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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. Who I think are legit pro bowlers so far this year: - Allen - Diggs - Knox - Morse - Star - Edwards - Milano - White - T. Johnson - Poyer - Hyde - Bass Not quite this year (or yet): - Dawkins (will need to be excellent the rest of the season) - Ed Oliver (moving in right direction but many excellent DT ahead of him) - Beasley (injuries, this could be the last legit year) Maybe in consideration next year: - McKenzie as punt returner. He seems to be progressing of late, but still middle of the pack in NFL returner. - Spencer Brown (fingers crossed) - I want to put Levi Wallace here but he may be as good as he'll ever be. - Gabe Davis (assuming expanded role) - Rosseau (though may take two more years to develop)
  2. If the Bills were going to go 4-3, they would have done that before paying Taron Johnson starter money. Just coincidently, I think this week AJ could play a bit more than normal to stop Jonathan Taylor. However, TJ is more than capable run defender.
  3. What’s in your cereal? I need some.
  4. There is Tony Romo, and then everyone else. If color commentators are discussing human interest stories, then they are not talking about the game on the field. Collinsworth as the ability to make almost everyone and every play "great" and somehow they overcame personal adversity. On the other hand, Romo could call a play before the team breaks the huddle, or explain what happened and why it's important.
  5. It's still amazing some fans don't see that Tremaine Edwards is an All-Pro caliber linebacker and AJ Klein is slightly above replacement. I think great to have AJ as a backup but come on . . .
  6. In Najee's defense, NFL overtime rules are stupid. I'd at least give each team the possibility of receiving the ball. If still tied after 10 minutes, go to the college overtime. However, overall, I would like to see the NFL adopt a modified college system. Instead of starting at the 25, it's the 50 yard line. The 50 probably means they need at least one first down to attempt a field goal, but most likely need 12-15 total yards for most kickers to have a chance.
  7. Y’all must be trolls. If not, we will enjoy when TE is again a pro bowler, is extended, and you lose your minds.
  8. If by now you don't know what Edmunds brings on every play there's little point to explain it.
  9. I'm OK with pick, it was just a good play by the DB. IMO, it was an aggressive, but not reckless, throw. On the other hand, the fumbles were simply careless.
  10. I think the Coaches deserve a game ball for getting the team right this week.
  11. I tried, I wanted to like it, but to me, it’s a formulaic soap opera on a ranch.
  12. More important than ever. Let’s not try to rationalize it.
  13. Ah, the "I didn't read it/see it, but it sucks" analysis. Well done.
  14. I will constantly make this appeal. Post the link but not the content. That's how the content ultimately dies (and it's unethical and should not be allowed on this site). So far, two posters have trashed Joe's analysis, commenting it's not worth buying. If they don't find the Athletics's content worthy, they should not have access it to it as well.
  15. You read it, so pay for it. That's just your opinion. If Joe's opinion is worthless then you wouldn't have taken the time to read his column on this thread. Just because you don't agree with Joe doesn't mean we should be posting his work for free.
  16. My weekly appeal for everyone to subscribe to the Athletic and your local paper - or they'll all be gone.
  17. My wife and I will there. Our third “Florida” game this year. Miami in September, last week in Buffalo and now Jax. Will stop by “Locals Bar” and just heard about Sidecar. For those familiar with Jacksonville. How is the traffic near A.P. Randolph? Will also take recommendations for dinner downtown or “south bank”. Go Bills.
  18. If he thinks Allen had a bad or "off" game, then I can live with Josh's performance.
  19. Flores just said that Tua is their QB. If a trade was close, I think even Flores would have been a bit more nuanced.
  20. I appreciate the effort but I really wonder if we can fairly analyze a player who is "off-screen" a lot. Personally, I'm a Edmunds-believer and think he had one of his best games. He was all over the place, affecting throwing lanes, taking up space and made positive contributions on many plays. Moreover, where you may see a "neutral" play, I more often see TE being the correct spot to make a contribution. While I'm apt to give TE the benefit of the doubt, I have no doubt his detractors will do the opposite. The way I see it, the defense actually played pretty well in the first half. The one big play was a killer but overall, they did well. The downside was the two long second half drives where the Titans just made at the better play. Still think the Bills can beat them three out of four.
  21. Oliver Connolly is very smart. There are a lot of good analysts out there, but few can communicate their ideas as well as Connolly.
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