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Everything posted by mushypeaches

  1. They are not getting rid of Clay. He's still a very good player and just what this offense needs. At this point, we should NOT be looking to get rid of receiving talent
  2. Ummm... I'm not sure I would ever characterize him that way. He wasn't Earl Campbell or OJ Simpson and straight-ahead was absolutely not the way he got the majority of those tough extra yards. Not all the way on the other end of the spectrum like a Barry Sanders, but you get the point.
  3. There is no way that Chris Ivory will be our starting RB. They'll scan the waiver wire, look for FA's, try out rookies - whatever. But 250 carries for Ivory is just not gonna happen...
  4. Nope - Ferguson was barely adequate enough for the era that he played in. Allen either needs to be much more (so that we finally have a QB worthy of a second contract) or much less (so that we QUICKLY know that we drafted a dud and can move on)
  5. Couldn't disagree more. The circumstances of the team have little correlation to McDermott's approach to game day management. Yes, there are factors that would lean toward a more conservative approach, which you've noted, but I don't think the team's success in 2017 had much to do with McDermott's game management, and in many cases, they had success DESPITE some very questionable and probably overly conservative in-game decisions. Bill Belichick has won 5 SB's. Does he get the benefit of the doubt for benching Malcolm Butler in the last one, even though that possibly cost his team the game? He does not. My point is that McDermott has a lot to improve upon in this area and it will be a big factor in whether he can build a perennial playoff contender or whether we just saw his ceiling as a coach.
  6. Can you elaborate on your remark? I don't think it's wrong to ask if our current coach has the ability to be more aggressive with his approach to game management
  7. I think that overall, we are pretty pleased with Sean McDermott's performance over the past year. He's proven to be disciplined, organized, good with players, media, and team personnel. No one can question that reaching the playoffs in 2017 was an amazing accomplishment, due in no small part to his leadership and actual competence as a head coach (which we almost forgot what that looked like). But I never felt last year that he was that great at in-game management. Yes, he had the team prepared most weeks - the game plans were well-structured, the players & coaches knew what they were doing, and it largely manifested on the field with fewer mistakes & turnovers, players were in the right spots, and the team at least looked better on a week-to-week basis, some stinker performances notwithstanding. Having said all of these things, I don't yet see Sean McDermott as any more than an adequate game-day coach. I see this most in the area of aggressiveness - going for it on 4th down, risky play calls & gadgets, in-game adjustments, clock management. Too often, it felt like we were playing not to lose, instead of aggressively getting after it - dictating the flow of play, forcing the action, and making the other team prepare and respond to what we are doing, instead of the other way around. Don't get me wrong, I like the overall direction of the team, but I want my coach to be more like a Sean Payton - Mike Tomlin - Bruce Arians. Guys who aren't afraid to push the envelope and strategically try to play parts of the game differently. These guys are good at forcing their coordinators to be innovative, and enabling creativity within their teams. I'm not saying that everything they do is successful, but I like that they're on the AGGRESSIVE end of the spectrum. I know that our last buffoon of a head coach was aggressive, but I'm not including him in this discussion. You also have to be intelligent and have a measure of self-control to qualify... What I'm afraid of is that when things come to a point or when we face adversity or a rough season, that McDermott becomes more of a Ron Rivera, or a Marvin Lewis, or a Jim Caldwell. These guys all were somewhat competent in their own way, but they were never going to out-coach the good/great coaches, the true innovators. Most of the time, they just rolled over, maybe because they didn't get enough "breaks" to win the game. The point is that I want McDermott to coach in a way that we make our own breaks, that we push the envelope, that we try new things and make other teams respond to us, instead of always having to be the reacting team. Can he take the next step? Can he overcome his basic conservative nature? Can he get the best of his coordinators and position coaches? That's what I'll be watching for in 2018, regardless of the other big factors (like a new QB, overall talent, etc)
  8. Good for her for at least being somewhat honest and transparent about the entire decision-making process - instead of parroting the endless cycle that we see in other cities of BS, graft, and outright lies between team owners, politicians, and the NFL. And it's not like this is exclusive to football, just the $$$ figures are the most exaggerated. I'd love to see her in the room with the Jerrah and the Ginger Hammer and telling her in a discreet, polite way to eff off and stay the hell out of trying to tell her and the family what's best for Buffalo
  9. This is all part of what all Bills fans should see as inevitable: New stadium - corporate, antiseptic, and built to price out the average Joe Six Pack Limited on-site tailgating The fan experience will be just like what you see in the big cities... Of course we really don't want that to happen, but we probably know that most of it will come true whether we want to or not. There is a happy medium to be found that cuts down on the truly reprehensible behavior while still maintaining all that makes the Bills' game-day experience unique.
  10. Let's keep this all in perspective. Yes, the WGR guys have lots of obvious deficiencies. But remember when they actually had driveling idiots like Chuck Dickerson hosting shows??
  11. Been on this board lurking since '99 - first time I've actually posted. This guy always brings a good perspective to balance out all of the nonsense. I'm skeptical of the picks, but love the overall strategy. Can't remember the last time we actually had one of those...
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