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Saint Doug

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Everything posted by Saint Doug

  1. I actually saw White leaving Target yesterday with a shopping cart full of Pokémon boxes.
  2. I don’t know about the others, but Cam probably feels sick from watching Jefferson’s highlight re-runs. I certainly do.
  3. This isn’t a Super Bowl team. Maybe next year once all injuries are worked out.
  4. I would destroy Tona Brady. It’s ok. This is a Safe Zone.
  5. This. Super Bowl contenders don’t go winless in their division. This is inexcusable.
  6. Definitely deliberate. Would love for a 250 lb linebacker to not leap over him and just fall on him with his leg up like that. His groin and hamstring probably won’t feel so nice after a forced split.
  7. There’s no doubt that the NFL has a long history of hiring coaches will little experience or who may not be qualified. Some have plenty of experience and are just incompetent. Some succeed, but a lot fail. I guess the question becomes does this happen with black candidates. I’m not so sure and would want to view the data. I’m sure it’s out there. But, I’m certainly am going to outright dismiss race as a factor just because I don’t feel like talking about racism.
  8. Getting a noninvasive lobotomy twice in a single week will do that to you.
  9. I would like to say he hasn’t been the same since Week 10 of the 2020 season.
  10. I think this has to do with his cannon arm. I didn’t watch him in college, but did during his first couple years on the Bills. I think the difference between then and now is how hard he was throwing the ball. It used to do 1000 mph, no matter where the player was on the field. I now see a QB moderating the strength of his throws when needed.
  11. The problem with the argument is that even players on the same team take touches away from each other. A throw to Knox is one less throw to Diggs. We tolerate this because it doesn’t really matter who is touching the ball to move chains or scoring TDs. We just care that someone does. So, if CMC comes in and produces at a high level (not necessarily saying he would), it really wouldn’t matter as long as we’re scoring and winning.
  12. I was going to say that the time has passed to sell him high. However, we’ve seen some teams do some crazy/dumb things when it comes to QBs. Some will think “it’ll be different” on their team and maybe so. My guess is he gets something along the lines the Texans got for Watson and that was a crazy haul.
  13. Due to this very reason, it will mean very little even someone were to break this record now.
  14. You guys see that play where their QB “faked” confusion on a touchdown run? I’m not sold that was actually acting.
  15. Based on the NFL’s definition of “ataxia”, which btw is correct, Tua still wouldn’t have been pulled out of the Bills game. Per NFL, ataxia has to be secondary to a neurological problem, which everyone on the Dolphins denied and said the imbalance was due to a “back problem”. One thing can definitely learn, based on the response, is that Tua did indeed had a concussion. I’m not as concerned they didn’t examine his back. That was not their job, which was to determine if he had a concussion or not. Regardless of what was going on with his back, even if there was a positive exam finding, Tua still could’ve been diagnosed with a concussion. That is, I don’t think concussion is a diagnosis of exclusion.
  16. If Hyde is any indication, he didn’t like what he heard from his initial evaluation. I would imagine, he didn’t get good news.
  17. Iirc, the independent UNC does not make the decision whether a player can return to the game. That’s up to the team trainers. So, I don’t know exactly how he failed.
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