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Everything posted by Draconator

  1. If the NHL should continue the roll they're on, they could surprise a lot of "critics" (nee. John Clayton). Some major network would make a silly deal to get as many NHL games on as they can, then you may have a marketing war, which would be fun! As for the NFL, my belief is that they're slow to a major change like full-time officials. That line of thinking could be their downfall.
  2. Can the Ham Sandwich ketchup with the top level NFL Teams in a short amount of time? That's the big question.
  3. I think that with the impending release of HD DVD's, you could very well see these songs then. Not sure, but it wouldn't surprise me.
  4. BREAKING NEWS: PODIUM AT ONE BILLS DRIVE RESIGNS Orchard Park, NY. (P.U.) - The podium at One Bills Drive, has suddenly resigned it position. In a brief statement, the podium's agent, Drew Rosenhaus, said the following: "This Podium has been overworked in a short amount of time. My client deserves appropriate compensation for it's use. It's been in the spotlight three seperate times just this week, and it's had to endure the abuse of two men who's combined age is 372. The podium deserves fair compensation for the position it's been forced to endure. Obviously, the Bills are not willing to give the podium it's due, so we were left with no other choice." New Bills GM, Marv Levy, has declined to name any canadiates to replace the podium, but the leading canidate to replace the podium is Al Davis' walker. Other canidates mentioned are Katie Couric's booster seat, and Jesse Jackson's Soap Box. What could this mean???
  5. Marsha has Greg, Peter, and that little one with the pony tails around him. They are very talented, and they work well as a team. In reference to Vick, Marcus is his brother. Marsha has much better surroundings than Vick. Yet Vick might have been able to go Human Highlight Reel, and done something really, really good.
  6. Because I am a stubbron ass... Manning recognized the blitz, ran to his right. He was plain outrun. Take someone like McNabb (when healthy), Vick, et. al., they could have had the speed to outrun Porter, and improvised to a possible positive outcome. Again. I'm not saying that a more mobile QB (after reading Dax's posts, forget my first one), would have gotten away. A more mobile QB could have possibly outrun the blitz, and could have done something special.
  7. Wasn't Norwood's attempt 46 yards also? Makes Scotty look pretty good about now. Scott was only a yard or two (at best) wide. Vandejerkedit really shanked it.
  8. Bring back the "idiot kicker, getting all liquored up" quotes. [/joke]
  9. In all seriousness, you're probably right. My opinion is that a much mobile QB could, COULD, have maybe escaped the rush, and could have made something out of nothing.
  10. Is exactly the reason why you need a mobile QB.
  11. Doesn't this guy still own the Buffalo News? He could make a substantial to OBD, as a community good will gesture. Then we can do it!
  12. On second thought, Triumph the Insult Comic Dog. "The Miami Dolphins are a good, young team... FOR ME TO POOP ON!!!"
  13. Not that this will happen, but if Marv and Ralph want to bring the instant respectability this team needs... Mike Holmgrin
  14. Granted, his vaunted QB's haven't really produced that well in the NFL level. (Harrington, Boller), yet he would bring a ton of new ideas. He is also smart enough to figure out NFL defenses quickly, and is willing to adapt to new ideas. Having Cal win 8 games, with injuries and a very young group of players, was quite an impressive feat!
  15. I was at that game!!! Shields kicked ass!!! The HP Pavilion in San Jose has a horn that sounds like a fog horn. PacBell/SBC/ATT Park in San Francisco also has a fog horn thing when the Giants hit one of their 4 home runs/year without Barry Bonds.
  16. I would do her, as long as I can put a flag over her face, and say that I'm doing it for my country!
  17. The funny: Tony Bruno was on the Gary Radnich show on KNBR this morning. Bruno said that while watching the press conference this morning, that Ralph's forehead looked tighter than Michelle Wie. Bruno claimed Botox. It was very funny stuff. The bad: Ken Dito is a fill-in sports reporter for KGO AM. He focused in on the part of the news conference where Ralph blamed the media, and played a clip from that portion of the news conference. Ralph was clearing his throat during that portion. When the clip was over, Dito did a 5 second imitation of Ralph clearing his throat. Dito is known to be an ass, and this just further proves that point.
  18. Wrong. Arizona is playing in a fabulous new stadium next year, while the Bills are playing in a 30 year old plus stadium. No matter how many upgrades you do, it's still an old park.
