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Dr. K

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Everything posted by Dr. K

  1. I just have a feeling that the Titans win this going away. I bet they are feeling disrespected big time. And I have a feeling that Henry will NOT be a big factor.
  2. This is my biggest concern as well. But often what happens is these games is not at all what we expect. It could turn on the defense's ability to handle the running game, for all I know.
  3. My most immediate question is how Dane Jackson will hold up against those KC perimeter receivers. He's been vulnerable to double moves among other things. If you compare the Bills D now to the Bills D in the game earlier this season, we were without Matt Milano then but had Tre'davious White. Now we're without White but have Milano back. If I had to choose, I'd rather have White than Milano. On the other hand, the Bills D in general has been playing well lately. It's going to be a toss-up, I think, with the weight on the offense to score whenever they have the ball, TDs instead of field goals, and not turn the ball over.
  4. It really was one of the most amazing interceptions I've ever seen. Just miraculous. I was sure it was a touchdown.
  5. Sean McDermott, Brian Daboll, and Josh Allen were stone cold killers last night. The whole team was. They were not going to let up.
  6. . . . for release from Sean McDermott's head. The long-time New England Patriots coach seeks refugee status in some more favorable state, citing cruel and inhumane treatment by the Buffalo Bills' headman. "I can't take it anymore," Belichick was quoted as saying. "I mean, it's too cold in there. We're down 40-10 in the fourth and the SOB fakes a run and throws for the end zone. I need to get out of here." Queried about where he might like to relocate to, Belichick suggested he might be more at home in the heads of Adam Gase or Jennifer Lawrence.
  7. This game made me very happy. After all the grief we have taken from the Pats over the last two decades, to see them ground into the turf was so soul satisfying that it's hard to express.
  8. I am in n o way shape or form a Pats sympathizer but from what I've seen he makes some pretty good throws, with anticipation and accuracy. His arm is nothing special but he seems pretty smart and relatively composed for a rookie. I know they are giving him game plans with training wheels on them, but I would not say that this point he can't become a good quarterback.
  9. I was very skeptical of McDermott and "the Process" but I am so glad to have been wrong. But I was against the Rex hire from the beginning, so any change was good.
  10. It's probably a judgment on my character, but mostly what I feel about this game is dread.
  11. For this guy to say Gronkowski's inability to face what he'd done was "a real and human moment" is disgusting.
  12. I am not so on board with what seems to be his resentment of younger people becoming coaches--at least I don't in principle think just because a person is young they can't be or don't deserve to be a head coach. On the other hand, I very much agree with what he says about successful coaching requiring skill at interpersonal interactions with the players. If you ignore the human interactions that are part of coaching, you can be brilliant at the theoretical aspects and still fail. To some degree a good coach must be a teacher, and teachers who completely disregard the interpersonal side of teaching are not likely to succeed long term.
  13. I don't know much about Antonio Brown but it seems he has problems much more serious than his football career. The man needs an intervention by people who care about him to save him from himself and to save those around him.
  14. I prefer it if they don't talk about the Bills at all. Let them spend their time puffing up the Chiefs and whoever else is the Flavor of the Month.
  15. Yes, of course. I want the Bills to win out and take the division, have at least one home playoff game. What surprised me was that, even if the Bills beat the Falcons, they could still completely miss the playoffs if those rather simple conditions I outlined came to pass.
  16. Here's another way to say it: IF... 1) the Chargers and the Ravens win out 2) the Patriots beat the Dolphins 3) the Colts and Bengals win at least one of their last two games. THEN: The Bills losing to the Jets puts them out of the playoffs 100% of the time, no matter if they beat the Falcons and no matter what else happens to any other teams in any other games. I hope that makes it clear.
  17. I'm sure that's exactly what I should have meant to say if I had meant to say what you think I should have said. How could I have been so purblind?
  18. I have forgotten more math than you have ever known. I have a ***** degree in physics, troll.
  19. The phrase you quote is preceded by "there are several scenarios where ...", which makes the phrase you quote conditional. It's really classic for you to misquote me and then tell me I'm completely wrong. Don't be an ass.
  20. For pity's sake, the first condition I name is, "The Ravens and Chargers have to win both of their remaining games." Nobody can read anymore. I taught English for more than forty years. Why did I bother?
  21. You didn't read what I wrote. This scenario depends on the Ravens and Chargers both winning out. If they don't, the Bills are guaranteed the playoffs.
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