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Jon in Pasadena

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Everything posted by Jon in Pasadena

  1. Well, I left work to go get mine and saw him safely home, but I can't vouch for the rest.
  2. First day of the new school year, and my younger kid is trapped at elementary school because a bear wandered down out of the mountains and was cavorting around the perimeter of the campus. All the "walk-home" kids were made to wait in the cafeteria until someone showed up to get them. It's gonna be that kind of year.
  3. Follow W.C. Fields' budget: 1) Spend half on gambling, alcohol, and wild women. 2) Waste the other half. YouYour friend will be rich in life experience.
  4. I just learned how to say "Holy !@#$!" in Mandarin.
  5. Arguing with bills fans on DK Valentine's old BBoard; amber monochrome text, blinking cursor (block OR underscore, yay choices!), 9600 baud if you were lucky, no graphics. Man I tell ya, those were the days! /ducks
  6. Good lateral movement. Not sure if starting material, but probably will work in a pinch.
  7. Well... not necessarily. I have a mathematician friend who can barely balance his checkbook, but has proven like 10 major conjectures and won the Veblen prize in Geometry.
  8. Update: The ME has ruled that this was a suicide. Sad. http://www.stamfordadvocate.com/news/article/Medical-examiner-rules-Cos-Cob-railroad-death-a-6436349.php
  9. I'd forgotten about their Satanic pentagram logo. That was a nice touch.
  10. Du mußt herrschen und gewinnen, Oder dienen und verlieren, Leiden oder triumphieren, Amboß oder Hammer sein. I guess old JWvG was the anvil this time....
  11. Over 93,000 fans packed the Rose Bowl in Pasadena for Tuesday's friendly (FC Barca vs. LA Galaxy). http://www.lagalaxy.com/post/2015/07/21/la-galaxy-lose-fc-barcelona-2-1-sold-out-rose-bowl-stadium
  12. As the owner of a degree in Geophysics, I offer you my heartfelt condolences.
  13. Mexico was given their QF match by the refs. Ticos got jobbed.
  14. For a laugh, try changing the playback speed setting to 0.5
  15. Sexual misconduct involving vegetables is so last month. Next up: Actinide Series Elements (You know where to put Uranium!)
  16. Pretty sure her butt-chin is a tiny bit off-center.
  17. Me: "Oh really? That's very interesting." <yelling over my shoulder to my imaginary colleague: "Hey, is that drone hot yet? Yeah? How long until you can triangulate the signal? 90 seconds? OK...> Scammer: ? Me: "Oh sir, could you please stay on the line for another minute and a half? Thanks!" Scammer: <click>
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