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Joique Bell available


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Pretty obvious to anyone not looking to bash the Bills, I think.



It's the easiest thing in the world, to sit on one's couch and critique, particularly when you have nothing to do with either the problem or the solution.

These are typical responses from this crowd. No substance to the rebuttal, just "Bills bashing" labels. Suggesting that there is no room for reasoned criticism denies the very existance of this board.


But if it's easy from the couch, why wasn't it easy from the film room? I was a supporter of TE, but I lost a lot of faith last season. We all saw, and many here commented on, the way the team played differently with Fitz as opposed to TE last season. Fitzy was a bit rusty but looked better out there.


Now we have to give props to Gailey for thinking TE was the better option as starter and then quickly completely reversing course and firing the guy? And give him credit for "developing" Fitz, who looks like he was pretty much ready to go? My guess is that Gailey had no idea what would happen after dumping TE, as Fitz probably took very few first team naps since last season. It seems to have worked out pretty well for Gailey--he gets redit for both picking TE as starter AND Fitz as starter.


Must be nice.

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I like him too. But, he was available a few weeks ago, after being cut by Philly, and the Bills signed another running back instead. Gaither I think his name is. Kind of curious, but I will trust (this) coaching staff to know the difference between pre-season good, and regular season good.

The first thing i thought when I read that is, 'you will get slammed for that remark'. And it only took a couple posts for mr weo to do that.


These are typical responses from this crowd. No substance to the rebuttal, just "Bills bashing" labels. Suggesting that there is no room for reasoned criticism denies the very existance of this board. But if it's easy from the couch, why wasn't it easy from the film room? I was a supporter of TE, but I lost a lot of faith last season. We all saw, and many here commented on, the way the team played differently with Fitz as opposed to TE last season. Fitzy was a bit rusty but looked better out there. Now we have to give props to Gailey for thinking TE was the better option as starter and then quickly completely reversing course and firing the guy? And give him credit for "developing" Fitz, who looks like he was pretty much ready to go? My guess is that Gailey had no idea what would happen after dumping TE, as Fitz probably took very few first team naps since last season. It seems to have worked out pretty well for Gailey--he gets redit for both picking TE as starter AND Fitz as starter.Must be nice.

Well, when you are known for bashing, what did you expect?


Why can't we give praise? Gailey had his reasons for starting Trent. We may not agree with them, but he did have his reasons. Is it not possible for you to give Gailey a little bit of credit for realizing it wasn't going to work out with Trent and going to plan B?


Oh, almost forgot, as far as Bell. I bet they grab him again after the season. There are just too many other positions that need a look at while they games still count and don't think they can afford a roster spot for him at the moment.

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The first thing i thought when I read that is, 'you will get slammed for that remark'. And it only took a couple posts for mr weo to do that.



Well, when you are known for bashing, what did you expect?


Why can't we give praise? Gailey had his reasons for starting Trent. We may not agree with them, but he did have his reasons. Is it not possible for you to give Gailey a little bit of credit for realizing it wasn't going to work out with Trent and going to plan B?


Oh, almost forgot, as far as Bell. I bet they grab him again after the season. There are just too many other positions that need a look at while they games still count and don't think they can afford a roster spot for him at the moment.

Slammed? Anyway, Buftex acknowledged my point. You refuse to, and insist I'm "bashing". I have no doubt that Gailey had "his reasons" to start TE--that goes without saying, really--and is the point of my criticism. Specifically, I believe he made a predictable/preventable error. If you've been paying attention, you would see I give credit where it is obviously due. I would give credit to him if he had rectified a situation that was out of his control. Naming and firing your starting QB in a 3 week span is the opposite of that type of situation. I don't think the guy deserves a pat on the back for stumbling upon the (current) starter he had on the bench. By refusing to give effusive praise for this, I am not bashing him.


You are free to praise anything/everything you like.

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Looks like Joique Bell was cut by Indy. I thought he played well for the Bills in pre-season. I hope he can be re-signed, either now or after the season.

I like what he did in preseason too, but I also liked what Spiller did in preseason, and he has been a flop so far too-point being it was preseason. There has to be a reason why Bell has been on 3 team's roster so far this season, and I believe numerous different teams during his short career. I have to believe there has to be something missing from his game, otherwise he would have stuck somewhere by now. If he was really worth something, I think the Colts would have kept him, but they instead brought back Dominic Rhodes for a 3rd time, the same RB who didn't make it out of preseason here last year.

Edited by billsfreak
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I like what he did in preseason too, but I also liked what Spiller did in preseason, and he has been a flop so far too-point being it was preseason. There has to be a reason why Bell has been on 3 team's roster so far this season, and I believe numerous different teams during his short career. I have to believe there has to be something missing from his game, otherwise he would have stuck somewhere by now. If he was really worth something, I think the Colts would have kept him, but they instead brought back Dominic Rhodes for a 3rd time, the same RB who didn't make it out of preseason here last year.



