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Everything posted by iccrewman112

  1. for a John Brown replacement I would take a flyer on John Ross on a one year deal for about 2M and maybe some incentives.
  2. Don’t know why pro teams don’t have marching bands from the local high schools or colleges perform at halftime. Pick the high schools in the spring so they have a ton of time to practice and give them each $25K toward arts/music and athletics programs. Win win for all parties involved.
  3. honestly could be a vet chasing a ring. Could easily end up in Buffalo, KC, or GB for a very team friendly deal.
  4. chiefs starting OL in the Super Bowl will have a total 2020 salary for all 5 guys of under 7 million dollars. that’s the online we could t get pressure against
  5. i am and don’t call me Shirley. that type of money is plenty for generations. It’s fully guaranteed. There’s Opt outs after 4 years. From what I read Josh’s family had money growing up. He knows 160 is plenty. sacrifice the money you’ll never spend in your lifetime to compete for a championship every year. be the one guy that is different in the NFL, put yourself in a position to get the ring(s) now so you aren’t chasing them at the end of your career like stafford and rivers.
  6. what!?!? ross hasn’t done anything in his career to get John Brown level money. Ross should be 1 year 1.5-2M at max.
  7. While the taste of defeat is fresh I’d quickly offer josh 8 years fully guaranteed for $160M and tell him he can work with Beane on how the extra $15M a year he saved the team is spent. Beans: “Hey josh do you want an online to help you stay upright or a shiny new toy to throw to your choice” Also provide him with player option to renegotiate after year 4 as salary cap changes.
  8. While the taste of defeat is fresh I’d quickly offer josh 8 years fully guaranteed for $160M and tell him he can work with Beane on how the extra $15M a year is spent. Also provide him with player option to renegotiate after year 4 as salary cap changes.
  9. Listen to the audio after the go ahead TD catch against the Cardinals. Diggs screams out that’s why you pay me. I’m trying to link the clip.
  10. he excels against zone. Bills playing right into that. Have to try to take Kelsey away and if Hill beats you so be it. Don’t let Kelsey get the 3rd conversions and eat up the clock. Need possessions, to get back into it.
  11. was it a dumb call by Daboll against the blitz to float it open to a Singletary who dropped a 20 yard gain???
  12. If the stadium is at full capacity that pick 6 registers on the Ritcher Scale.
  13. Bills have wasted 2 timeouts that they may very well need.
  14. FG won’t win it. Colts are moving the ball at will. It has to be a TD.
  15. Was easy because the defense is gassed. Going to need another drive for points on the upcoming possession.
  16. Normally I don’t feel like special teams is more than 10% of the game. But the bills unit have been bad on every play, and has completely hampered both the offense and defense.
  17. when pay him $2M more than the head coach offer. and have the PR assemble some video montage with his family being from Buffalo. Isn’t Bevell the guy who choose to not give the ball to Marshawn Lynch from the 1 yard line, against the Pats in the Super Bowl???
  18. Bills need to back up the brinks truck to Daboll and give him $8M for the next two years. and give him the “assistant head coach” title
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