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Jon in Pasadena

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Everything posted by Jon in Pasadena

  1. I hear they totally fleeced some sad team in a deal to acquire that perennial all-pro linebacker Kelvin Sheppard....
  2. As someone who has had occasion to visit the country of Israel, I can assure you all that this result is completely bogus.
  3. Really? I could barely tell one season from the next in that place...
  4. Yuk it up now, but we'll see how good y'all are at eating hamburgers when you're 87-year old ladies.
  5. "I am mainly aiming my photographs at women, not men." Hope her aim is better with her Glock than it is with her Instagram...
  6. You were around when Wolfgang Amadeus went to his eternal rest? I always pictured you as only about half that old.
  7. She's not too good at spelling, so she was training to have a grip like a visa.
  8. Could be worse. You could be a tractor in Suffolk....
  9. In the photos I've seen, the two girls in the middle had * (asterisks) on their shirts. So technically, they didn't even spell out the dreaded "N" word. Maybe they're fans of Danish pixies. (Nisser). OK, probably not. But films like "The 40-Year old Virgin" have scenes where they scream the N-word about 20 times in 30 seconds. Rappers have 1000's of nasty lyrics using the word. But all that's cool because they're actors/musicians and make lots of money. Or because it's "Art", and their freedom of expression is more important than other people's. Or something.
  10. Article is missing the most important piece of information: What was the Pr0n he was watching that was so compelling it was worth dying for?
  11. Jefferson's Reserve is what I keep in my desk drawer for those days when we're doing a "final" project demo and our boss utters the dreaded words "You know what would be really badass...." And neat. Very, very neat.
  12. Yep. There's even a tall peasant/short peasant love/hate bromance comic relief duo. Lucas is a total hack, but at least he stole from the best. Btw, the scene in THF with an angry Toshiro Mifune, with his katana in hasso-gamae, chasing down some poor SOB on horseback at full gallop, is one of my all-time favorite moments in cinema.
  13. I agree with you that reducing practice time to the extent required by the last CBA has been counterproductive both to the safety of the players and to the quality of the product on the field. I disagree that if a better approach to teaching technique is found it shouldn't be taught (coached). The game evolves. I don't care about kill shots. I care about stopping the other team's offense, and winning.
  14. In a New York minute. As long as I'm holding a loaded arbolest.
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