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Jon in Pasadena

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Everything posted by Jon in Pasadena

  1. 5/5 But I've been writing pattern recognition programs for 20 years, so that's probably cheating.
  2. The "Not fully sad, but you will be soon" chick -- most definitely.. She got that Penelope Cruz thing goin' on.
  3. At work, a bunch of us were watching the game on a big-screen TV. Someone observed that the ESPN caption box ran out of room to display all the German goals on the Germany side of the box. I suggested they could just list the additional German goals on Brazil's side of the caption box, because Brazil certainly wasn't using it.
  4. Ann Coulter is a chick? For real? I would not have guessed that.
  5. Casillas is done like dinner. Although he did get mugged on one of those goals.
  6. If I had a nickel for every time I've read that in the last decade+ of futility I'd have ... pretty much all of the nickels.
  7. Never felt the urge to get close enough to check. Guy I knew at a previous job did though.
  8. Man, you'd love Santa Monica Boulevard.
  9. Since when is throwing wiffle-balls at each other from your knees considered to be batting practice? We used to call it "!@#$ing around."
  10. Our defense sucks! Doomed! Our offense sucks! Doomed!
  11. Except for the 'O', 'P', and 'T' that was a pretty fair imitation of e.e. cummings.
  12. But the 17 year old boys got multiple F's, so it's all good. Wait, what?
  13. A new kind of cheese that I just invented that needs to be aged 100 years before being eaten.
  14. The Bills have a pretty strong record over the last decade of drafting players that prevent touchdowns. Unfortunately, most of them are on Offense.
  15. Meat Loaf or Steaming Loaf ... decisions, decisions...
  16. I once released a friggin' huge garter snake in the mess hall at summer camp during the middle of lunch. Never heard so much screaming in my life.
  17. "It felt a hell of a lot bigger than that coming out!"
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