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  1. I know he’s just getting used to the NFL but I always thought this talk of Caleb being this once in 5 year kinda talent was little off. Everytime I saw him go against a defense with a pulse in college he struggled. Hopefully that isn’t the case for the Bears sake.
  2. I was just watching Kyle Williams last game and it hit me that he may have given Josh Allen the his heart and soul, so Josh could take his mantle as the heart and soul of the team. It got me thinking who did Kyle get it from, Aaron Schobel? Thoughts?
  3. Per Ryan Talbot.... Beane loves his ex Panthers.
  4. Full https://linktr.ee/ewood70 Also talked about Aaron Schobel.
  5. https://linktr.ee/ewood70 Full episode with Kyle Williams now on YouTube! Topics covered: Thoughts on McDermott, Ed Oliver and Josh Allen Kyle's favorite wing spot Advice for driving in the snow Not leaving the Bills in free agency How his body is feeling at 40 And much more. ·
  6. I know he is a rookie but why wasn’t he in over Dodson to shadow Hurts? When it became apparent they were running to outside and Hurts taking off more, seems like he would have been better for that role.
  7. https://twitter.com/jonscotttv/status/1699227981560864974?s=46&t=5bplTLuS1AHzrnPA9SMGhQ
  8. Is it just me or does this guy look like the Bills found something here? He plays with intensity and hits harder than any linebacker the Bills have had since maybe Nigel Bradham (outside of Milano, of course). Might have taken a bad angle on a run or two on Monday but he is young so not totally unexpected. Would like to see more of him and less Dodson (preferably not at all) paired with Bernard.
  9. I have watched Dorian Williams play the last 2 games and have come away really impressed with this kid...the dude is all over the place...yes in the Jags game maybe he was a little TOO "all over the place" as he overran some runs, but he also had some fantastically athletic pass breakups too. Last game was much better and he shed blocks a few times to make tackles for short gains better than I ever remember seeing Edmunds do. I strongly believe that by the end of the year Bernard/Williams will be better than Edmunds/Milano last year as a tandem on the field, once Williams gains experience. That being said, I still think Bernard/Milano would be the best combo for them...Milano is just so good, it's crazy. Dude does everything well. I just think Williams is a better fit for what the Bills are trying to do on a down to down basis than Edmunds was and will prove to be even better once he gets more reps and experience as the season moves on. Bernard is already Milano "Lite" and has been nothing short of remarkable for us. Thoughts on this? I know it's a little bit of speculation and some high praise for Williams who we haven't seen enough of, but I think this kid has it at LB.
  10. Per reports, Caleb Williams is demanding part ownership of whatever team that drafts him. I wanna hear what my favorite people gave to say about this! Personally I think this could potentially destroy his draft stock unless he backs off of it. Absolutely ludacris to think that much of yourself
  11. Can anyone explain this?? When seeing the replay, it was clear that these three idiots committed unprovoked acts of aggression on Dawkins and Brown. Thibideaux was seen kicking Dawkins in the head and neck area, and Lawrence and Williams threw themselves like missles and knocked Brown to the ground. I'm sure their wallets will be lighter later in the week, but at least one, if not all three of these clowns should have been ejected from the game!! Thoughts??
  12. Im hoping WR Jameson Williams falls to us do to his injury 6'2" 190 4.25-40 Very good hands accepts the ball fluidly on most throws and is ready to make a play afterward. Makes catches in traffic, even going up over taller defenders with vertical and toughness. He is a monster with his ability to stretch the field vertically and track the deep ball. Williams has been Alabama’s most productive pass catcher and he’s also had two kickoff return touchdowns. A slippery runner with elusive footwork. Has little to no wasted movements between the reception and burst upfield. Combines speed, balance, quickness, vision, and crisp cuts to leave defensive backs and linebackers in the dust. A pass-catcher that dominates at the start of a route due to his explosive quickness and short-area burst, his ability to couple his isolation skills with sure hands and YAC ability is the best in college football Fits a zone system, can sift through oncoming traffic and explode through tiny creases and cutback lanes. Elite, darting stop-and-go acceleration. A high school track star who won Missouri state championships in both the 300-meter hurdles and 400-meter dash. We estimate his forty yard dash time to be in the high 4.2's by the time the combine comes round Similar Crimson Tide standout and Denver Broncos first-rounder Jerry Jeudy, although even more explosive. https://www.nfldraftbuzz.com/Player/Jameson-Williams-WR-OhioState.
  13. I say yes. Two of the top four winningest programs in NCAA history, with the greatest rivalry in college basketball (if not all of sports).
  14. I mean, I’ve kept pretty quiet on this front all season but now it’s time to call Coach K what he is…an arrogant whiner and sore loser who wouldn’t know sportsmanship and personal accountability if it bit him in the arse. Since the early 80s he has gotten cream of the crop recruits and while he managed to win 5 national championships arguably no coach has ever done less with more — and he did it while whining the whole time. You want to talk about character? This is a coach whose players are known as much for their cheap shots and dirty play as they are for their talent (Laettner, Henderson, Allen). He also hung an assistant coach out to dry during a season in which he knew he had a subpar team and chose to leave with “back issues.” He actually petitioned the NCAA to have losses expunged from his coaching record that season; arrogance personified. Now, did he embrace the 3-pt shot more quickly than others? Yes, I’ll give him credit for that. The guy can coach. He emphasized tight man-to-man defense and took advantage of a home court that probably adds 10 points per game. Coach K announcing his retirement a year early and then going on the “praise me” tour this season was as absurd as it was predictable. Look no farther than down the road in Chapel Hill where Dean Smith and Roy Williams — K’s equals in every way — retired at the conclusion of their seasons, and their celebrations were conducted in house without detracting from their team’s environment. Recently we’ve been hit in the face with Duke’s “The Brotherhood” marketing campaign — clearly and unmistakably initiated to compete with the 100% organic “Carolina Family” with which all college basketball fans are familiar. Nice try coming from a program that may be the all-time leader in “one-and-done” players; yeah, I’m sure those guys who spent fewer than 300 days on the Duke campus feel that bond of brothers for life. And then there was last Saturday night. Oh, how glorious that was, first watching the Dookies self-destruct in the 2nd half to be blown out by their fiercest rivals, and then seeing Coach K blame his players by telling the packed house at Cameron their effort was “not acceptable.” Not a single word congratulating the opponent until his press conference hours later. It was cringeworthy and I loved every minute of it. His assistant coach and former player Chris Carrawell deliberately ignored UNC coach Hubert Davis in the handshake line, and then after being called out over social media claimed it was because UNC didn’t “honor” Coach K in Chapel Hill earlier in the season. Hey, when you learn from the master of pettiness it comes easy. It’s so easy being on the “right” side of a rivalry. Goodbye, Coach K — I’m counting on your team to exit the NCAAs before Final Four weekend so we can finally put this chapter to rest and see which path Jon Scheyer chooses. Hubert Davis — coaching a team FAR less talented — already has the signature win of his career in a karmic victory of all-time. Dook Sucks. P.S. Absolutely loved the shots of the crying fans in the stands.
  15. Great read on a player who is likely on the Bills radar early in the draft
  16. 3 years 60M Lol. What a joke. Way to screw up the market even more. Chargers are paying Allen and Williams 20M aav.
  17. RIP...another young player who didn't retire too long ago...this is really continuing a disturbing pattern. Drafted by the Bills in the 6th round in 2001 but never played for us. https://www.yahoo.com/sports/former-nfl-defensive-back-jimmy-234928431.html
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