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Everything posted by Nephilim17

  1. Free agent WRs are getting paid insanely. I suspect the team drafts, and fairly highly, a WR. I hope he has elite speed to stretch the field and good hands; size is a bonus but not necessary with elite speed. Safeties might be an option in free agency if the the staff likes someone younger than Poyer they think has upside.
  2. As a version of your theory, perhaps Josh forces throws against lower-ranked competition thinking — wrongly, a lot — that they're not good enough to defend those passes. Perhaps he makes smarter decisions against elite competition. Rather than simply making better throws. But that requires a ton of work to determine and I'm not the man for the job.
  3. Way back I thought Watt could challenge Bruce's sack record. But it requires an elite guy staying healthy for about two decades. I once thought Bruce's record was untouchable but with Gretzky's goal record in jeopardy it goes to show there's not such thing as a "safe" record any more.
  4. What's happened to Herbert? 21 TDs going into the 15th game of the season. He's the polar opposite of Josh and Josh's hero ball. Is ti scheme?
  5. If he's concussed, that's really sad. I hate the Phins but don't wish brain damage on any player. Any chance — and yes this sounds crazy, I know — that the post-game concussion protocol is damage control for the fans upset with Tua? It's easier to swallow if you know (or think) we was playing wobbly? I've heard enough crazy theories these past couple years so there's mine.
  6. Yes. And imagine losing 4 straight with Hill and Waddle on your team. If that happens, the QB, any QB, must shoulder at least some of the blame.
  7. I'm sorry but as much as I'm trying to root for the Dolphins, I can't! It burns!!!
  8. Mercedes Lewis! Yes! At this point, he should be Model T Lewis but I'll take it! [p.s. can a mod tell me when my posting restrictions are lifted? I can't find any explanation on this site but I have a limit when I'm cut off for reactions and replies and can't seem to start posts either.]
  9. As much as I hate Hill (POS human) I hate the Chiefs more, so yes, this could be good...
  10. Damn. I literally can't remember that last time the Bills got over 70 yards of YAC like Waddle just did. We need some speed in the receiver room next year (and no, McKenzie doesn't count).
  11. I'm really, really digging Cook but Jacobs breaks tackles and gives a little more thunder to the run game. But yes, it's a total luxury and not necessarily wise.
  12. Merry Christmas, everyone! My kids have gone to their mom's home for the day, I've gone to the liquor cabinet, and after I say hello to the friendly ladies of XHamster, I'll be watching NFL football by myself on this holiest of days! Living the divorced-dad dream. [If you've got a good woman, or man, don't mess it up, btw.]
  13. I've thought about this knowing it was a dream. We are too thin with resources to spend it on a superstar back. I think. But my, Jacobs and Cook would be a deadly backfield. And yes, it would make our offense very, very tough to stop. If we drafted a big-bodied WR with top-end speed plus a couple good O-lineman and signed Jacobs I would not be upset. In fact, it would be a season-long blue pill for my football-loving soul...
  14. If we can get 7-9 sacks a year from AJ that would be some good balance to the line. He was 54th overall, so I don't think people are expecting great things from him but some decent sack numbers and good run D will justify the pick somewhat. At the beginning of this year I told myself we need one guy from the top three defensive end picks to make the leap to very good. I think Rousseau is doing that. To have AJ be an 8-sack kind of player would be good too.
  15. 12 & 3. Everyone would've signed up for that in August. Pros from today: Obviously the run game but what's nice is that we have two good backs we can rely on. Cook is now a weapon both running and catching. Very nice to see we have a home-run back on the squad now and other teams will know and fear that. Run defense. We held the number one rushing attack to just 80 rushing yards and we held a thousand-yard rushing QB to just 11 yards. People complain a lot about bad rush D and yes, we have bad series here and there, but look at the final results and how can you not admire that. And with a six-man box too. No major injuries that I've heard of. For this team, this year, this point in the season, that's huge. A good McDermott challenge. That took points away from the Bears. Good to see and hopefully the start of a trend. We got more reps outside in brutal weather — that's good for us playing at home in January. We won with a crap Josh. Yes, against the Bears but we won decisively. Cons: Josh's decision making. He's lost about 30 IQ points compared with the early part of the season. He can get it back. And if he says the second pick was the wind, I'll have to believe him. He was crap and doesn't take the easy and short stuff the D is giving him but I don't think this will be a trend. It's good to learn hard lessons in victories right now. Didn't use Diggs enough. But that may be related to the point above. That said, we complain when we lean on Diggs, and today we won big without him. This may be an neutral point rather than a con. Go Bills! And Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah or any other celebration (happy weekend for the heathens) in your life. Be well and enjoy where we are at. 🍻
  16. Indeed. I value the Bears game as good practice for playing at home in January. And yes, great to see we can win with the run game and when Josh has a bad game. To win it all we need both the run game working and good Josh. It's possible.
  17. You could be right. But the chances of the Bears getting 15 points in a minute is next to nil. Cheifs, maybe; Bears, I don't think so. But if the old Pats did this to us you know there would be complaints about it.
  18. Some stat padding there. If I were the Bears I'd be pis$ed. But I'm a Bills fan so I'm feeling all right!
  19. Wouldn't a 100-yard game for both Motor and Cook be awesome?
  20. Congrats to Motor. That's a hell of a bad streak for no 100-yard rushers.
  21. That swing pass to Hines for a first down: we should have a handful of those every game. That's on Josh.
  22. Milano could get votes an a poll for MVP of the Bills thus far this season.
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