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Coach Tuesday

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Everything posted by Coach Tuesday

  1. Teams are playing cover 2 and then beating our tackles with wide rushes. I don’t think seven step drops are going to work.
  2. Their schemes seem stale. Other teams come in knowing exactly how they want to attack the Bills’ schemes every week, those other teams practice what they want to do, and then they execute. Can you really say the same about whatever is going on at OBD during the week? Does this look like a team that does sophisticated advanced scouting, practices details, watches film, then goes out and executes? Not to me. At this rate this team will be LUCKY to have the privilege of playing three road playoff games if they think they’re going to the Big Dance. Does this look like a team that can win ONE road playoff game? And if by some miracle they reach the Super Bowl, are you ready to match our coaches’ wits against the sideline bosses of San Francisco or Philadelphia? Again - the schemes are stale and the process is flawed. Sometimes you just need a reset. Ben Johnson would be my guy.
  3. They are gonna get bullied at home on Thursday night. They don’t put in the work during a regular week - can’t imagine how sloppy they’ll look on a short week.
  4. That looked an awful lot like Frazier’s defense…. 🤔 🤔 🤔
  5. Game over. No one was good in this game except maybe Cook.
  6. Knox is committing larceny against his employer.
  7. Allen is lost. The Process is failing him this year.
  8. I don’t think they practice right on offense. They’re just sleepwalking through the season.
  9. It's FIVE GAMES IN. Bernard has played exceptionally well but shouldn't we at least let him put together a whole season of games? We don't even know yet if he's durable enough to make it to the end of the year, his style of play is far more aggressive than his body type would suggest. Let's see if he can hold up, stay healthy and continue his production before we start crowing his a$$.
  10. Yeah I mean it sounds like Oliver has a stubbed toe, basically - he has a history of foot injuries that crop up just when he's starting to come on strong, and which tend to become excuses for his leveling-off or missing time. Now they're ruling him out for a divisional road game where they are already thin at the position, against a power-running team. Really he can't suit up at least as a rotational pass rush option? It just seems like it's a bit too easy for players to tap out under this regime.
  11. This might be the most injury-cautious coaching staff in the history of the NFL. I'm not saying I disagree with the approach but my goodness they've been a complete horse hospital under McD.
  12. It’s definitely something we need to decide right now, five games in.
  13. Too many bad things happen when the ball comes his way. Drops, fumbles, trips-and-falls, surprisingly uncontested interceptions. He is a black hole who sucks points out of the offense. His teammates and coaches love him but Beane had better be sober in his evaluation of that position. It’s a huge need. Lost in this daily insufferable “Is Davis a Number 2?” debate is the reality that if Diggs were to miss any time, the offense would fall off a cliff because Davis would be completely unable to step up and fill the void - one of the underrated aspects of being a true “number 2” receiver. But these daily Davis threads make me want to go take a number two.
  14. It is a full-on zombie apocalypse today at TSW.
  15. If McD is better off with a different kind of QB, it would just confirm to me that he's an idiot - but I'm asking the question regardless. I am not stating it as a fact. And the more interesting question, related to the OP, is whether McD is the right coach to get Allen a ring.
  16. Yeah I think a better question, which has really been coming into focus for me personally lately, is whether Allen/McDermott is the right QB/coach combination (for either of them). I don't know the answer but you rarely hear them (or the media) talk about how McD is the perfect coach for Josh. And sometimes it sure feels like McD was calmer with Tyrod back there doing his dink-and-dunk ball-control B.S. I'm not saying I have a view about this one way or the other, I don't - but it's a really interesting question. Would Allen be better off with a different kind of head coach? Would McDermott somehow be freed up to coach the team his way with a different kind of QB, maybe a "system" QB? I don't know, but I'm sure starting to wonder.
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