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Mark Vader

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Everything posted by Mark Vader

  1. Thank you, founding fathers. You may not have been perfect men, but your vision for the new home you wanted was extraordinary.
  2. That is a good opening scene. "Scream" may not have longevity, but it was a fun way of adding itself into the horror genre.
  3. I presume you are talking about the opening credits scenes to these movies? Because if you are I agree with both of you. "Se7en" with that creepy music, twisted film strip and seeing the grotesque images of what John Doe keeps with him. "2001: A Space Odyssey" having that powerful music and seeing the shot of the moon leading to the reveal of Earth and the Sun. Spectacular. Other great opening credits scenes I love are: "Watchmen", "Ed Wood" & "Edward Scissorhands".
  4. Agree with what already has been posted: "JAWS", "Star Wars", "Raiders of the Lost Ark" I would add, "Once Upon A Time in the West". Not just the opening scene, but the second scene as well. "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring".
  5. Your point is well made. I get what the executive producers are doing and I agree, someone definitely fell asleep at the wheel. They hired Lord & Miller, more likely due to the success that they had with "The Lego Movie". The same reason they tabbed Colin Trevorrow to direct Episode IX, after the enormous success of "Jurassic World". I understand that when it comes to a franchise there are guidelines that have to be maintained which will limit creative film making, yet there are ways that a director can add certain nuances without offending said guidelines. I believe Gareth Edwards succeeded with this in how "Rogue One" turned out. While it was not a "war movie" as people were saying it was initially, it did have a more serious tone to it than we're used to seeing in a Star Wars film. It's too bad that it had to end this way, with so much more filming to be shot. This is not like the situation with "Justice League", although apparently Joss Whedon was assisting with that film even before Zack Snyder left. I am confident that it will still work out. Although, when it comes to hiring, Kathleen Kennedy and her production members should spend more time looking for "yes men/women" instead of looking for creativity. Also, DC Tom, I share your frustration regarding Marcus Brody. Also, Obi-Wan's explanation in "Return of the Jedi", was BS.
  6. BUMP A reminder to all who want to have some summer fun with some Bills fans, our Picnic & BBQ will be at the end of this month. Sunday, July 30th. We have a designated area at the park reserved for us. It's called the "Blossom Valley" picnic area. We are getting plenty of interest from many Bills fans in and outside the area, and expect a great turnout. Hope to see you there.
  7. And yet as a rookie he made it to the Pro Bowl, even though he threw more interceptions than touchdowns that year. I also remember after that year, NFL Films made a documentary on the history of black quarterbacks. It was very good, and they even did a segment on Vince Young. One of the people in the documentary, who I believe was a former player, sorry I can't remember his name, said that Vince Young would be in the Hall of Fame.
  8. I agree with these comments. Yes I would like to see some touchdowns, especially by the first unit, but it more about seeing how prepared these players are.
  9. Before the Buccaneers came into existence, weren't the Saints considered the worst team ever in the NFL? I miss those uniforms too. I think they still wear them once a year.
  10. Say if the football had mattered for a couple of generations. Do you think it would be any different?
  11. That would be typical Davis family fashion. We won the Super Bowl for you Oakland! Now leave us the alone, we're going to Las Vegas! Thanks for the money, SUCKAAAAAAZ!!! You'll never get an NFL team again!
  12. Are these the same Disney execs who were concerned that "Rogue One" felt like too much of a " serious war movie", and didn't have the light heartedness feel you get from Star Wars. For crying out loud! Make up your damned minds! Otherwise leave the film making to the actual film makers!
  13. On the first article, I'm not surprised at how Kathleen Kennedy is. I wasn't that thrilled with her being given so much power on these projects to begin with. Too bad that Lord & Miller have been released from this project. You are correct, Deranged Rhino, this a clash between old school and new school. You bring in these up and coming directors, so let them do their thing. It's all about power. As for the second article, i think the writer of it is overreacting a bit. Just because "The Book of Henry" was a misfire, is no reason to fret about Colin Trevorrow. Then the writer brings up "Wonder Woman" and it's affect it's having on Hollywood. Which I find is very annoying. Don't get me wrong, "Wonder Woman" was a very good movie, but the overreaction to it is ridiculous. Calm down everybody. While I agree that Colin Trevorrow got the Episode IX gig, because of the success of "Jurassic World", I see that as a positive. Maybe he isn't as innovative or much of a visionary as Gareth Edwards & Rian Johnson are, but I see very little to be negative about him. Just relax and give him a chance.
  14. a) Without question. b) If only Moulds had consistency at the QB position. Sammy is exciting and can become very dominant, He just needs to stay healthy. c) Gailey had a good offensive mind. d) Because Lynch was/is an idiotic jerk. One more strike and he would have been suspended for an entire season. The Bills could not risk that chance. I also tend to wonder how much Lynch wanted to be in Buffalo. e) Listening to him was great.
  15. And just where is this private lot that you speak of?
  16. Yes, but some of the stadiums are really cracking down on it and taking away a lot of the fun.
  17. Instilling discipline is one thing, but being incompetent is another. I still want to know why Kraig Urbik was benched in favor of Cyril Richardson.
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