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Everything posted by BillsFanForever19

  1. I was thinking the same exact thing. I don't see us cutting him. He provides decent veteran depth. Which only makes the Arthur Moats move that much more enfuriating to me. You have Andra Davis, Nick Barnett, Kelvin Sheppard, and Reggie Torbor at ILB. Beyond Shawne Merriman and Chris Kelsay, we have nothing. I could understand the move if Moats wasn't providing pass rush, but he was coming on as one of our best (or only, for that matter) pass rushers! I just don't get it.
  2. Langston Walker..... I have no idea where all this "Bring back Langston Walker!" love is coming from. I understand the guy kind of got a raw deal here. But I say "kind of" because the dude got signed to essentially the same contract that Tyson Clabo got and performed averagely on his best days at the RT spot. People seem to forget how much of a headache he was to all of us before he was wronged. As a matter of fact, i'd go so far as to say the money we poured into guys like him and Bennie Anderson were part of the reason we seem so hesitant to spend big money on the O-Line anymore. I really don't see Langston Walker providing much more to us than Erik Pears. Even if we were willing to go that route again; who in their right mind would even think this is close to a possibility? Why would he want to come back here? The only way I see that happening is that no one else wants him and in that sense; why would we? Shawn Andrews is on the same boat as the rest of them. He keeps getting injured. The Giants signed him less than a year ago and already cut him. Not to mention, he's a headcase. He's had serious mental issues that have helped to ruin his career. The guy was a stud in 2007 and has been an unfortunate disappointment ever since. I've already touched on Max Starks and i'm not even going to get into Herman Johnson (really?). Like i've said, i'm ALL about getting a RT. But there just isn't one worth investing in. Now THAT's a RT that would be worth going after! That's an upgrade right away. The way I see it, right now, a cap casualty is the only way we're getting a new Tackle. Vernon Carey would be an amazing pickup!
  3. I know not of this 'Matt Starks' you speak of. If you mean Max Starks; no thanks. First off, he's a Left Tackle. The Bills have made no indication that they would like to replace Demetrius Bell and while he is no stud, he's not bad and is getting better. The need is at Right Tackle. Secondly, he is reported to be tremendously out of shape (apparently, on the much northern end of 300 lbs). And, lastly, the dude was out a good percentage of last year with a NECK injury that he had to have surgery on and is still dealing with. There's no indication he's in any shape to play. He's in the same boat as Jared Gaither and Mike Williams healthwise. If he were in any position to play anywhere's near his past performance level, there's no way the Steelers would have let him go. We need a RT; no doubt about it. But at the moment, I see no upgrade over an Erik Pears with one year under his belt with the Buffalo coaches. The well is THAT dry.
  4. Debbie - We went after Clabo, but when prom day came, he went with the prettier girl. Unless you want to sign Jared Gaither after a failed physical with the Raiders, Ryan Harris who has done little to nothing since drafted by the Broncos, or bring back Big Mike Williams with a clot in his heart; tell me who we should sign? Worry not about Buffalo. Get to work on Dallas. Love - BillsMafia
  5. "How dare you Buddy Nix! Can't you see we have more pressing needs at LB and OT!" God, this is getting old people. Yeah, we have positions of need to fill. But if you haven't been paying attention; we've been linked to Tyson Clabo, Willie Colon, Stewart Bradley, and Kevin Burnett just off the top of my head. All of which are STILL FA's who are mulling over their options. So are we not allowed to sign any players until we sign an OT or a LB? Yes, let's do that. Let's mandate that Buddy Nix isn't allowed to sign anyone until we sign someone at those positions. Nevermind the fact that the holdup is most likely from those players camps. Let's just sign no one else that could help this team until then >_> We are ridiculously under the cap. We can afford to sign Brad Smith. We re-signed Drayton Florence (who I didn't think was going to come back) and signed Tyler Thigpen. Not to mention, we re-signed Shawne Merriman and George Wilson (who I REALLY didn't expect to be back) before Free Agency even started. Enough with the "we're not doing anything! we're doomed!" BS! Honestly, we've been more active then I expected us to be. We haven't been just sitting on our hands. This shitting on signings because they aren't LB's or OT's is maddening. It's obvious they ARE trying to get someone. And the waiver wire is going to be flying tonight. Perhaps there's others that they're targeting (like Nick Barnett). Relax. Patience. If they weren't trying to get the guys I listed, then there'd be reason to be upset. But holy flying spaghetti monster; CHILL OUT! /rant
  6. Honestly, I was thinking Seneca Wallace. A guy who has experience, but won't be viewed as a threat to Fitzpatrick's role as leader of this team. Someone that could step in and manage an offense if called upon. I think Gailey could probably do some good things with him as our backup.
  7. I certainly am not happy about Stevie's drop, but it certainly wasn't the only missed opportunity. The game should have been over on McKelvin's return. I don't know what the situation was that caused Moats to be there. But Leodis was gone and was only stopped because Moats didn't get out of the way. We literally cost ourselves a TD! To me, that was just as enfuriating as Stevie's drop. His drop was just icing on the cake for me. Not to mention, Lee's drop earlier. I guess i'm just saying, let's not place ALL the blame on Stevie. Let's see if the kid can bounce back before we overreact. This is a game we shouldn't have been at in the end, honestly.
