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Bob Jones

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Everything posted by Bob Jones

  1. This is a ridiculous take. AR is not some green rookie, in fact, he's the complete and total opposite. I am quite certain that he'll have no problem dealing with the "tough big apple press corps." Btw, just because someone is rude, assertive, obnoxious, and persistent, that doesn’t make them "tough" (talking about NY media). LOL. And of course if he leads the Jets to a winning season, then even THEY will "love" him. Edit to add: By winning season, I mean a playoff run, NOT just going 9-8 or similar.
  2. Re your last sentence: what do you mean? To me, it sounds like a win, win, win for: AR, the Packers, and the Jets. And of course, the Jets will now be a serious contender to win the AFC East.
  3. What ever do you mean? AR seems to be very intelligent, and when people laughed at him for some things he said over the past 2 1/2 years, he's getting the last laugh now, as he was 100% correct.
  4. Not really. I think it comes down to owners being dumb, and having so much money that it just doesn’t matter. Plenty of pro athletes are just "average", and don't draw in loads of fans (like JA17 does), yet they still make many millions per year. I'm sure you've seen time and time again where some athlete is given a huge contract, then he turns out to be a dud. How does that happen? Owners are dumb...yes, they may have made big money in the business world, but that doesn’t mean they're smart. Baseball is the absolute worst as far as overpaying average (or worse) players. It truly blows my mind. LOL
  5. What blows my mind is that ANY athlete or entertainer makes more than $3 million per "year" (no athlete even works all year like us regular peasants). How we evolved to this point in our society is truly sad.
  6. 40+ years of going really fast and thankfully, none of my speed addicted friends have "bought the farm." And obviously, I'm still here. Lots of skill, and of course, some luck too, was involved. LMAO I mean, getting on a litre bike and going WOT (wide open throttle) up to 160-180 mph is about as exhilarating as life can get. Don't knock it until you try it! 😉 Of course you have to be VERY selective as to when and where you can even do that (if you're not at a sanctioned track).
  7. Try getting on a superbike, like an R1 or ZX-10 or GSXR-1000 and going WOT from 0 to 180mph in about 20 seconds. Now THAT is adrenaline rush! We always used to say that it was the most fun you could have with your clothes on. LOL Sadly, for me, it looks like those days are over, as at this moment, I'm bikeless. I do remember one night in the late 70s going back home to the southtowns after a Saturday night at Ohio St, hitting 130mph in my 69 Dodge Charger on the thruway (late at night, no cars in front of me for a good distance...didn’t "blow by" anybody). Took a little while to get it up there though, as that car was pretty much a heavy sled. Good times...😃
  8. I'm pretty sure it happened right near 1108 S Barnett Shoals Rd, in Athens. Only reason I know this specific address is that I read it in a news story, then google mapped it. You're right though as to it being a suburban road, 4 lanes with a middle turn lane. If you google maps this address, you can see the apt/condo building she ran in to.
  9. Still confused. Isn't the whole purpose of a restructure to pay them LESS money?
  10. You do realize that the Pegulas will likely end up only paying for about 10-15% of the cost, right? Also, they are so rich that they could have foot the bill for a dome and it would be like any of us spending $100 on a fancy meal. But they're hoarding their billions. 🙄
  11. Downtown Buffalo, on Ohio Street in the late 70s? LOL I was there. It was somewhat controlled, but years later when I was long gone from WNY, I read that somebody crashed, car got cut in half, and some spectators....which lined both sides of the one-way, 4-lane street....as well as people in the car died. I think the cops finally shut it down after that, but like I said, I was gone by then, so who knows? We never raced through suburban streets though....that would have been crazy! LOL
  12. Wow, I didn’t realize that. Knowing this now, it's crazy that the Jeep wasn't just able to absolutely run away from the tank/Expedition, unless he's just a young & unskilled driver (likely), or was just playing with the tank. Someone upthread mentioned taking responsibility....apparently he fled the scene and then came back to it 90 minutes later, and of course lied to the cops aboit his involvement in incident.
  13. To the OP: Just curious...how do you "restructure" a current player's exisiting contract if they don't want to, and just say (to the Bills' front office), "Nah, I'm good, dog."? Or are you saying if they aren't willing to restructure, just Cut them?
  14. And those ton of replacements could have certainly done a better job for the 13 second debacle last year. 😉
  15. Like a lot of folks in this thread, I also think the new place is "nothing special", and am also on the "they should be building a dome" bandwagon. LOL Sure, it'll be new, and anything new is usually cool, but it's akin to buying a new house built by KB Homes or Pulte. 🙄 The way that the Pegulas are getting everybody but them to pay for it is also astounding. Like someone already said in this thread, NY taxpayers are paying a ransom to keep the Bills in WNY. With the PSLs, when all is said & done, will the Pegulas be paying anything at all toward this new place?
  16. I think the Bills should apologize for tarnishing MA's good name, and make him a decent offer to come back. That would be the right thing to do. 😉
  17. Re the SB halftime show: It's illogical though. What percentage of Rihanna fans are diehard NFL fans? What percentage of Rihanna fans have a snowball's chance in hell of EVER becoming diehard NFL fans? Gotta think the percentages are very low, but I guess I may be wrong....I was once. 😂 Why not please your diehard fans?
  18. Businesses can just deny sale of their product to whoever they choose to?! And as long as the buyer is not in a "protected class" it's Ok? Sounds crazy, but maybe a lawyer could chime in. So I guess if the Bills denied someone out of WNY to buy a season tik, and they are in a protected class, they could sue them. I'd like to see that. LOL Also, just as an observation, seems that LOADS of local season ticket holders resell their tiks all the time.
  19. OK, that makes sense, but it still doesn't sound legal.
  20. Just googled it, and it directed me to a reddit forum (SafetyProfessionals), and the consensus there is that everybody was indeed using fall protection. Some guy stated that if you look closely, you can see the anchor points very near their ankles.
  21. Location discrimination....WTH?! Somebody help me out here with the Bills rationale for doing this. Is it even legal to discriminate in this manner?
  22. Didnt watch it. Were they not tied off, as in wearing a upper body harness and having a lanyard attached to that harness, and the other end of the lanyard attched to a secure point on the platform? Have seen some pics of the show, but not close up shots. Can't imagine that OSHA rules would have been ignored, but who knows, the NFL is pretty powerful.
  23. Its been pretty well documented now that for decades ALL of the halftime music/voices for the SB are prerecorded due to there not being enough time to set up AND do sound checks/equipment checks as is normally done before a regular concert. Google it.
  24. Its now been about 24 years since Irv retired. The "It's 11 o'clock, do you know where your children are?" will always be with me. God, I'm old. LOL
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