  19. Dodgers' Secret Plan for L.A.: NFL Stadium, Upscale Complex Two team executives and prominent New York real estate developer made proposal to league officials. By Bill Shaikin, Times Staff Writer As the Dodgers stumbled through two months without a manager this fall, the organizational vision extended far beyond the diamond. They assigned the code name "Five Ton Gorilla" to a secret proposal to remake the landscape of sports in Los Angeles and the image of owner Frank McCourt, pitching the NFL on ditching the Coliseum for a new stadium in Chavez Ravine, and signing up with one of the nation's top real estate developers to create a retail and entertainment complex in the Dodger Stadium parking lot. In proposing McCourt acquire an NFL team, the Dodgers reportedly suggested the league wanted to move the Houston Texans to Los Angeles. "That statement has as much credibility as the idea of the Dodgers returning to Brooklyn," league spokesman Greg Aiello said Thursday. The NFL and the Dodgers confirmed this week the parties held two meetings this fall about the possibility of building a football stadium next to the complex. Both sides characterized the discussions as preliminary and, amid an outcry from Los Angeles civic leaders, said the talks had ceased unless and until the NFL failed to reach a deal with the Coliseum. Yet the Dodgers were serious enough to present a proposal that involved Larry Silverstein, a prominent New York real estate developer heading the rebuilding of the World Trade Center site. Silverstein joined two Dodger executives in meeting with NFL officials, and several sources said Thursday his firm could have built all but the football stadium in a project estimated at 1 million square feet. The suggestion about moving the Texans was one of several details reported Thursday by the Boston Herald, which said it obtained confidential Dodger memoranda in an anonymous mailing. Dodger spokeswoman Camille Johnston confirmed the authenticity of the documents but would not answer questions about any details. Among the details: The Dodgers proposed building a 65,000-seat football stadium — too small by NFL standards for a Super Bowl — for about $600 million, using revenues from naming rights, personal seat licenses and concession contracts so as to "effectively spend other peoples' cash" to finance construction. The NFL appeared receptive to McCourt's building a stadium on Dodger property but reluctant to grant him a team, according to an executive summary prepared by the Dodgers. "We indicated there was no desire to move forward with this project unless Frank would be in control of both the stadium and the team," the summary read. McCourt has long been concerned about his image within the community and last season hired Sitrick and Co., a public relations firm best known for crisis management. An internal memo claimed McCourt could bask in the "psychic benefits of being the guy that brought football to L.A.," and an advisor told McCourt the project would so wow the NFL that the proposal would be "largely a sales effort which we should achieve very easily." The memos also advised McCourt not to attend the NFL meetings — he did not — because "distance/deniability is not a bad thing" and warned he would face "heat" if the talks became public. Johnston called the memos "a summary of things discussed" and prepared for McCourt. "What's in the documents should not be put in the category of something endorsed by Frank McCourt," Johnston said. If McCourt has not endorsed those proposals, and if he supports the Coliseum, as he said in a statement Wednesday, why would he authorize Dodger executives to meet with the NFL twice about a possible football stadium on Dodger property? "Exploratory meetings were held to know what all the scenarios were" about the viability of the Coliseum and the possible alternative of Dodger Stadium, Johnston said. Because the Dodgers and the NFL agreed the focus would remain on the Coliseum, Johnston said, "Everything in those plans is moot." Johnston said the documents had been stolen and that the Dodgers plan to file a police report on Tuesday. The Dodgers discovered the theft three weeks ago, when a copy of the documents was returned to the team. The Dodgers did not file the report at that time, she said, but did initiate an investigation in an unsuccessful effort to solve the theft before the documents were widely distributed and publicized. Los Angeles Police Dept. Lt. Paul Vernon said the Dodgers have reported a "theft from the organization" and said detectives would meet with team officials after the relevant executives return from the holidays. The LAPD does not know what specific items were taken, he said. Times staff writers Sam Farmer and Richard Winton contributed to this report. P.S. - An article and headline in Friday's Sports section said New York real estate developer Larry Silverstein joined Dodger officials to propose to National Football League officials that an NFL team be put in a new stadium at Chavez Ravine in the Dodger Stadium parking lot. In fact, developer Larry Silverstein, the head of rebuilding at the World Trade Center site, is not involved in the Dodgers' proposals; a Boston lawyer named Larry Silverstein is, and he was at the meetings. Sources who said the New York developer could have built the retail and entertainment component of the Dodgers' broader proposal were unaware of the mistaken identity.
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