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Coach Tuesday

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Everything posted by Coach Tuesday

  1. Minshew is determined to make sure New England wins this game.
  2. Thanks for this. What’s frustrating to me about what you’re describing is that on both sides of the ball, for the most part (excepting Torrence, Kincaid, Dorian), these are players who have been playing in these schemes for quite awhile now. It seems like they are not practicing the right way. You’re describing post-snap execution errors not schematic issues. Are they simply not preparing enough?
  3. I will add this to the list of my world grievances.
  4. Agree with you for the most part wrt cover 2 attack but in the clips Erik showed, I was struck by the lack of man-beaters to attack the single high scenarios. Where are the crossers, etc., in those scenarios? If I’m an opposing DC I am playing man coverage against this offense.
  5. Dorsey calls individual plays but doesn’t set up a coherent strategy every week, unique to attacking the opponent. Allen has largely just accepted the coaches’ mandates to execute the plays that are called post-snap. McD delegates the offense to Dorsey except the occasional directives to run the ball more. Beane wildly overestimates the ability of his offensive personnel. Pegula just stays out of it which is probably for the best but there is no one setting a high standard of accountability within the organization. It’s all kind of depressing.
  6. Read was ok. Situational play call was terrible.
  7. Yep but also basically admitting he’s not part of the weekly offensive install which is shocking, especially for a game of that magnitude. What I think actually happened was that someone decided that the Bengals’ DC is too clever and prepared (aka a better coach) to run the same offensive concepts they ran the previous game so they tried to catch the Bengals off guard with a different set of concepts. They are morons.
  8. So are we at the point of the season already where @eball stops being a cheerleader and allows the rest of us to point out issues with the team? Christmas came early this year!
  9. If they lose at home on primetime TV to the Broncos, that might do it. I share your affection for Ben Johnson. This week will also be interesting because the Big 10 is going to be levying some kind of punishment on Michigan - perhaps it frees up Harbaugh, and perhaps he becomes Option A (and yes I’m aware he once fought Jim Kelly nobody cares anymore).
  10. I don’t trust Terry making decisions either. Look at what he has done to the Sabres. He cannot pick executives to save his life. But this is starting to seem inevitable - this regime is backsliding and McD seems to be out of answers for it.
  11. He also has got it in his head that he needs to make the line to gain after weeks of getting stopped short and so he started diving for the extra yard last night, as soon as he did it the first time I thought "Oh no, he's going to fumble or get hurt" and then sure enough the second time he did it the ball came out. But at least he's trying.
  12. I honestly believe that Doug freakin’ Peterson would win a Super Bowl with Josh. (wasn’t sure where else to put that thought)
  13. Literally has not worked a single time - at this point it’s like they’re trying to justify a terrible investment in an overpaid punt catcher.
  14. He looks like late-stage Big Ben out there trying to figure things out amid a collapsing pocket.
  15. He is trying to figure out how to pick the lock on the fly post-snap. He is not doing the work leading up to the games and pre-snap so he has to find solutions during live fire. It may be generational - perhaps after 13 Seconds he decided he wasn’t getting the immediate result so why bother.
  16. Josh saying post game that he’s “just running the plays that were called” is mind-blowing to me. This is HIS offense. HIS offensive coordinator. He’s in Year Six of this offense basically. Is he not part of the weekly install? Wtf is going on there?
  17. They can’t and shouldn’t move on from Allen though. He’s a unicorn although he seems to be at or near his ceiling in terms of the work he’s willing to put in before the snap. So they need to elevate the situation around him. Their GM and possibly (but I’m not sure) head coach seem to overestimate Allen’s own willingness to work hard - they’ve done too little to help him get there. But the easiest solution is to put an adult in as playcaller. It won’t fix Allen but it may raise the weekly floor.
  18. That playcall in that situation just broke me. That was it for me with Dorsey and I will never change my mind.
  19. They did make plays. Can’t put the game on them. Defense did its job.
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