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Coach Tuesday

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Everything posted by Coach Tuesday

  1. Harty being a $5M inactive today while Sherfield ran the wrong routes multiple times was a HUGE indictment on Beane’s pro personnel skills.
  2. Romo knew it was an all-out blitz before the snap - Gabe didn’t. /thread /Gabe
  3. He’s got the weirdest hook angle kick I’ve ever seen. A competent ST coach might do wonders but I don’t expect that under Sean.
  4. McDermott is an insecure tightwad who vice-grips the clutch at key moments. His team is a reflection of him.
  5. “Winning DNA” is not something this team has. For whatever reason (probably several including a tight ass for a coach). Hyde and Poyer are completely washed, also. Done.
  6. Too often on special teams things happen TO the Bills instead of the opposite.
  7. Now I want a criminal investigation opened on these officials. I’m serious.
  8. I’m never one to distrust or blame the refs but… Today is different. Something is going on.
  9. Beane? This team isn’t fighting for its coach’s job, that much is clear so far today.
  10. This team just isn’t particularly focused or prepared week in and week out. Nor do they seem to be trying to save their coach’s job today, but there’s a lot of game left.
  11. I mean there is literally a term for this, where do you think Monday Morning Quarterbacking came from? 🤣🤣
  12. Two back surgeries in the last year, yes?
  13. Again: most of these teams are owned by family offices, which, if you’ve ever worked with them, you know how dysfunctional they are. Basically they’re inbred businesses. Totally backwards-thinking, reactionary, clueless, unaccountable. The type of business that puts out a slideshow with “preserve our lifestyle” as a stated goal, with a picture of a yacht. They’re all bad - it’s just a matter of degree.
  14. Yeah Davis made Johnson’s TD happen almost single-handedly. On the Cook TD, I thought Diggs easily could’ve been flagged.
  15. The Residents don’t suck but demand an amount of patience beyond what 99% of music listeners can provide. They are more expression than music. The Replacements either suck terribly or rock your earballs, depending on what night you got to see them. The Rembrandts - no opinion. They’re irrelevant. As for the Ruttles, I saw them once, not on purpose and never again. I would characterize them as “anthropological.” Did not enjoy.
  16. Holy CRAP that is what Rob Boras sounds like? THAT DUDE should be the one mic’d up every single week. Also, watching this, Knox needs to come back so that Kincaid can be moved farther away from the trash inside near the LOS. He’s too valuable to be doing so much dirty work, he’ll get rolled up on eventually. Gotta protect that asset.
  17. You refer to the motion as “window dressing” but from what I could tell, they were actually using the information they got from the defense as a result of it, which seemed to be an issue under Dorsey.
  18. https://theathletic.com/5066291/2023/11/22/nyheim-hines-sea-doo-accident-recovery-bills/?amp=1
  19. I see you’ve got family in town for the holidays. Good luck!
  20. It may be as simple as Allen needing to better understand the WHYs. Allen's generation doesn't like to work for the sake of working - they want to understand why they're being asked to do something. You need them to understand the goal and how the work relates to that goal in order to get their buy-in. Maybe Brady can do a better job explaining to Allen the various WHYs, why we need to study tendencies on film all week, why we need to take the dump-offs for the first few quarters until the safeties move up, why we are running specific plays at specific times etc. If Allen feels like he's "just running the plays that are called" and doesn't understand or believe in the WHYs, he's simply not going to be close to his best self. Just a theory.
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