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Everything posted by KCNC

  1. You guys know TO was on the Cowgirls when the Nick Folk MNF meltdown/debacle occurred, right? Not sure if that is good or bad.
  2. I actually think they will go back to McKenzie and not trust the rookie. If rookie in there, you can bet BB will have his guys ripping at arms (ala McKelvin - the memory pains me)
  3. NE is going to try and pound the ball on the ground. If Bills can get a big early lead hopefully they would have to rely on Meh Jones to throw more which is what they want.
  4. Dont think he as good in pass pro might have kept him off the field. But I agree he needs more touches for sure.
  5. Running back by committee is not cutting it!
  6. Dude balled out yesterday. I like him.
  7. Jests 24 Bilz 21 I have the same bad feeling that I had about last week's game.
  8. I get it. I paid a ton for tickets to see Jax game and was so psyched and then to witness one of the most poorly played and officiated games I have ever seen was a true downer. The drive home to NC sucked. But we can't/won't give up on your team! Cheer up, bucko!
  9. Maye being out has to help the Bills, right?
  10. I was there too. Within the first 5 minutes, two penalties had to be corrected since on the wrong team. I knew right then it was going to be a long day. Bills seemed to have no fire, no desire and it showed. Due to penalties and ineptitude on each team the game was almost unwatchable. Worst game I have witnessed in person.
  11. Sorry to hear that. Liked the dude a lot while on the Bills but certainly seems to be injured a lot.
  12. My wife and I will be there. Section 137
  13. Together - have to keep each other calm, especially if we play like we did first half yesterday.🤭
  14. you know mcdermott, all about routine...
  15. Getting a big lead early would make me feel better.
  16. I want Tannehill - in Buffalo - in January. I really want that.
  17. Any more word on AJ Brown? I think they gave him an illness designation on Saturday.
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