Yes, there is probably a hole in his game, as would be expected for a young inexperienced player.


Most coaches like experience, and tend to bring back players that know the system...especially mid-season. I think Bell will get a real shot with a team next year.

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However, they cut their losses as soon as they realized their mistake.

What bothers me though is that the coaches are the experts and they didn't do their due diligence and view tape on Trent from the past two years. How could they have overlooked that? He wasn't any different in the preason, checkdowns on every play and an occasional bomb.

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IF you all remember Gailey put J Bell on the practice squad probably with the thought of getting rid of Marshawn & the Eagles signed him off our practice squad . If he would have not been signed by the Eagles he would have been here when CJ went down for that week as an insurance policy .


If Gailey liked him i think he'll be back , with Fred being a bit older the general thought is that he's getting ready to hit a wall (strictly because of the age thing) so they will need another back to continue the two back backfield .


And the Bills have a familiarity with J Bell & that should help with the possibility of him coming back !!

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Mr Weo brings up a great point. I just dont get how Chan couldve not had Fitz from the get go. Mightve made a big difference on the season. :worthy:


Do we really need to rehash this again?


Every report I read from the preseason, both from reporters at camp and from fans on this board said that Edwards was hands down the better QB in camp.


What bothers me though is that the coaches are the experts and they didn't do their due diligence and view tape on Trent from the past two years. How could they have overlooked that? He wasn't any different in the preason, checkdowns on every play and an occasional bomb.


You're right, it's impossible for a player to improve with quality coaching. Oh wait, Fitzpatrick seems to have done just that.


Edwards was the best player in training camp this year and won the job. Then he sucked in real games and we cut him. Get over it.


But I don't buy that Gailey believed he had some sort of magic that he could work on Edwards--especially after he no doubt analyzed every inch of film from every game last year--including the ones in which Fitz started. He simply blew it.


So if you don't believe Gailey thought he could make Edwards better, what is your explanation for why he was given the starting job? A desire to fail? What you're saying doesn't make sense.



It's fine to say that you didn't believe Gailey could make Edwards better, but it's kind of bull **** to proclaim that even Gailey knew Edwards was !@#$ed. At least without some plausible explanation of why he then made him the starting qb.

Edited by Captain Caveman
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Quinton Ganther.


You make an excellent point, but I'm guessing they took Ganther because he has a decent amount of NFL experience. And as much as we like to bash the coaches for not recognizing the talent of rookies and undrafted free agents, most coaches put quite a bit of stock in experience...particularity if that experience is decent.


I liked Bell quite a bit in preseason, though I remember he didn't do much in the last game or two. Perhaps he wasn't skilled at picking up the blitz, running proper routes, etc.


I think you may be on to something. I think Gailey has decided the ability to protect the QB is necessary in a Bills RB just now.

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Mr Weo brings up a great point. I just dont get how Chan couldve not had Fitz from the get go. Mightve made a big difference on the season. :worthy:



Yeah, I don't know about that.


For some reason or other, Fitz had gotten the short end of the stick at the end of the season.


Reading yesterday's Buffalo News, Poz and the rest of the team are saying that they all have gotten much better at their assignments than when the season began. Receivers, everybody.

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Do we really need to rehash this again?


Every report I read from the preseason, both from reporters at camp and from fans on this board said that Edwards was hands down the better QB in camp.




You're right, it's impossible for a player to improve with quality coaching. Oh wait, Fitzpatrick seems to have done just that.


Edwards was the best player in training camp this year and won the job. Then he sucked in real games and we cut him. Get over it.




So if you don't believe Gailey thought he could make Edwards better, what is your explanation for why he was given the starting job? A desire to fail? What you're saying doesn't make sense.



It's fine to say that you didn't believe Gailey could make Edwards better, but it's kind of bull **** to proclaim that even Gailey knew Edwards was !@#$ed. At least without some plausible explanation of why he then made him the starting qb.


That's easy, and the basis for my point--he blew it. After everything he saw of the season before and in preseason....he whiffed. He completely misjudged what he was witnessing. Picked the wrong guy. You see-he DIDN"T know TE was

. That's the whole point.
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Bell was good in the preseason, but remember that his production really dropped off in the last two games.


I thought he was a step slow to play with the big boys.


His production dropped when he got more first half playing time.


He is awesome against 3rd and 4th stringers.


So far Philly and Indy have picked him up and let him go. Indy really needs RB help too.


Like Trent Edwards, for example.



They had a lot more invested in Trent than Bell. Edwards got his chance.


With Gailey at HC everyone gets a chance. Hard to argue with that if you are a player looking to come to Buffalo.

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One of the cliches that always comes up, when there is a major move, like hiring a new coach, or cutting/benching a vetran (as in th Trent Edwards situation), that coaches always think they can "coach 'em up". I am sure that Gailey fell into this trap with Trent.


