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Bob Jones

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Everything posted by Bob Jones

  1. I thought Nantz retired? I was hoping for that, anyways. LOL
  2. WTH is "Peacock" for the Dec. 23 night game at the Chargers?!
  3. LMAO...actually, it IS past my bedtime, as I have to wake up at 5:30a every morning, but I'll take a late afternoon nap and load up on the caffeine to stay awake til 11:30 p, same thing I did last year about 4-5 times! I also agree that it *should* be a great opener. This nonsense about Rogers and his receivers not being in sync is just that...nonsense. I have no doubt that the Jets receivers will have no problem catching balls that are "right on the money." Bills D needs to be TOTALLY different than they showed at the end of last year, or else AR will put up 35+ points on them.
  4. Ill answer for the OP: Yes and yes. I dare say that 99% of ALL social media posts are done for the reasons you cite above. Bragging and being an egomaniac are two more reasons.
  5. Nancy boy. And no socks?! C'mon man. 🤪
  6. So Highmark/Ariza Stadium is getting a temporary roof (with rafters) to hold us over until the new domed stadium is completed? 🤔 Sounds good to me!
  7. Nice crib. Pool is a little smallish for my tastes though. 😉
  8. LOL indeed. ONE significant injury in 2017 would have meant that his draft capital would have fallen off the charts. So NOTHING was guaranteed at that point. He could have gone back to working on the family farm. In any case, if rumors are true, SHE may have dumped him for his cheating ways. Maybe we'll find out someday....maybe not.
  9. LMAO. He's still in his 20s, right? So just another athlete/actor/entertainer dumping the woman who was with him through the "lean years", and then undoubtedly off to find a new "trophy wife?" Usually, the latter scenario happens later in life, and also calls for a younger, more "affectionate" woman, but that can't be true in this case, can it? Again, none of the details are really known, so we're all just speculating here, but like I said above, IF the rumors are true, a lot of people are certainly going to lose a lot of respect for him (especially women), whether you believe it or not.
  10. I don’t drink beer and have no idea who Edith is, but whatever. 😉
  11. Is this a serious post? First off, for all intents and purposes they were living like a married couple for what, 6+ years? JA is lucky they're not in a state that recognizes "commom law" marriage, or he would surely be on the hook for millions of $$$ (paid to her). Secondly, I'd say it's a HUGE moral disappointment, IF the rumors of him cheating are true. How do you do that to your long time partner, and at such a young age? Is loyalty and commitment not a thing anymore? And if he did indeed get some girl pregnant, it's even worse, as that shows a real lack of common sense/intelligence.
  12. Re the appearance by JA17 at the Kentucky Derby. If he showed up there without Brittany then I guess it's really over. That's definitely an event where you'd bring your female SO so she could show off her attire, especially her hat. We still haven't heard anything "official" though from the principal players.
  13. I had no idea that Kim/Terry's last name was pronounced "Pih-goo-la." Learn something new every day!
  14. Bob Jones

    RIP Jerry

    Don't forget about Wally George! LOL
  15. Well, I'm sure he will, with a quarter billion dollars getting deposited into his bank account over the next several years. As for her though.....
  16. Not everybody likes surprises. Whenever I watch some obscure movie on one of the free movie channels we get with our cable TV package, I almost always go online, find the wikipedia page for said movie, and read all about it. This usually lets me know if I should keep watching, or not waste my time, and turn the channel. Different strokes for different folks. This matter is sort of similar, but like others have said, it seems like no big deal if someone who apparently is multitasking by watching TV AND also surfing the internet and/or social media sites, finds out about a pick a minute or two before Goodell announces it. I mean, the second it "gets out", by any means, people can start discussing it at that point. Just sort of strange (to me) that anybody would compare opening a gift to hearing about an NFL draft pick. One is extremely personal, and the other thing, in the grand scheme of things, has absolutely ZERO effect on your life (unless you're a family member of a potential draftee, but I don't think anybody perusing this forum on draft night would fall in to this category).
  17. Everything I'm seeing says that YouTube's broadcasts this upcoming season are going to be delayed way more than over the air and DTV's signals are/ever were, so I guess Game day threads will be very interesting. LOL
  18. Seriously?! For folks like you, who need to be "surprised" by what you're watching on your TV, the EASY answer is to stay OFF of your phone/tablet/IPad....STAY OFF of the internet/social media and ONLY watch your TV. This is mind boggling, in that it's so, so easy for those who don't want to be "tipped!" What am I missing here?
  19. Like you, I was scratching my head when I first saw this thread. I thought by "tipping the pick", it meant that somebody would make a prediction for an upcoming pick, post it up in the main draft thread, and by sheer luck, they guessed right, and then I guess people in here would be upset because someone got it right? This thread / OP's initial post seems nonsensical, just as you so eloquently pointed out. 😉
  20. Seems like the owners always do. Example: Jerry Jones and the RB Ezekiel E.
  21. I'm with you. And since I'm pretty much at the "get off my lawn" stage of life, I don’t even like going to Bills backers bars, or relatives' houses with a mini party going on, and jumping up & down, yelling & screaming after a score, high fiving each other, listening to the shout song, and cheering. The last one there...cheering...never made any sense to me because you're not at the game, so the recipients of your cheering can't hear you...it's akin to getting loud by yelling & screaming (in a bar) while the Bills opponents are on offense...THEY CAN'T HEAR YOU in both cases! LOL I just wanna watch the game and enjoy the action in relative peace and quiet.
  22. Honestly, from my 40+ years experience of watching & following all the major pro sports, I'd say about 99% of pro athletes are greedy, and "in it for themselves." I mean, Bruce, Thurman, Joe Montana, et al, all pulled the same greedy moves at the end of their careers. It is what it is, and like I said, most of them do the same thing. You and I would probably do the same thing; greed is a powerful motivator. Ten years ago, did anybody think that pro athletes would be making $40+ million PER YEAR (and not even a whole year, really....per seven months). Their salaries sure have gone up (percentage wise) way more than just about everybody elses.
  23. Good post; you're spot on with this. I was amazed at how they were able to keep Kim's situation hidden for 7+ months, and the latter fits exactly to what you're describing here. And before anybody comes with their pitchforks yelling "that was a private matter", NO, not really, because she was a VERY public figure....the "face of the Bills" if you will...the President of a $Billion+ organization. I'm still scratching my head as to why they waited so long to get that news out.
  24. Nah, we have Xfinity/Comcast, and it's pretty good speed, but....my point was that in order to get good, clean video from YT (including NFL games) you must have a decent internet connection, so even though nowadays everybody already has a home-based wireless internet set up, you still should take at least part of that cost as the cost of you watching NFL games on YT.
  25. LMAO. It's not really getting "triggered." In this forum, Bills fans pretty much analyze anything and everything that has to do with the Bills. See the JA17 relationship thread. It’s just amusing to see somebody spew out nonsense time and again, and then it turns out that none of it is accurate. It’s laughable, and yes, it does seem like a distraction, and like someone else said, VM "crying wolf."
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