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Bob Jones

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Everything posted by Bob Jones

  1. Once again here we have proof that NFL owners may be super rich, but most of them are as dumb as a rock. This move was NOT needed, and really is mind boggling. There's absolutely no good reason to do this. Reminds me of the big contract given to Fitzpatrick years ago, mid season, after the Bills got off to a good start (5-1, I think). What happened for the rest of the year though? LOL
  2. To your 2nd point: I don’t have to wonder too long on that one. I'd bet the farm that they are royally p**sed at the PGA leadership for caving in and doing this merger. I assume that the PGA's lawyers told Monahan and crew that this was the least expensive way out for the PGA, as they were going to get taken to the cleaners in court. Going to be fun to see how all the golf talking heads...who were mostly all against the LIV...deal with this news. Bottom line is that Greg Norman and the LIV players are BIG winners here (as well as golf fans), while the PGA Tour got absolutely shellacked, embarrassed, etc.
  3. Seriously? People, by nature, are curious beings. Whenever ANYBODY dies, and people hear about it, the first thing most people wonder is “how did they die?” Same concept if somebody is unexpectedly hospitalized….”what’s wrong with them?” So, when public figures unexpectedly get sick and/or die, people who have come to know (and even love, sometimes) them, of course want to know “what happened?” Or in cases like this, “how is he doing?” Lots of people have a trait called empathy, and they care about other people, and they want to know if they’re hurt or suffering. Maybe they will want to render some assistance to the injured person (or to the family if the person is deceased)? It’s nowhere near “entitlement”; it’s all about CARING.
  4. Terry Pegula likes to spend money like a drunken sailor on shore leave in the Phillipines...
  5. I agree with you that the Sopranos was a good show, but OTOH, I so wanted Tony and his crew to get killed in a torturous way, EVERY TIME I watched the show, because they were heartless killers. Also agree with you on your second point.
  6. In this very thread, people have said this about this woman: she’s “talented and interesting”, she’s “gorgeous”, she’s “definitely beautiful”, she’s “hot”, and she’s a “smokeshow.” Did you reply to those posts, and ask those folks, “are you really doing this?” (Spoiler Alert : YOU DIDN’T) I have a different opinion, and expressed it, and you were triggered. WHY?
  7. Define "good looking." Where I sit, there's a LOT more women out there who are more hot, more sexy, and more good looking than this woman. But hey, maybe he's after her because she's "intelligent", and has a "good personality." ROTFLMAO 😂 I am curious as to how they even met though. 🤔
  8. LMAO. I grew up in the south towns, had paper routes delivering both the Courier-Express and the Buffalo Evening News, and have been a Bills fan since birth. I went to many games at Rich Stadium, and I moved away in 1978 to go to college, then the military, and have lived in many different states since then. Never ASSume anything, cuz, well, you know…. Also, having a different and/or unpopular opinion doesn’t make somebody a troll, just FYI.
  9. LOL indeed. Imagine wasting time by posting up to MY post. Why do you care what I post? You’re more than free to ignore this whole thread, but here you are, “caring” about what other people think. 🙄😂
  10. LMAO. Farm boy Josh really doesn’t seem like the type to be buying “designer” clothes, but I guess anything is possible. My point was that it was a Saturday night “date night” and he looks like a bum, even if it is an expensive T-shirt. A nice golf/polo shirt, or a buttoned shirt, or even a sport coat, would seem way more appropriate, but whatever.
  11. In that case, the Thomases are going to be raking in a LOT of dough after this sale.
  12. Tens of millions in the bank and he dresses like a high school kid. LOL
  13. Somebody can get rich off this if they're able to get a lot of this stuff "at a steal" and then turn around and sell it to sports collectors, although I surmise that loads of sports collectors will be there buying, so who knows. The authenticity of the stuff will never be in question though, as long as the buyer(s) saves those pictures from the auction house.
  14. I have the small one…think it’s 17 inches. I like it, but it is hard to keep clean. It stays outside, under a cover, but every time I use it, I have to work like a horse on derby day to get it clean. LOL
  15. LMAO. Not sure why you threw in that she has “21 million followers on social media…” There's hundreds of millions of brain dead, gullible dopes on this planet, so that stat means virtually nothing. McDonalds has served billions and billions of customers, for decades now. Does that mean they have the best burgers, Hawking?
  16. Their last post on twitter was 2 1/2 years ago and they have 32 followers. LOL What is this place? Talkingabout Casa Azul...
  17. Ha ha again. Umm, no, I'm not pretending. On twitter, you choose who to follow, so I can say with 100% certainty that this Hailee person has never appeared in my feed. Same sort of deal with FB; for the most part, you see only what you want to see. Plus I'm not on either of those services too often. And any/all ads for movies or anything else Hollywood related I scroll right on by. Rarely watch any "news" shows, certainly never watch any "awards" shows, so yeah, I know very little about current "popular culture." LOL
  18. Ha ha, yes, 60+. Have zero streaming services, have never watched any marvel movies or other similar current "super hero" or wild sci-fi movies. I haven't been to a movie theatre in 15+ years...just not worth it to me. I have an IPad, but have never watched anything on Apple TV, ever. True Grit is a John Wayne movie, no? Have no idea about "Pitch Perfect" movies, I assume those are about baseball? I do have a Facebook page and a twitter acct, but I mainly use those to peruse interesting info and to gain knowledge about things. Don't pay any attention whatsoever to Hollywood "stars".
  19. Yes, we don’t know the backstory, but what if JA was out there cheating on her? Should she just have accepted it? Of course the answer is Hell No, no matter what the financial disparity of the two. Can't even believe that in 2023 I have to write the latter. Was it OK for men to cheat on their homemaker wives in the 50s, 60s, 70s, and onward becuase they were the sole "breadwinner?" I mean for decades, most men "carried their wives" financially, right?
  20. Comparing this photo to the photos in the NY Post story just shows how women’s makeup can do *magic.* LOL Also, I have never heard of her until this story broke. Guess I need to start watching ET…is that show even still going? LOL
  21. Can’t really see what her body looks like in the linked story at the NY Post, but his old girlfriend was way prettier than this one. Maybe she has a “good personality?” Or has some other talents we don’t know about? LOL
  22. Imagine being Hopkins' agent right now. I can't even.....LOL
  23. So you drove the Edge for 9 years, then jumped to Jaguars?! How did that happen? 🤔😃
  24. Gilligan was not the sidekick...it was HIS show, named after HIM! The sidekick would have been the Skipper! LOL
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