  8. This is disgusting: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2010/writers/jeff_pearlman/11/05/merriman/
  9. First of all, I don't think you should get your hopes up about Brown playing and Brohm not. As it stands right now, we have Trent Edwards as our starter and Levi Brown as our 3rd string project. They stated throughout the game that Ryan Fitzpatrick would get the nod as our backup in Game 1 and Brohm would play as our backup in Game 2. It's possible that Brohm or Fitz could upend Edwards as the starter, with Edwards moving to backup. But if you're hoping that Levi Brown will be our starter this year, I hope you know you're setting yourself up for disappointment. Don't get me wrong, anything's possible in this wacky league. But when you take a QB in the 6th or 7th, they're there because they're projects. Maybe someday that QB will be the next Tom Brady. But even in that Cinderella scenario, it takes years of good coaching and development. Levi so far has shown some flashes of why he was drafted into the NFL. But more often than not, I've seen a 7th Round rookie. Especially with that throw that you mentioned. I don't know what you were watching but that pass looked like an irresponsible flyer that wasn't even close. Dangerous, even.
  10. Give him a break. The cat was just too busy being ripped on "deux deux deux's" and nailin' "leather" to be bothered with the moral aspects of this re-vote.
  11. From CJ Spiller's Twitter (http://www.twitter.com/lightning28) I wonder if he's talking about the same pic, and if so, is Spiller already reading TSW?!
  12. Who is nevergiveup? I signed on to here one day and everyone was taking his word as gospel.
  13. Actually, I do like Tim Tebow to the Bills. Call me crazy, but I feel like he's either going to be REALLY good or a bust. I think the reward is worth the risk, in my opinion. I'd be a little skeptical at 9, but in the bottom half of the 1st, i'd be cool with it. But let's not turn this into another Tebow thread
  14. Maybe my heads still a little fuzzy from yesterdays "holiday". Maybe i'm just being too sensitive. Maybe a little bit of both. But i'm starting to lose patience with the "Bills should pick (so and so)" or, more specifically, "The Bills BETTER NOT draft (so and so)". Look, everyone's got guys they like and guy's they don't. Some people are ridiculously "safe" with the guys they want (I.E. Bryan Bulaga or Trent Williams at 9) and some people are ridiculously "risky" (I.E. Tim Tebow at 9). But the bottom line is unless you're paying the millions of dollars out of YOUR pocket, who are you to say who the brass should or shouldn't pick? Personally, I feel that we can fix the lines all we want. But we've been trying our damndest to do it for years. I think the bigger problem is playmakers. We just don't have them. Ben Rapelisberger played behind one of the worst lines in the league last year, but he still got things done. I guarantee you, if we got some dynamic playmakers at key positions, everything would look better. But I digress from the point and the point is simply this, everybody's got their own opinion and no one's right or wrong. The Bills have their own ideas of what they want to do and what they think will fit with what they're trying to do. They might pick who you want and they might pick someone you don't. From there you can be happy or disappointed. But i'm flabergasted by people who say they'll "switch teams" or be "pissed" if they take someone except so and so or rips someone a new one for liking someone that another doesn't. Even if Buffalo took a twin pack of twinkies tomorrow, if you're a true fan, you deal. Find the good in the pick and STFU. There. Flame away.
  15. Dear lord, I remember wanting Flozell Adams in the 2nd Round the year we picked Sam Cowart. He was picked ONE pick before us. But think about that for a second. He was drafted the same year we drafted Sam friggin' Cowart. He's been in the trenches that long. And after all the Pro Bowls he's had with the Cowboys for the past 12 years, i'd say the fact that he was cut should speak volumes as to how much he has left in the tank.
  16. No, but he is big enough to play 3-4 OLB if (or more like 'when') Aaron Schobel retires.
  17. Like I said, I don't really think they would trade him. But they did say they were listening to offers for all 3 of their QB's.
  18. With Reid saying that he's "entertaining offers" on all of their QB's, I was wondering what you guys would think of a 1st for Kolb? Of course, this is kinda hypothetical because even though Reid said he's listening to all offers for all of their guys, I don't think anyone really expects the Eagles to trade their future away. However, you never know. Maybe Andy really does have a hard-on for Donovan and with the right offer, he'd get rid of the guy that's essentially forcing the McNabb trade talks? Maybe a top ten pick in a draft that's a month away would be too tempting to pass up? Such picks are almost never traded for players. And on the other side of the coin, he's looked damn good when called upon; but has he really proven he'd be worth such a trade?
  19. A 3/4 LB is more of a DE/LB tweener. Nic Harris is an oversized Safety, but an undersized LB. You're not going to put him on the inside and he's not big enough to be a pass rusher. Of course, there's always an exception to the rule, if you will. Maybe he's just a freak of nature in camp? Stranger things have happened.
  20. I don't know much about the guy's ability to play NFL QB under center. But I do know we are looking at him: http://www.buffalorumblings.com/2010/3/18/...b-jarrett-brown
  21. This is not a big deal to me. The only reason George Wilson was starting was because of Donte's injuries. Is he most likely a better Safety? Yes, he is. And he'll have training camp to prove it again and beat Donte out (if he can). But I don't remember getting the memo that George had officially supplanted Donte at any time. So, yeah, George Wilson is a backup. ..... at least for now
  22. Wait, he's owning it? And apologizing? ....... damn *puts down torch and pitchfork* Alright, i'll get down with the honest mistake, 'he's human' card and accept your apology. But I feel like we should only be allowed to post links. Everyone trying to get a "scoop" and be the first to post it is causing a lot of hair pulling.
  23. You might not be, but I am! In all seriousness, i'm getting really tired of logging on to this site and getting excited over made up things. The media may be busy with NCAA, but a Joey Porter visit would get some priority.
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