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  1. Trump's an equal opportunity Birther. Oh and BTW, Kammy called Joke a racist.
  2. A history of lies and deceit - that’s all they have. Fact-checking Donald Trump's claim Hillary Clinton started Obama birther movement If you look back - this NAZI never provided a source for his recurring claim: https://www.twobillsdrive.com/community/search/?&q=Birther&author=Deranged Rhino&search_and_or=and Anyhow, as DR and Bonnie like to say: Rinse , lather, repeat: F’n idiots
  3. LMAO Overall, we rate the American Thinker, Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of conspiracy theories/pseudoscience, use of poor sources, and several failed fact checks. American Thinker (affectionately nicknamed "American Stinker" by its fans) is an online wingnut publication that's more or less the poor man's WND or Newsmax. The webshite, of course, is chock-full of right-wing conspiracy theories, woo, and pseudoscience. On the conspiracy side, they promote birtherism, "creeping sharia," red-baiting, and still occasionally prattle on about Vince Foster. On the science side, they concentrate on creationism and global warming denialism. The site's wingnut credentials are commemorated with an "extreme" bias rating from Media Bias/Fact Check. Perfect source for people like Bonnie... Meanwhile, he's advocating for a national election fraud database; but against H.R.1. Any why is that its mostly Republicans involved with voter fraud these days?
  4. I had a long drive back in the early 90's and listened to him alot....back then he was halfway relevant....History shows he is the Pied Piper of the great derailment of the GOP since then... No....the lies he had do constitute hate....lied about women, birtherism, when you lie to create a different reality....it aint coming from love.... Our country is not better for his presence....you can trace Jan 6 pretty much back to him
  5. Spin it however you want Tri Delt but lets not sugarcoat why Trump was adamant in destroying the ACA. How did birtherism work out for Trump?
  6. What you see as Trump spending 2 1/2 years clearing his name from his association with Russia is seen by people who think for themselves as Democrats spending 2 1/2 years desperately patching holes in a lie that falls apart -- almost weekly now - in hopes of keeping Average Joe from realizing how the whole thing started in the first place. You folks are the left's answer to birthers, and outside your little Twitter/MSN/CNN/Google echo chamber, the world thinks you guys are ridiculous. Remember this post when you find out that trying to impeach Trump is the reason you'll watch his second inauguration.
  7. Every single one of your points is a lie, disproven here previously. Hillary colluded with Russia and also created the Birther Movement. The DOJ is supposedly looking into Biden & his son based on some awfully suspicious circumstances and Biden's admission of blackmailing Ukraine officials. Trump pushed for prison reform and got it through. This mainly affected blacks. Trump has threatened to put down violence, not start it. Now wtf did you post that video to prove?
  8. Did you type that with a straight face? Trump: Conspired with Russia Is currently using the DOJ to try to take down Biden via his son Created the Birther movement against Obama Has discriminated against minorities as a professional sport over the course of a lifetime https://www.vox.com/2016/7/25/12270880/donald-trump-racist-racism-history Trump has threatened riots and violence on multiple occasions, as well as praising those that do it https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/trump-warns-supporters-may-riot-fears-violence-escalate-n540516
  9. so what did Trump mean in all his various overt and subtle racist comments over the years? Birtherism, Central Park 5, DOJ settlement, sh&thole countries, etc? Just another day in the Fox facts free zone....
  10. Time for Biden to go NUCLEAR - wasn’t that the classy term you used the night RBG died? Charlottesville Central Park 5 Birtherism And so on: Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2020
  11. There has never been evidence that Clinton or her campaign started the birther rumors,” said Ben Smith, editor in chief of BuzzFeed, who as a POLITICO reporter in 2011 linked the origin of the “birther” movement to a fringe politician in Illinois. Some hardcore Clinton backers circulated the rumors in 2008, but the campaign itself steered clear. “As we reported, some of her supporters flirted with the idea in 2008 — but it has its origins in the fever swamps beginning in Illinois in 2004,” he said. In fact, birtherism, as it’s been called, reportedly began with innuendo by serial Illinois political candidate Andy Martin, who painted Obama as a closet Muslim in 2004. That spiraled into a concerted effort by conspiracy theorists to raise doubts about Obama’s birthplace and religion — and essentially paint him as un-American. https://www.politico.com/story/2016/09/birther-movement-founder-trump-clinton-228304 no you don’t. citizenship is granted to children of US citizens google it
  12. You are aware of who originated the birther movement, right? It wasn't Trump. It was Hillary during her primary against Obama.
