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Dr. K

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Everything posted by Dr. K

  1. I'm an old dude. I remember back in the day after the Bills lost their third Super Bowl, by increasingly bigger margins, that Ralph firing the GM Polian rather than coach Marv Levy was stupid. I liked Marv, but still, that Bills team was rife with star players. If Marv couldn't win the SB with that roster, it made more sense to fire him than fire the man who built the roster.
  2. Plus there was a loud contingent of Bills fans who did nothing but bad mouth him while he was here. Though I'm not sure he's worth the cash it would take at this stage of his career.
  3. He's right. Foghorn Kevin Harlan makes me turn off the sound.
  4. There is no distance element. Kansas City MO and Kansas City KS are separated by a street called State Line. I used to live in Missouri and work in Kansas and traveled a distance of precisely two blocks to go from my apartment to my office. The big hassle was having to file two different state income tax returns every spring.
  5. McDermott strives never to say anything that gives another team the advantage, or supplies bulletin board material, or that throws one of his coaches or players under the bus. That makes his press conferences rather wooden--he's so cautious--but I respect that. He's always trying to avoid distractions and do what is best for the TEAM. I have to respect that.
  6. I confess I don't know anything, but I am worried that investing heavily in a player so far along in years could backfire. He could get injured or his play could decline drastically. The Bills have pushed themselves up against the cap with aging players like Miller and Saffold.
  7. He's a good, gutsy player, and on the field he did a lot for this team.
  8. Why present a "poll" as if you think it is an open question when you already know the answer? That's fundamentally dishonest, and it was evident from your very first post. I did not even know what you opinion was before I clicked on this thread but it was instantly obvious as soon as I read that. Everything after that was blowing smoke.
  9. You really are ridiculously dishonest. Just admit you think McDermott and Beane are the problem. I've got nothing more to say to you.
  10. Really, your agenda is screaming out from under your "dispassionate" analysis. There are so many assumptions buried under the way you've put this that it's laughable even to engage with you. This is a waste of our time.
  11. Any answer to this question is going to be subjective--especially when you frame it the way you did, which slants the answer toward blaming the coaching. This is an incredibly passive aggressive way to start another anti-McDermott thread. Why not just come out and say you blame McDermott for the Bills not winning a Super Bowl and call for his firing?
  12. I swear to God that if the fans ran this team they would not win three games a year. They are hysterical. I hope most of them are not responsible for running anything important in the world.
  13. This is my take on the article precisely. I can see why Dunn is angry and can imagine that some players are too. But whatever is substantive in this article is poisoned by Dunn's animus.
  14. One of the quotes that article cites is a player saying "You don't get over a game like that." Duh. No kidding Sherlock. This quote says nothing about McDermott or anybody else. The writer just sticks it into his innuendo so that in that context it LOOKS LIKE it supports his implications about McDermott. That's what I mean when I say this is written like a 1956 Hollywood Confidential gossip column. It's adolescent BS pretending to be journalism.
  15. This piece is written like a Hollywood gossip column from 1956, dripping with sarcasm and innuendo. It's childish.
  16. This isn't a criticism, just an observation: from reading your posts over a long period of time, I realize your instincts and mine are pretty much exactly opposite. Some people who post here fall, in my mind, into the category of "fools." You do not. But when the traffic light is turning yellow, you hit the gas while I hit the brake. I don't think either choice is the "right" one--very few choices are right all of the time, but still....
  17. Almost unreadable and then once you struggle through it you realize it wasn't worth reading.
  18. Wow, how the hell did these two teams end up in this game. The Bills must be eating their livers out.
  19. A good friend of mine is a longtime Bengals fan--as long suffering as us Bills fans--so my heart would like to see the Bengals win just for him. However, my head says the LA D-line is going to harass Burrow all day and he won't be able to create enough magic to overcome that. This reminds me a bit of the Raiders-Bucs Super Bowl at the end of the 2002 season, when people expected a close game. I had the feeling the Bucs would blow out the Raiders, and they did, 48-21
  20. Nope. Here it is: Make the playoffs. Win every playoff game.
  21. Maybe some of the fans on the Chiefs message board are trashy, but I lived in Lawrence KS and KC for ten years and the people there, and the fans, are salt of the earth types. Every team has its dirtbag fans, but I don't think the Chiefs fans are particularly offensive. Midwesterners are rather the contrary.
  22. On a spit, roasted over a slow fire.
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