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Everything posted by WotAGuy

  1. Fake news. Probably just said it was from the Raiders game, but I bet it’s from the Bills Monday Nighter a couple years prior. There’s no Raiders garb to be seen. Never believe the MSM.
  2. “Violent Sundays”. Pat Toomay wrote “On Any Given Sunday”
  3. Astro won’t know what to do with himself without camp. Will miss his daily reports.
  4. Check your warranty. It might be covered. 5 years isn’t much. Toyota covers 10 on theirs
  5. Because it’s Tom ***** Brady. I can’t believe we let him breathe the air the rest of us breathe. It’s a travesty.
  6. I wonder what the point was for revealing one team’s plan? Maybe to float it out there and gauge fan response? The issue they didn’t address is selecting which fans get to attend.
  7. “To prepare for a scenario in which fans are allowed into venues during the 2020 NFL campaign, the Miami Dolphins have developed strategies for how to host games at Hard Rock Stadium during the COVID-19 pandemic. While appearing on "Good Morning America" on Monday, Dolphins president and CEO Tom Garfinkel revealed mock-ups of new stadium entrance points that would help the team comply with social distance guidelines. "We would have times to come in for security at different gates so people would be separated out in terms of when they enter the stadium," Garfinkel said, according to ESPN's Cameron Wolfe. "We would exit the stadium much like a church environment where each row exits so people aren't filing out all at the same time in a herd."
  8. The best one is filing out row by row “like at church”. https://www.sun-sentinel.com/sports/miami-dolphins/fl-sp-dolphins-covid-19-tom-garfinkel-20200504-m7fasbfyvnfmfkq5wiszyomj24-story.html
  9. They are only open on Thursdays and Saturdays. It’s not always convenient to get there once a week. Even if it’s a few weeks old in a sealed container, compared to other options, it’s still “freshly” roasted to me. And having 5 pounds available means I’ll have it more than just on weekends as a special treat. Have been buying Starbucks Sumatra for years but the change is delicious.
  10. Freshly roasted, often same day, Ethiopian Sidamo from a local roaster. Going to be buying 5 pounds at a time when this 2 lb bag runs out.
  11. It’s just the chin strap blocking the 0 making it look like a 9
  12. I feel like you are just teasing us and not giving us the juice. We want the juice!!
  13. Im loving these acoustic shows music artists are putting on from home. I’m thinking there will be more remote concerts available and some company will figure out a way to monopolize it and ruin it.
  14. I think when he was in Tampa he made NFL Films highlights when he tried to soccer kick an errant snap and whiffed. That’s my memory of him.
  15. Just saw an article that Fauci says sports could continue in 2020 if no spectators and thorough testing of teams is done. "There's a way of doing that," the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases told Snapchat's Peter Hamby when asked about starting up sports again. "Nobody comes to the stadium. Put (teams) in big hotels wherever you want to play. Keep them very well surveilled. "... But have them tested, like every week," he added. "And make sure they don't wind up infecting each other or their family and just let them play the season out."
  16. We were at this game. When we got back to our van, we took a walk into the woods to take a leak. There were playing cards and papers lying all around, which we of course watered down. We got back in the van and headed home only to find out my sister’s purse had been stolen from where she had hidden it in the van. We decided to go back to the stadium lot to see if we could find any of her stuff that had been in her purse, especially her license. When we got back to the lot, we were searching a bit and my sister yelled “I found it. It’s here with that deck of cards I had in my wallet! Everything is soaking wet!” Ahhh. Those were the days!
  17. We have the same set up, about 200 feet into the woods. It’s awesome.
  18. Hank Bullough was the worst coach since Kay Stephenson. There hasn’t been a worse coach since Hank. May not ever be.
  19. If you ever find that game TELL ME! I have a lot of games too but that one may not exist. I was there and would love to see the broadcast. Such a fun game and a beautiful day to boot.
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