  13. Team Bernie: Asking about the medical records of a 78-year-old who just had a heart attack is the same as…birtherism .
  14. I wasn't referring to Trump except that he was also a birther when he didn't like Obama's election. So that answered your observation, "It really isn’t supposed to be like this but this is what happens when one side simply won’t accept the results of an election."
  15. People still talk about pizzagate and birtherism like they are real. Why not the pee tape and tooth fairy?
  16. I don't think the NFL owners would've let Trump own an NFL franchise after pushing the birther conspiracy at the time when the majority of players are African American. Imagine the PR nightmare he would've been during the kneeling controversy. Plus, he foolishly tried to take on the NFL by being the main reason they moved the USFL games from the spring to the fall. It would've been fun to have him as an owner as he would've been George Steinbrenner on steroids.
  17. ***** all you Santa Birthers! Santa is real, just like the Great Pumpkin. Y'all a bunch humbugs.
  18. Crayola's explanation of statutory interpretation is accurate. Although some courts go outside the boundaries, they are not supposed to look at legislative history unless the language of the statute is so ambiguous as to make its interpretation unclear. The statements of a governor would have little to no effect (officially) even where the language is ambiguous because he is not part of the legislative branch. He's an executive. As far as expert witnesses, they can provide their opinions regarding the facts of a case, but they are not permitted to answer the ultimate legal question, nor are they permitted to give their interpretation of statutes. Tran is a piece of ***** and so is the governor. It wouldn't surprise me if both support killing a healthy baby after birth for the convenience of the birther. I say birther because anyone who would kill her baby doesn't deserve to be called the mother.
  19. A couple quick follow ups on you work story: 1. Was the same supervisor in place for the 30 years you've been there, thus presiding over the previous 4 portrait changes? 2. Did he state that he was changing the portrait because BO was the new Commander in Chief? 3. Is it possible he was a Trump so thoroughly disgusted with 8 years of Obama apology tours, tearing down the police force, playing racial politics, sending boatloads of cash to terrorists in foreign camps, leaving Americans to die in Libya among other things (the charicature of the average Trump supporter) and so on that once it was appropriate to flip the script, he simply flipped the script at the time the script should always be flipped 4. If not, how did you come to surmise it was a racial issue? Anyway, my point remains the same. Politics are politics, and someone always hates someone else. It's not subtle or hidden, or whatever, it just is. Speaking of that btw, you mentioned the birther issue. In the world of American politics, where pretty much anything you can say, do, or imply your opponent did--from mysogyny to homophobia to dogs on cars to not paying taxes to sitting in the church of an anti-American bigot and so on...is it fair to say that djt pulled off a master-stroke of ingenuity when asking if BO was actually born in this country? It's hard to argue it hurt him at the ballot box.
  20. Exactly. As I just stated. Why are guys like @bbb having such a hard time. Sure things aren't out in open... The racism is underground, incideous. Funny anecdote: Literally... My supervisor at work (I am Fed) had Trump's picture in hand on Inauguration Day and the second Trump's hand went on Bible, he ordered Obama's picture to be taken down. Now I have been around Federal offices for 30 years. Replaced 4 Presidents on the wall... I have never seen that much venom towards a President. Of course as Fed workers, we are not the fastest... But why the change now with picture? LMAO... Why? Because there was a Black Man on the wall above the chain of of command. In past, it took some time to get the photos out. This time, the transition team had it all done and ready... LoL... I mean... It's not a big deal... But really? Tell us how you really feel? The head Birther is now POTUS. Yes... When one is purposely evicerating a legacy... Tell us how you really feel?
  21. The Birther Movement, which got so much mainstream support and wasn’t laughed at? Things done in Trump’s Presidency count as things done in Obama’s presidency? Please stop.
  22. The Birther Movement. Obstruct and just say: "No." Basically undoing by Executive Order things he did... Okay, even if that was by Executive Order also. Anything else?
  23. That's been the rallying cry for two years in the media. It's one of the key tenants to the "Trump's racist" remarks. Clinton is never brought up in relation to the birther issue even though history, evidence, and anyone with a memory stretching back to 2007 knows the truth.
  24. There's at least one judge in the country who'll issue a stay on a presidential emergency order issued by Trump, and the Democrats will venue-shop until they find him. But he's wearing them on his head. I snicker because it's not worth considering. There was no evidence that the birthers would accept as proof Obama was born in the US. And it didn't even matter - "born within the borders of the US" is not the definition of "natural born citizen."
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