Trent had a good pre-season, said and did all the right things...the Bills already had time invested in him...and lets face it (and I don't mean to start a Ralph is cheap rant), but when a guy like Chan Gailey, underneath everyones' radar as a head coaching candidate, gets a HC job in Buffalo, money is obviously a factor. Gailey knows that I am sure. He knows he has an owner that isn't going to pony up large amounts of money for free agent vetran QB's. Gailey has to work with the pieces that are here...any replacement pieces he gets, along the way, may be just as ineffective as the busted parts. So, it makes some sense that he had to make sure, for himself, that Edwards is a stiff...he committs to him as a starter, to boost his confidence...confidence seems to be something Edwards was lacking the longer he played under Jauron. And for all those who ask "didn't Gailey go back and watch game film from last year...how could he have not known how bad Edwards was?"

Well, all I can say...if I were Gailey, and went back to watch film, I more likely would have come to a stronger conclusion that, whatever offensive game plans the Bills were using, it was not NFL caliber, it is no wonder they were so awful.


I must admit, I was disappointed that the Bills made so many changes, early in the regular season...it almost seemed that this season had one pro-longed pre-season that extended into the rest of the leagues regular season...but, whatever...this team has been so bad, for so long, as a die-hard Bills fan, I am taking whatever signs of improvement the Bills have shown, and running with it...there has been so little visable improvement with this team, for so long, it is refreshing to lose a bunch of close games, by 3 points, and win games against equally lousy teams...rather than sitting back and watching your team get drubbed week after week, by the best and worst teams in the NFL. And, perhaps, most refreshing, this team is actually entertaining again...nothing worse than being awful and dull...say what you will about Gailey, but he looks like he, at the very least, has a clue. When was the last time we saw that?

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Ganther was with the Redskins last year, he did very little. I would like to see Bell back in Buffalo because I feel he ran with heartin the preseason. You probably make a good point about blocking assignments. Most rookies have to pick that up. In the long run Spiller, Jackson and Bell would make a solid trio.


Ganther picks up the blitz well, I'm guessing Bell doesn't do that so good. For a roster that already has Jackson and Spiller along with average to below average offensive tackles, Ganther's skill set is likely a better fit.

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That's easy, and the basis for my point--he blew it. After everything he saw of the season before and in preseason....he whiffed. He completely misjudged what he was witnessing. Picked the wrong guy. You see-he DIDN"T know TE was . That's the whole point.


So he did believe he could make Edwards better, and was wrong.


In your earlier post, you indicated that not even Gailey believed he could make Edwards a starting caliber QB which is why your post didn't make any sense to me.


But I don't buy that Gailey believed he had some sort of magic that he could work on Edwards--especially after he no doubt analyzed every inch of film from every game last year--including the ones in which Fitz started. He simply blew it.

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I think many will be prone to give Gailey credit for just about anything and everything that has transpired this year as they are desperate to believe that we haven't hired another boob as HC.


But I don't buy that Gailey believed he had some sort of magic that he could work on Edwards--especially after he no doubt analyzed every inch of film from every game last year--including the ones in which Fitz started. He simply blew it.


At my place of employment (and I'm sure at yours), they don't give kudos for belatedly correcting preventable error.



Gailey has a history of getting quality play out of marginal QB's. Why do you think Gailey believed he couldn't do it again with Trent?


As far as analyzing film, how do you separate QB performance from poor offensive scheme? Sure Fitz did better than Trent last year, but ultra-conservative Jauron was gone. As Gailey went over the films, I doubt he knew the exact play calls and any last second adjustments/audibles. So, were Trent's short passes the desired plays or Trent's deficiency? Jauron certainly seemed to like what Trent was doing.


I can't remember which preseason game I saw(maybe game 3), but I watched Trent throw mid-range passes, be aggressive in the pocket, and make good plays. I thought he looked like a much improved quarterback over last season.


You're right about Gailey blowing this but I am willing to give him credit for giving players a chance and correcting his mistakes quickly. No one on this planet can be right about everything and IMO it's more important to make things right rather than pretend you're always right. Gailey could have dug his heels in and stuck with Trent just like Jauron did.


Also, with the need to infuse more talent on this team, I give Gailey credit for making sure he's not accidentally letting some go. Especially at the QB position.

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So he did believe he could make Edwards better, and was wrong.


In your earlier post, you indicated that not even Gailey believed he could make Edwards a starting caliber QB which is why your post didn't make any sense to me.

Actually I don't think Gailey thought he could salvage TE--what I'm saying, again, is the he looked at all the data on all the QBs on his roster and concluded TE was the best.


This immediately blew up on him and he buried this mistake by dumping TE. It's not often that a new coach dumps his starter (off the team) after 2 games. Is it?

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