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Bob Jones

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Everything posted by Bob Jones

  1. If true, that would be really disappointing, and really, REALLY dumb on his part.
  2. One thing I don't see being discussed much in here is that to even get any YouTube videos (and be able to play them smoothly), you need to have a good internet connection. Sssoooo, when talking about getting NFL football on YT, in addition to the $$$ you pay to YT, you also should figure in what your internet provider costs are....no decent internet provider (good download speed) means no good NFL football. No internet provider at all means no NFL games on your TV. Sure you could try to watch them through "over the air" signals delivered to your phone or tablet....Good Luck with that!
  3. This makes some sense, but all indications point to the Bills getting absolutely destroyed by the Bengals that night. Their weak outings for the rest of the season reinforces the validity of the latter thought.
  4. So I will ask again, is this breakup of JA & his girlfriend confirmed, or just wild speculation by fans who have zero actual knowledge of anything beyond when is the next time they're going to be at the kiosk inside a McDonalds?
  5. So is this for real? I don't spend all day online, but I have seen some people post this up. Is it seriously over between them. From all indications, I assumed they were soul mates.
  6. Yep, and it's the same reason the Robbie family had to sell the Dolphins 30 years ago, as they had to pay a $47million tax bill.
  7. Hmmm....before DH, it had never happened to any other player in 100+ years of NFL football being played. And honestly, the hit that DH took to the chest was not really a "viscous hit." As others have said, the mental aspect of it will be huge. I can't imagine him playing without a little voice in the back of his head saying "be careful about taking a hard hit to the chest." We shall see though, I guess.
  8. The amount of money that these billionaire owners throw out there is truly mind boggling. Remember when we all thought it was crazy for an athlete to get paid $1 million per year to play a game for part of a year? Pepperidge Farms remembers. LOL
  9. Hmm....have you ever even watched the show, because it's Mr. HANEY? LOL
  10. You only get cahrged a fee if you want fast shipping for *free.* Not everybody is a Prime member. 😉
  11. Maybe, but not always. NY city TURNED AWAY a large Amazon project.
  12. I wonder if I'll still be able to get the Red Zone channel on our cable system (Xfinity/Comcast), like we have been getting for the past several years. I don't think I have paid extra for this, although I might have with some sort of "sports package" I pay a nominal fee for (less than $20).
  13. NFL owners may have a lot of money, but they sure make some dumb moves.
  14. Good points here. And how was Kim Pegula qualified to be President of the Buffalo Bills? Did she have any sports management experience before that, or was it strictly a nepotism appointment?
  15. Make long term payments so you can have the privilege to purchase tickets to watch multi millionaires play games. What a great time to be alive! Or, alternatively, there's a sucker born every minute! LOL
  16. Was perusing through some of the contracts & agreements & opinions for this deal, and I think I need a lawyer to look at some of them (there are 19 different documents at Erie county's website!) so they can tell me that the Bills are prohibited from moving out of Buffalo for at least 30 years. I'd sleep better at night. Thanks. And oh, just in case anybody was unsure if there’s going to be PSLs before you set foot in the new place, yes, there will be PSLs. Docs are at www3.erie.gov
  17. Nah. I've actually worked in broadcasting, early on as a radio dj, then later at a TV station as a video editor, so I know a little bit more about it than the average couch potato. 😉 Still though, $14 million on something that's not even 10 years old?! Sounds suspect to me.
  18. From the linked story: "The audio-visual room — one of the areas that will need work soon — is alone expected to cost $14 million, the report said." Say WHAT?!?!?! Would love to see an itemized list for that. Can't even imagine spending that amount on a redo of stuff/systems that were new not too long ago.
  19. Looks good. Silver lining is that it's stainless steel so it won't rust in the harsh Orchard Park winters! 😃
  20. In other news, water is wet and the sky is blue. 🙄😂
  21. Construction worker here. Theoretically, until the foundation is in the ground, anything & everything *could* be changed. Yes, it doesn’t seem likely here, but it's not impossible. Of course, as with most everything, it's all about the $$$.
  22. The very first thing AR addressed yesterday was all of the "reports" out there in the wind about his situation. And he stated that MANY of them were false. I believe him over anonymous sources. You know, that old "get it straight from the horse's mouth" paradigm. LOL I mean seriously, do you trust ANY of the myriad of talking head sports "experts" on anything?
  23. What does this even mean? He (Rodgers) clearly came out and stated that his intentions are to play for the Jets. Yes, it took a little while to get there, and I'm sure that McAfee wanted him to stretch it out even more, since he had just under a half million people watching on YouTube, but AR was pretty straightforward with his reasons why.
  24. By "winning season", I meant a playoff run, not going 9-8. 😉
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