the next couple weeks and then let the chips fall where they may. I suspect maybe I'll end up watching more movies and sports again :lol:

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Yep, we're both in the same boat for sure...lol I seem to compare so many aspects of other shows to BB now...one of the first thoughts I had when Sons went with the school shooting angle was, "there's just no way Gilligan would do this..."


I've typically always been more of a movies and sports guy than a tv guy, but that's sort of shifted a bit toward the TV side over the last few years. I never really put any one writer or any one show on a pedestal, though, until BB and Gilligan. The more we all talk about the show(s) and the more comparisons that are made, the more it's clear that this guy is just on another level.


Who knows, maybe you and I will both end up being really into sons this season, but right now it's hard for me to imagine. I'm going to savor every last morsel of Heisenberg goodness for the next couple weeks and then let the chips fall where they may. I suspect maybe I'll end up watching more movies and sports again :lol:


I doubt it. I will have my hands full with GTA V :D

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I doubt it. I will have my hands full with GTA V :D


Oh, hell yeah! Even before I bought GTA IV, I had a blast on Justin.tv just watching people play it...I had been away from gaming for a good while, so it was amazing to me to see an open environment like that...the things people were doing were hilarious. I can't wait to fire up V!!


That might be a great application for the Heisenberg character...a GTA type game! haha

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Oh, hell yeah! Even before I bought GTA IV, I had a blast on Justin.tv just watching people play it...I had been away from gaming for a good while, so it was amazing to me to see an open environment like that...the things people were doing were hilarious. I can't wait to fire up V!!


That might be a great application for the Heisenberg character...a GTA type game! haha

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LOL, that's awesome!


I'm watching some guy play it as we speak...I can picture Heisenberg breaking onto the military base to steal a jet :lol:

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AJ- you want good, quality shows...you should check out "Rectify" (from the producers of "Breaking Bad" on Sundance Channel) and "Boardwalk Empire" on HBO. Both shows are really excellent. Great writing, acting, etc etc...neither is as face paced as "Breaking Bad", so you aren't always trying to catch your breath..but great story telling none the less...and neither will insult your intelligence....I have the same issue as you (BB is your gauge for all other thinge, for me it is "The Sopranos"), so I am normally pretty select about what I will devote my time to. I watch "Dexter" and "The Walking Dead". mainly because my gf likes them, and I think, conceptually, both are interesting. I wish both of them were a whole lot better...I may be the only person (maybe Pete too) who loves "Treme" on HBO....comes back in December, after Boardwalk is over.

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Good God....what an episode. Where this goes from here?...who knows. Too many points to rip up....Uncle Jack wasting Hank....the phone calls.....Skyler slicing Hank and Jr. defending Mom....wow. Hate me if you must but I still want Walt to come out on top.

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AJ- you want good, quality shows...you should check out "Rectify" (from the producers of "Breaking Bad" on Sundance Channel) and "Boardwalk Empire" on HBO. Both shows are really excellent. Great writing, acting, etc etc...neither is as face paced as "Breaking Bad", so you aren't always trying to catch your breath..but great story telling none the less...and neither will insult your intelligence....I have the same issue as you (BB is your gauge for all other thinge, for me it is "The Sopranos"), so I am normally pretty select about what I will devote my time to. I watch "Dexter" and "The Walking Dead". mainly because my gf likes them, and I think, conceptually, both are interesting. I wish both of them were a whole lot better...I may be the only person (maybe Pete too) who loves "Treme" on HBO....comes back in December, after Boardwalk is over.


Thanks! I've never heard of Rectify but will check that out. I've had Boardwalk Empire on the radar for a while now, especially since Michael Shannon has become one of my favorite actors. I think all the eps are available on HBO-GO, so I have no excuse anymore.


I know that Dean Norris' show "Under the Dome" is supposed to be pretty good...when I saw it was based on a Stephen King book it piqued my interest.


I thought I found a new show to enjoy in "Continuum" on SyFy, but it's sort of lagging a bit for me now...so I'll give a look to the ones you suggested since you always suggest good stuff.

