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Everything posted by H2o

  1. The Chiefs fan has been on here whinging about this one play for 7 hours.
  2. I honestly think that may have been part of the gameplan, to try and disrupt his throwing lanes. You saw the spotlight and heard Romo in the beginning talking about how Rudolph loves to throw those slants and crossing routes. A lot of times our guys just held up the blockers and looked to get a hand in the throwing lanes. There was pressure at times, mainly from Oliver or someone else in the middle. It made Rudolph have to double clutch and try to reset because someone was getting pushed into him.
  3. And Baker is playing the best football of his career. They still have Evans, Godwin, Otton, and White really came on this year at the RB position. They will be a tough out.
  4. I was happy with his performance. We were down to our 2nd and 3rd string CB's last night. Dionte Johnson is no slouch and Pickens has the talent to be one of the best WR's in this league. Kaiir held his own for a guy who probably didn't even get many practice reps this past week before the game. His INT turned out to be a 14 point swing. It was about to be 14-7, he gets the pick, and the ensuing drive ended up being the 52 yd TD run by Josh. 21-0. Huge play. I'm REALLY hoping we get Douglas and Johnson back this week. We are literally the walking wounded now. Even still, I am not overly worried if Elam has to see extended playing time this week. This team just feels like everyone is on a mission, all 53 and then some.
  5. Offense, the Shakir TD. Defense, the Elam INT in the endzone.
  6. Just wait until next week when Mahomes is our opposing QB. He will be insufferable again.
  7. Dang. I thought this was gonna be the Bills record for most fake slides leading to TD's
  8. Evans out here dropping TD's Eagles about to get smoked
  9. H2o

    Matt Araiza

    I would be fine with it if Martin is hurt.
  10. This is what I was talking about in the other thread, you know, about being the "annoying" fan of another team on someone else's message board.
  11. Huge dub!!! Let's go kick the Chiefs' teeth in now. Go Bills!!!
  12. Eh. This kind of reminds when that Bengals fan showed up around here last year. Some opposing fans are decent and not overly annoying. Others cross that line. I just don't try to get on other teams fan created message boards at all. I don't ever want to be "that" guy.
  13. I try to keep an even keel in life in general, and definitely when it comes to the Bills. My four years of HS were the four SB losses. Being around a bunch of teenagers during that time helps you to put sports in perspective. Never get too high. Never get too low. Now if we win the Bowl, I'll probably be as hype as I've ever been from age 12 until now. Today though, nervous excitement. Really hoping today isn't the last game until August. Go Bills!!!
  14. Hopefully the guys are pumped and we get Big Game Josh today. Let's go get this W. Go Bills!!!
  15. Nothing is going right for Cleveland now
  16. So much for the leaked, fixed Playoffs
  17. Schultz almost dropped that one too
  18. Stroud is that dude. Seeing everything today.
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