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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. That was a really underrated show. Both of the leads were terrific. FX just couldn't figure out how to market it.
  2. The original Frankenberry. Not the garbage they put out now...the one that's got like 19 cups of real sugar in it.
  3. Am I the only one who thought this thread was going to be about 3rd world fat chics?
  4. Dude...qwitcher whining. So unmanly. She banged you when you had cancer and you wrecked her career. You're a broad.
  5. -47 actual temperature (Fairbanks, Alaska) 125 actual temperature (Death Valley, Ca)
  6. Bad organizations do dumb things out of desperation. Good organizations do smart things based on opportunity. It's really that simple.
  7. There are three positive outcomes to that play: 1. No call. 2. Dropped pass 3. TD Getting a penalty called there is basically the death penalty for your team's chances. The Saints would have run the clock down to about 20 seconds or so and at minimum had a FG attempt. If they score a TD on that play, you have about 1:40 and a timeout to drive the field.
  8. I have had dogs my entire life. I have never seen the female versus male dynamic you're talking about. The best piece of advice I can give you is to limit your new puppy's access to your home. Confine it to small areas where it can do the least amount of damage and watch it like you're afraid it's going to hurt itself. Open up more of your home as it matures. Keep in mind that dogs do not have bladder control until six months or later, so minimizing access is going to help keep this problem to a smaller area. You're going to have to take it outside at least once an hour when it's awake...sometimes more. You'll get a read on this pretty quick. No matter how frustrated you get, don't scream at it out of anger...you wouldn't do that to a human child. Train with it every day, for 5-10 minutes at least a couple of times. Take it everywhere with you and get it used to different environments and people. Most importantly: Feed it high quality dog food supplemented with fibrous stuff like veggies. Better food equals less poop and a longer, healthier life. The money you'll save on vet bills will more than offset the increased cost of the food.
  9. Again, they've been burned too many times. It's not fair on a case-by-case basis but the overall policy is completely understandable. I have taken a number of dogs that "won't be placed in a house with an E-Fence". I have an E-fence...If you're a responsible dog owner and you train your dog appropriately there's no need for leashes or fences. Most places have leash laws because people aren't responsible. It's not the dog's fault.
  10. It's not from their perspective. Rescue organizations get burned all the time. They care about animals first, which is great. I've done enough home visits that I can "generally" tell if someone leads an active enough lifestyle that their living situation won't negatively impact a dog. Most volunteers have big hearts but can't adapt rules to situations. At the end of the day, it's better to be safe than sorry.
  11. I'm not the best person to ask those questions to... I've taken in a number of Dobermans over the years with a variety of "problems". All of them ended up being great dogs but they needed "deprogramming" from their previous lives. I've only gotten one from Craigslist and he was a mess. The others I got from Doberman rescues and we were given them without fee because it was much easier than putting them through the expense of real training with a certified animal behaviorist. Are there "bad" dogs? Yes. Some can't be saved...that's reality. If you have kids, please be very wary about where you get your next family member from. That bell is impossible to unring, though Goldens aren't known for that kinda thing. If I had preteen or younger kids, I wouldn't rescue a challenging working breed. There's just too much risk. The puppy we got recently is my first "paid for" dog in about 25 years. She is amazing in pretty much every way. Whether I ever go this route again is up for debate but I don't regret it one bit.
  12. Reputable breeders are going to charge huge fees because they're doing a real job. They're trying to breed the best possible animal from a temperament , health, looks, etc. standpoint. There are numerous vet visits for both the mother and the puppies until the dogs are sent to their forever homes. If you've been to the vet lately, you know how much fees and care have changed over the last decade...that cost is being passed on, which is appropriate. I just paid about $2k for my latest family member and she's an amazing dog. Worth every penny. That being said, do your research. There are plenty of breeders out there charging the same fees and they aren't reputable.
  13. I'm curious as to whether he can get open without the running start. But those hands...
  14. It's probably time for the Chargers to hire a 12 year old Madden player to run their no huddle time stuff. They wasted almost half of the time they had by not taking timeouts at the appropriate moments, having to settle for a FG instead of getting at least 2 shots at the endzone.
  15. Trading assets foolishly for possible short term gain is why this "rebuild" has taken so long. It's what got GMTM fired.
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