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Thanks! I've never heard of Rectify but will check that out. I've had Boardwalk Empire on the radar for a while now, especially since Michael Shannon has become one of my favorite actors. I think all the eps are available on HBO-GO, so I have no excuse anymore.


I know that Dean Norris' show "Under the Dome" is supposed to be pretty good...when I saw it was based on a Stephen King book it piqued my interest.


I thought I found a new show to enjoy in "Continuum" on SyFy, but it's sort of lagging a bit for me now...so I'll give a look to the ones you suggested since you always suggest good stuff.


The show started ok but it doesnt follow the book that closely which surprises me seeing as how King is a producer on the show.


It could have been good but some of the actors are plain awful.

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I think that Walt's speech on the phone to Skyler was also a metacommentary on the irrational hatred of her among the show's fans. Much of Walt says about her is exactly the sort of stuff that message board haters say about her. Gilligan has mentioned this issue before.


It's not irrational at all to dislike Skyler, given what we know about Walt's motivation to provide for his family. Lets make clear that Anna Gunn does a fine job playing the character, but it's the character's actions that I dislike. She's continually busted Walt's balls, and then she accused him of killing Hank without letting him explain that he tried to save him. She attacks him with a knife, he defends himself, and gets accused of attacking her. He takes his daughter who he has a legal right to, and gets accused of kidnapping. It could have all been avoided if she went with him and gave him a chance to settle down and explain he was trying to protect the family. And even after all that he ends up calling her and lying about her lack of involvement to protect her from the police, once again taking care of the family given the dire straits he's in.

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It's not irrational at all to dislike Skyler, given what we know about Walt's motivation to provide for his family. Lets make clear that Anna Gunn does a fine job playing the character, but it's the character's actions that I dislike. She's continually busted Walt's balls, and then she accused him of killing Hank without letting him explain that he tried to save him. She attacks him with a knife, he defends himself, and gets accused of attacking her. He takes his daughter who he has a legal right to, and gets accused of kidnapping. It could have all been avoided if she went with him and gave him a chance to settle down and explain he was trying to protect the family. And even after all that he ends up calling her and lying about her lack of involvement to protect her from the police, once again taking care of the family given the dire straits he's in.




What planet are you from? She married a chemistry teacher, she ended up with a meth cook.


His brother in law arrests her and now he's missing. I'm quite certain the "oh well the Aryan Brotherhood who I made a deal with" explanation would have definitely calmed her down.


She's not flawless but how you can't look at Walt as simply being a cruel manipulative mother!@#$er is beyond me.

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It's not irrational at all to dislike Skyler, given what we know about Walt's motivation to provide for his family. Lets make clear that Anna Gunn does a fine job playing the character, but it's the character's actions that I dislike. She's continually busted Walt's balls, and then she accused him of killing Hank without letting him explain that he tried to save him. She attacks him with a knife, he defends himself, and gets accused of attacking her. He takes his daughter who he has a legal right to, and gets accused of kidnapping. It could have all been avoided if she went with him and gave him a chance to settle down and explain he was trying to protect the family. And even after all that he ends up calling her and lying about her lack of involvement to protect her from the police, once again taking care of the family given the dire straits he's in.

You're using a bunch of examples from the last episode to justify people hating her since Day 1. That doesn't hold water.


I never understood the Skyler hate either, other than the standard macho "how dare she express an opinion of her own" mentality. Despite the bumps in the road, she's stayed with him and become his partner in crime. And she's a hell of a lot more reliable than Jesse.

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You're using a bunch of examples from the last episode to justify people hating her since Day 1. That doesn't hold water.


I never understood the Skyler hate either, other than the standard macho "how dare she express an opinion of her own" mentality. Despite the bumps in the road, she's stayed with him and become his partner in crime. And she's a hell of a lot more reliable than Jesse.


I guess his illogical reasoning isn't only confined to PPP.


Seems very old school "don't ask me about my business Kay" a la Michael Corleone.

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The irony of Skyler of course is that while Walt has destroyed the lives of everyone important to him in the name of 'doing it for his family', all along it's been Skyler who really put family first. She didn't need money to be happy; she would have struggled through Walt's cancer and done whatever it took to keep the family together.

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